Dragon and Tiger Taoist

Chapter 340 Yin Juehun

"Are you wondering why I spent such a high price to pursue the so-called Tanhua Dan?"

Standing on the back of the white-scaled cold snake, Bai Yusheng's plain eyes seemed to see into Bai Xiujun's heart.

Hearing this, her heart palpitated, but Bai Xiujun still nodded. She did have doubts about this.

"Although Tanhua Dan is not cost-effective, it still has value, especially at this point in time, but this is not what I am really interested in."

Looking into the distance, a hint of melancholy appeared on Bai Yusheng's blurred face.

"It seems that there is only one step between the Yin God and the Yang God, but there is a natural chasm between them. I have wasted two hundred years on this step."

"Although Yao Boy from Yaowang Valley is average in terms of cultivation talent, he is really not weak in alchemy attainments, and is even more outstanding than his dead teacher."

"Although he did it very secretly this time, I know that thirty years ago he got a incomplete prescription of anode elixirs from the ruins. This elixir has a certain chance of helping monks take the step of being born from cataclysms and yangs." .”

"Over the years, he has been obsessed with the research of this incomplete elixir, hoping to create an elixir that can be truly refined and can help monks break through the Yangshen. The so-called Tanhua elixir is just this elixir. Just an accidental product of research.”

"The reason why Yaowang Valley released the Tanhua Pill is actually to let each family invest resources and complete the borrowed chicken to lay an egg. However, it is not certain whether the egg will be completed in the end and whose hands it will fall into."

As he spoke, Bai Yusheng's words brought a hint of smile.

On the side, Bai Xiujun listened silently, and suddenly realized in his heart that if it was to break through Yangshen, then everything would be normal.

"As people get older, they always talk more. Just listen."

After he stopped talking, Bai Yusheng sighed again, not knowing what he thought of.

Feeling Bai Yusheng's changing temperament, Bai Xiujun lowered his eyes and remained silent.

"Has the condition of that little girl Bai Zhining been confirmed?"

After sighing inexplicably, Bai Yusheng spoke again after an unknown amount of time.

Hearing this, Bai Xiujun nodded.

"Reporting to my ancestor, I have confirmed with the blood induction method that Bai Zhining is not in Longhu Mountain now, and her specific whereabouts are temporarily unknown."

As soon as these words came out, a cold aura suddenly enveloped the surroundings, making Bai Xiujun's mind feel like falling into an ice cave. At this moment, the black snake on Bai Yusheng's robe opened his eyes, and his eyes were blue, as if it could freeze people's hearts. .

"Find her as soon as possible. Compared to Yaowang Valley's Yangji Pill, Bai Tianfeng is the opportunity for me to make a real breakthrough."

The words were low. At this moment, Bai Yusheng's aura changed drastically. It was no longer peaceful, but filled with coldness, like a demonic snake that wanted to choose people and devour them.

"Yes, Ancestor, I will find Bai Zhining as soon as possible and bring her back."

Feeling such a cold gaze, her heart palpitated, and she didn't dare to hesitate. Bai Xiujun quickly gave her assurance.

Although she is a sixth-refined Yin Shen and plays an important role in the Bai family, in front of Bai Yusheng, she is still just a junior.

And she knew very well how much Bai Yusheng valued this matter, and even cooperated with ghosts for this. If it really happened because of her, she had no doubt that Bai Yusheng would eat her alive.

"Don't let me down, I can't wait too long."

"Yin Juehun, Yin Juehun, only by falling into true despair can the purest yang energy be produced."

As the words faded away, Bai Yusheng's figure disappeared, leaving only the biting coldness that lingered.

Looking at the direction Bai Yusheng left, Bai Xiujun fell into silence.

Yin Juehun is an extremely special cultivation qualification. The more desperate the owner is, the closer his essence will be to pure yin. In other words, the more miserable his experience is, the more he will gain and the more he will lose. The essence of his soul will be The changes will be more dramatic.

To a certain extent, this is a very powerful qualification. If the owner begins to practice and enters the Yin Shen realm, then as long as he meets the characteristics of this qualification, theoretically speaking, even if he acquires a With very poor evil spirits, one can successfully enter the realm of pure yin even without cultivating evil spirits, and becoming a strong person is just around the corner.

However, this kind of qualification often represents a lifetime of misfortune. The stronger you are, the more unfortunate you are. Bai Tianfeng is the most obvious example.

Born into the Bai family, although he was from a collateral line, he could have lived a good life, but just because of this qualification, he was deprived of the possibility of cultivating immortality.

When I was young, I was instilled with all kinds of beauty of cultivating immortals and saw all kinds of beautiful scenery of cultivating immortals. But later I was told that I didn’t have the qualifications to cultivate immortals. How sad this is.

He had no choice but to embark on martial arts. With the blessing of various "opportunities", he successfully reached the pinnacle of martial arts. At that time, he was very high-spirited and wanted to use martial arts to surpass the immortal way and prove himself, but what was waiting for him was Half a lifetime has been wasted, because martial arts has no way out, and how easy is it to open a path on your own? At least he doesn't have that talent.

Time is like a knife, cutting flesh and destroying bones. Half of his life wasted away all the edges and corners of Bai Tianfeng, turning him into a crazy person seeking immortality, so that he lost himself and even ruined the Bai family with his own hands.

At this point, Bai Tian Feng Yin's unique soul characteristics have been fully stimulated. Although the soul is weak, its essence has indeed reached pure yin.

Originally, it was only necessary to fuse ghosts, and then use external forces to polish the Yin Juehun of Tianfeng. With the pure Yin essence of Tianfeng and the natural combination of Yin and evil of ghosts, it is possible to go one step further in pure characters, reach the extreme, and give birth to the ultimate creation. A bit of pure yang energy, but what the Bai family didn't expect was that Bai Tianfeng still had the last trace of worry in his heart, so that the process could never be truly complete.

With this discovery, after careful investigation, they set their sights on Bai Zhining.

They knew about Bai Zhining's existence, but they didn't care about it, because Bai Zhining was just a mediocre person. Even if Bai Zhining became famous later and became quite famous, the same was true. She became a The Bai family couldn't help but now they had to pay attention to Bai Zhining.

But when they tried to find Bai Zhining again at this time, they found that Bai Zhining had disappeared, as if the world had evaporated, and there was no trace left.

The reason why Bai Xiujun came in person this time was to take this opportunity to explore Longhu Mountain and look for traces of Bai Zhining. Unfortunately, the result was disappointing to her.

"Where is it?"

The thoughts in my heart were turning, I suppressed all the distracting thoughts in my heart, and controlled the white-scaled cold snake, Bai Xiujun's figure disappeared.

The life span of a real person is 300 years. Every time he refines the spirit, his life span can be increased by twenty years. Even if he has life-extending spiritual objects, Bai Yusheng does not have much life-span, and there are even fewer life-extending spiritual objects that are suitable for him. He really time is limited.

In fact, there are signs of the change in the sky. It is not something that happened in the past twenty years. Bai Yusheng has been planning for decades for his breakthrough, and he even did not hesitate to cooperate with ghosts. How could she dare to be careless?

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