Dragon and Tiger Taoist

Chapter 344: Blind and blind

Quefu said, the atmosphere above Tongshui City was cold.

"You really want to stop me?"

Looking at Bai Xiyuan standing in front of him, a dangerous color flashed in Zhao Wuhuang's eyes.

Feeling the vague and dangerous energy coming from Zhao Wuhuang, Bai Xiyuan's heart tightened. Compared to Zhao Wuhuang, the sixth-refined Yin God, his second-refined Yin God was actually nothing. But even so, he still didn't back down.

"King Nan, I have sent a letter to my family about this matter. I hope you can think about it again."

Holding the snake staff in his hand and feeling the power it conveyed, Bai Xiyuan stabilized his body.

Hearing these words, half of his face was buried in the haze, a pair of fire wings spread out behind him, and Zhao Wuhuang's burly body burst out with real violence, like a ferocious beast that was about to lose control.

"I say it again, get out of my way!"

His eyes were burning with flames, his brows were shining, and dangerous energy was spreading freely. At this moment, Zhao Wuhuang had truly entered the demonized state.

"Zhao Wuhuang, you..."

His heart was chilling, and cold sweat fell unconsciously on his forehead. He felt Zhao Wuhuang's unbridled killing intent. At this moment, Bai Xiyuan was really panicked and couldn't help but take a step back. He felt that Zhao Wuhuang might suddenly become violent. Take action and kill him.

Taking a step back, his spirit was gone, and Bai Xiyuan unknowingly got out of the way. But at this moment, the coldness filled the air, and a dark vortex formed, and a white-scaled cold snake came out of it. Standing on it was an old woman. It is Bai Xiujun, the Sixth Refining Yin God.

"King Nan, why do you need to argue with a junior?"

With a smile on his face, his pure white eyes rolled, his gaze fell on Zhao Wuhuang, and Bai Xiujun smiled.

Originally, she was looking for traces of Bai Zhining, but unfortunately she never found anything. Bai Zhining seemed to have disappeared from the world. Under such circumstances, she could only send people to pay close attention, and then returned to the Bai family alone. After all, she stayed in the house for a long time. Quewei said that she would inevitably show traces and arouse unnecessary suspicion.

Although the Bai family ranks among the top three families and four sects, there are not many monks who have reached the sixth level of Yin Shen. There are only two in total. In addition, she has mastered the ability of Yin walking, which can make her move quickly over long distances. Shuttle, so after receiving Bai Xiyuan's message, she rushed over as quickly as possible.

Zhao Wuhuang frowned slightly when he saw Bai Xiujun suddenly appeared.

For Bai Xiyuan, who is in the second level of Yin Shen, he can overwhelm others with his power, but for Bai Xiujun, who is at the same level, he must show corresponding respect.

"You want to block me too? This has to make me doubt the intentions of your Bai family? Could it be that your Bai family really wants to protect ghosts?"

His words were still low, but when he spoke, Zhao Wuhuang's aggressive aura was somewhat restrained.

Hearing this, Bai Xiyuan's expression changed slightly, but Bai Xiujun's smile remained the same.

"King Nan is joking, how could my Bai family protect ghosts?"

"It's just that the Bai family is in charge of Quebelly Road. We are also responsible for the life and death of these two hundred thousand people. We can't be ruined just because of a ghost."

There was a hint of hoarseness in his words. Looking at Zhao Wuhuang, Bai Xiujun looked very sincere.

Hearing this, Zhao Wuhuang fell into silence. The same words had different effects from different people.

The Bai family is responsible for the life and death of these 200,000 people, and the Zhao family is even more responsible. If it weren't for the fact that this matter was really important, he would not be willing to do such a cruel thing.

As for the collusion between the Bai family and ghosts, he just said it casually. Human cultivators have always been on the opposite side of ghosts.

"King Nan should know that I have an eyeless demon. If you are willing to give me some time, I can try to find Ying Cry."

Looking at Zhao Wuhuang who fell into silence, Bai Xiujun added.

When he heard this, his eyes fell on Bai Xiujun's pure white eyes, and Zhao Wuhuang's heart moved slightly.

As the Yin God of the Bai family, Bai Xiujun is naturally very powerful. In addition to a white-scaled cold snake with six thousand years of cultivation, he also raised an eyeless demon. Although it seems to have no eyes, it can see despite appearances. To be honest, if she took action, it would not be impossible to find the ghost creature called Baby Crying among the vast crowd.

"How long do you need it?"

After his attitude relaxed, Zhao Wuhuang spoke.

As soon as these words came out, the almost frozen atmosphere in the venue suddenly began to melt, and Bai Xiujun's wrinkled face even spread into a smile.

"Half a month."

Bai Xiujun had already made up his mind and gave the answer.

Hearing this, Zhao Wuhuang shook his head.

"No, half a month is too long. I can feel that Baby's Cry is constantly eroding the Vermillion Bird Seal I left on it. Once there is no Vermillion Bird Seal mark, it is entirely possible for Baby Cry's ability to break through silently. Get out of the blockade of the Suzaku Divine Light Mirror."

Shockingly, Zhao Wuhuang was not satisfied with Bai Xiujun's answer.

Hearing this, the smile on his face disappeared and Bai Xiujun frowned.

"Ten days, I need at least ten days."

Looking directly at Zhao Wuhuang, Bai Xiujun told his bottom line.

Hearing this and feeling Bai Xiujun's sincerity, Zhao Wuhuang frowned and couldn't help but hesitate for a moment.

This time is theoretically enough, but it is very limited. If Yingwei has other means to speed up the erasure of Suzaku's mark, he will probably escape at the last moment.

Seeing Zhao Wuhuang who was hesitating, a dark light flashed in Bai Xiujun's eyes, and the power of Taoism, Eyeless and Eyeless was slowly operating.

And just when Zhao Wuhuang was shaken and was about to agree, Zhao Yishui, who had remained silent, suddenly spoke.

"King Nan, if you want to find the ghost as quickly as possible, I have a recommendation from someone who may be able to check and fill in the gaps for Zhenren Bai and speed up the process of locking the ghost."

As soon as these words came out, the originally wavering thoughts became firm again, and his eyes fell on Zhao Yishui. A trace of surprise flashed in Zhao Wuhuang's eyes, but Bai Xiujun's heart jumped suddenly.

"The Longhushan Sect advocates purity. His people mastered strange arts and could identify ghosts. He once killed more than a thousand ghosts in Pingyang County in one night, without missing a single one. The secret technique of ghost eyes now passed down in the dynasty was also created by him. .”

The words were low and Zhao Yishui spoke carefully.

Hearing such words, Zhao Wuhuang's rough face showed obvious interest, but soon his brows furrowed again.

"This Sect Leader Zhang has mastered some kind of teleportation technique. He once drove a river of blood across thousands of miles in a short period of time and killed the Heyumen. If he is willing to take action, he should be able to reach the Bird Belly Road quickly."

Knowing what Zhao Wuhuang was worried about, Zhao Yishui added that after all, the most lacking thing now was time, and Longhu Mountain was far away from the Bird Belly Road.

"In that case, let's ask Sect Leader Zhang to take action. As for the conditions, it's easy to say."

After getting a satisfactory answer, Zhao Wuhuang made a decision immediately. After speaking, he turned his attention to Bai Xiujun.

"What do you think of Master Bai?"

Hearing this, Bai Xiujun smiled and nodded.

"It would be great to have Sect Master Zhang help us."

There was no objection, and Bai Xiujun expressed her approval. In fact, it was meaningless whether she objected or not, because Zhao Wuhuang had already made a decision, and the power of Taoism and Eyeless Eyes could only be used as a guide and could not completely urge him. Move, otherwise it will definitely arouse Zhao Wuhuang's vigilance.

But at this time, without hesitation, Zhao Yishui immediately used some spiritual thoughts and turned into a butterfly and flew away.

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