Dragon and Tiger Taoist

Chapter 36 The Fairy Comes

At noon, the sun is just right.

On the road, a carriage rolled forward. Zhang Zhong was in charge of driving, and Zhang Xu was accompanying him on horseback.

Not long after, a small town with a wall no more than two feet high was already in sight.

Sensing the approach of the carriage, especially after seeing Zhang Xu in official uniform, the crowds on the road moved out of the way. Most of these people were well-dressed and poorly dressed. Even today, when the cold wind was howling, many of them were half-clothed. Their bodies were even covered with straw mats.

Opening the curtains and looking at such a scene, Zhang Chunyi frowned slightly and waved to Zhang Xu.

Seeing Zhang Chunyi's greeting, Zhang Xu, who was paying attention to driving away the refugees to avoid disturbing the immortal master, quickly rode over.

"How is this going?"

Pointing at the refugees, Zhang Chunyi spoke.

Hearing this, Zhang Xu sighed and gave the answer.

"Immortal Master, they are all poor people. The barbarians invaded, Shaoyang County was in chaos, and last year's winter was extremely long, which delayed the spring plowing. Many people had to flee."

While talking, Zhang Xu secretly glanced at Zhang Chunyi, and saw that his expression was as usual, and he breathed a sigh of relief. He was really afraid that these refugees would displease Immortal Master Zhang Chunyi.

Hearing this, Zhang Chunyi frowned even more tightly.

"Shaoyang County is really in chaos? The county government didn't take action?"

Judging from the current situation, the real situation in Shaoyang County is far more troublesome than he expected.

Although the Dali Dynasty has been in existence for five hundred years, there are still many dangers in the wild today. Wild beasts, monsters, and poison barriers can kill people. Under normal circumstances, no one is willing to travel in the wild unless absolutely necessary, let alone It is said that he has become a refugee.

Hearing this, Zhang Xu's expression froze and he didn't know what to say. He was just an ordinary catcher.

Seeing such a scene, Zhang Chunyi waved his hand, lowered the car curtain, and withdrew his gaze.

Seeing that Zhang Chunyi stopped asking questions, Zhang Xu breathed a sigh of relief and quickly continued to lead the way.

Going all the way, Changhe County arrived in a short time.

Compared with those seen on the road, there are more refugees here. A large and simple camp has been formed in the vast area, which can accommodate thousands of people. The officers and soldiers have set up checkpoints at the city gate to prevent the refugees from entering. Enter the city.

But at this time, refugees were surging like a wave at the city gate, blocking the road.

"Master Immortal, the eldest lady of the Bai family is giving porridge outside the city. I'm afraid we have to wait for a while before we can go in."

He squeezed out of the crowd with all his strength, held on to his hat that was about to slip off, and came to the carriage. Zhang Xu said breathlessly.

Although he was wearing official clothes, it was of no use at this time. Those refugees would not care whether you were an official or not because their eyes were red with hunger.

Hearing this, Zhang Chunyi stepped out of the carriage after taking a look at the surging crowd in front.

"No, leave this to Zhang Zhong, let's go to the city first."

Hong Yun's figure appeared beside Zhang Chunyi, and Zhang Chunyi spoke.

The next moment, clouds and mist emerged, and strong winds roared, taking Zhang Chunyi and Zhang Xu into the sky together.

Zhang Xu almost screamed out in fear, but after the shock, he had some confidence in the demon-eliminating task accepted by the immortal master Zhang Chunyi. Flying to the sky and escaping from the earth was a real immortal method.

"It's the Immortal Master."

Seeing the figure flying into the sky, some refugees exclaimed, and some even knelt on the ground and prostrated. For a while, the surging crowd showed signs of stagnating.

The porridge shed took this opportunity and breathed a sigh of relief, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and looked at the two blurry figures in the misty clouds. Bai Zhining's delicate face showed a trace of envy, but it quickly disappeared.

Although it is enviable to be an immortal cultivator flying in the clouds, living an ordinary life as an ordinary person is not a blessing. She is very satisfied with her current life.

"Don't be crowded, we have everything."

Seeing the crowd moving again, Bai Zhining took a breath and got busy again. With a bright smile on her face, she didn't feel hard at all.

In the city, there is the Xianlai Inn and the independent courtyard, where Zhang Chunyi settled.

Perhaps because he did not expect that Zhang Chunyi would take over the demon eradication order, the county government did not arrange accommodation in advance, and Changqing Temple did not have a direct property in the county.

On the contrary, Zhang Chunyi's nominal elder brother, Nie Changliang, had considerable influence in the county. The Yaowang Gang he founded monopolized 70% of the medicinal materials business in Changhe County, making him extremely wealthy.

Of course, a large part of the reason why Nie Changliang's Yaowang Gang has the current momentum is because Changqing Temple is its platform. In return, the Yaowang Gang will give a lot of offerings to Changqing Temple every year, including medicinal materials. Most of them are, and it is precisely because of this that there is no shortage of ordinary medicinal materials in Changqing Temple.

Knowing that the county government had not made any arrangements, Zhang Chunyi didn't care and directly asked for a small courtyard at the Xianlai Inn, the largest in the county.

Although Changhe County is not large, it is located on the bank of the Suilong River. It has developed waterways and many merchants coming and going. The inns in the city are not inferior to the county town in terms of luxury.

In the backyard of the county government office, County Magistrate Jia Sidao was quite surprised to learn that Zhang Chunyi had received the order to eliminate demons and had entered the city.

"Sir, that Zhang family member showed his ability to ride on clouds and fly into the sky when he entered the city. He is obviously a cultivator of immortals. Perhaps it is because of this that he accepted the order to eliminate demons."

Seeing Jia Sidao's gloomy expression, Sun Buzai said cautiously from the side.

After hearing this, after pondering for a long time, Jia Sidao sneered.

"Newborn calves are not afraid of tigers."

According to previous intelligence, Jia Sidao knew that even if Zhang Jiazi entered the immortal path, it would not be long before he could fly into the sky. It is more likely that the monster he refined was special. Immortal cultivators of this strength would really fight each other. They may not even be the opponents of some martial arts practitioners, let alone those who can deal with monsters.

"Didn't he want the dossier? Have someone send it to him."

His face returned to calmness, and Jia Sidao made a decision.

Upon hearing this, Sun Buzheng's expression suddenly changed.

"Sir, the Zhang family is now an immortal cultivator, and his weight is very different. If he is really involved in this demon elimination mission, the Pingyang Zhang family may not give up easily."

With urgent words, Sun Buzheng quickly advised.

Although it is said that Zhang Chunyi has inherited the foundation of Changqingguan and has been strictly separated from the Zhang family in Pingyang, how can the bloodline between the aristocratic families be cut off so easily? Not to mention that all aristocratic families generally view the immortal cultivators directly from their own bloodline relatively seriously.

Hearing this, Jia Sidao's expression did not change, and his face was full of calmness.

"No, you're wrong. I just wanted the Zhang family to retreat when he saw the difficulties. Even the county government and the Bai and You families would be hard-pressed to solve this evil disaster, let alone him, a new cultivator of immortality. .”

"Of course, if he really can't see the situation clearly and insists on diving in, then you can't blame me."

"Although the Zhang family in Pingyang is feared, this is Dali's world after all."

At this moment, Jia Sidao seemed to be a man who was not afraid of power.

Seeing Jia Sidao like this and understanding what Jia Sidao was thinking, Sun Buzheng bowed to the end.

"The students admire you for your high righteousness."

Families all over the world have their decline and prosperity, and as far as Sun Buzheng knows, the Zhang family in Pingyang has lost its momentum over the years. Although they are still among the wealthy families, they no longer have the capital to be unscrupulous.

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