Dragon and Tiger Taoist

Chapter 357 Han Cicada King

Wolong Peak, at the top of the peak, clouds and mist surge above Tianchi, forming a cloud platform.

As the graceful fox demons presented spiritual beast meat and various spiritual fruits, a rough but truly heroic dust-cleansing feast began.

Shrinking in size, Liu Er squatted unceremoniously on the main seat, while the other seven dragons sat below.

"Liulongjun, this is the monkey wine produced in Taomu Mountain. It is quite unique. You can try it."

With a smile on his face, King Qingjiao raised the wine glass in his hand, not caring at all about Liu Er's domineering behavior. After all, most real dragons are like this.

Hearing this, a pink dragon meandered over and poured a glass of wine for Liu Er himself. The wine was green in color and as solid as amber. It was not noticeable at first, but then the aroma became stronger and stronger, as if there were hundreds of fruits settling in it.

Smelling this aroma, Liu Er's spirit was shaken, and a light suddenly flashed in his dark golden eyes.

Feeling the fiery gaze cast by Liu Er, the pink dragon suddenly let out a chuckle, as crisp as a wind chime. In addition to the eight thousand-year-old giant dragons, there are also dozens of small dragons in the Eight Dragon Mansion. Although her bloodline is not The purest, but the most outstanding in appearance.

After taking a deep look at Liu Er, the pink dragon stretched out its slender tongue and wrapped it around the wine glass.

Seeing such a scene, the following dragons didn't pay too much attention, as if they were used to it.

Dragon nature is inherently lustful, and the same is true for dragons. Only one or two big dragons felt a pity, after all, they had not touched the pink dragon yet.

Ignoring Fenjiao's gesticulations, or rather having no concept at all, he stretched out his paws and held the wine glass with his six ears.

Seeing such a scene, the pink dragon's eyes were full of disbelief, and the faces of the other big dragons couldn't help showing a look of astonishment. Is this different from what they thought? Could it be that this real dragon dislikes the low bloodline of the pink dragon?

Wow, severe pain came. Without thinking too much, the pink dragon quickly retracted its tongue. It had a premonition that if it didn't retract it in time, the other party would really rip off its tongue.

“Good wine!”

After drinking a glass of wine, my heart feels cool and my ears feel happy.

"Come again!"

With that said, Liu Er handed over the wine glass in his hand again.

Hearing this, Fenjiao glanced at Liuer sadly, wondering what it felt like to drink like this, it didn't understand the style at all.


Although he felt sad in his heart, Fenjiao still took the jug from the fox demon's hand and personally poured another cup of monkey wine for Liu Er. Although this real dragon did not understand the amorous feelings, the aura of the real dragon on his body was fragrant. It is slightly intoxicated.

Seeing such a scene, the seven giant dragons in the Eight Dragon Mansion looked at each other in disbelief. Is this a real dragon that is not good at beauty and good wine?

"Come, let me toast Mr. Long again."

Suppressing the surprise in his heart, the Green Dragon King raised his wine glass again. No matter what, as long as Liu Er, the real dragon, was satisfied, it would be fine. However, it soon regretted it, because Liu Er drank cup after cup of monkey wine. It's like he doesn't drink enough.

Seeing such a scene, not only the Green Dragon King, but also the hearts of the other six dragons were bleeding.

This monkey wine is a specialty of Taomu Mountain. It has a grade as high as six. It can help them refine their bloodline and help their practice. It is the collection of the Black Dragon King. It is usually hard for them to drink it, and even one cup will make them sleep for several months. , only the Black Dragon King can drink three cups without getting drunk.

This time, the Green Dragon King took out the Black Dragon King's collection of monkey wine to entertain Liu Er, just because the real dragon's identity was indeed special, but what it didn't expect was that the real dragon could drink so much. In the blink of an eye, it was already drunk. After six drinks, he didn't appear drunk at all. Should he be called a real dragon?

"Long Jun, you come from the South China Sea, what do you want to do?"

With blood dripping from his heart and a smile on his face, the Green Dragon King quickly asked.

Hearing this, he suppressed the desire in his blood, remembered Zhang Chunyi's instructions, temporarily stopped drinking, and turned his attention to the Green Dragon King.

"I have grown up and am about to go out to open a mansion. I heard that there are many snakes in the mountains, so I am going to come over to take a look and recruit some family members. Are you willing to follow me?"

After speaking in a low voice and drinking heavily, Liu Er's eyes were a little distracted, but they still had a silent power.

Hearing Liu Er's words, the seven giant dragons had different expressions.

If this were said to other monsters, they would definitely rush forward and tear each other into pieces as soon as possible. What, with only five thousand years of cultivation, they want to recruit them as their subordinates?

But these words came from a real dragon, so they needed to think about it. After all, dragons naturally bowed down in front of real dragons.

"Hui Longjun, this matter is of great importance, and our eldest brother still needs to make a decision."

"And our Eight Dragons Mansion seems to occupy one side, but in fact it belongs to Cicada Valley and serves the Han Cicada Demon King."

"If you rashly surrender to the Dragon Lord, I'm afraid it will cause trouble for the Dragon Lord!"

Looking at each other and saying something to each other, King Qing Jiao and King Red Jiao politely rejected Liu Er's solicitation.

It is true that dragons have a natural fear of true dragons, and most dragons are willing to follow true dragons, but only if the true dragon is strong enough.

If the current Liu Er is a true dragon demon king, or they will bow to him without saying a word, but the reality is that Liu Er is just a true dragon with five thousand years of cultivation.

As a real dragon, there is no problem in letting them entertain them well. It would be better if they can establish a relationship with the Dragon Palace, but it is impossible to get them to surrender.

Moreover, my family knows their own affairs. The only person who can really make the decision in the Eight Dragons Mansion is their boss, the Black Dragon King. As a mutant, the Black Dragon King does not have as much respect for the real dragons as they do, and their life and death are in the hands of the Black Dragon King. , it is impossible to betray the Black Dragon King and join his master.

Upon hearing such remarks, Liu Er immediately let out a cold snort.

"Humph, when will your eldest brother come back? I want to see what it says."

As he spoke, he slapped his palm on the table, sweeping down the melons and fruits on the table. His dark golden eyes shot out divine light, sweeping in all directions. A powerful dragon's power spread from Liu Er's body, making all the dragons feel uncomfortable. , and taking this opportunity, coupled with previous observations, Liu Er has a complete view of the situation at Wolong Peak.

At the same time, in the Elephant Belly Space, after receiving feedback from Liu Er and combining it with the treasure map left by Chang Qingzi, Zhang Chunyi already had a general understanding of the overall situation of Wolong Peak.

"These dragons did discover Taoist Jiao's cave, but although they mastered the formation here, they did not make any changes. The key core is still exactly the same as what was recorded on the treasure map."

"I just don't know if they have mastered Taoist Jiao's inner palace. Maybe Liu Er can test it next."

At this moment, Zhang Chunyi had many thoughts in his mind, and the current situation could only be described as good or bad.

But at this moment, looking at Liu Er who suddenly became angry, King Qing Jiao spoke again.

"Lord Long, please calm down. My eldest brother is going to Cicada Valley for a banquet. It will take some time to come back."

"We, the wild dragons, do not have the Dragon Palace to rely on like the Dragon King. Many things are beyond our control. The real person in charge of this land is the Han Chan Demon King, so we... Sigh."

Before he finished speaking, with a sad look on his face, the Green Dragon King let out a sigh.

As soon as these words came out, the other dragons also complained one after another. For a while, they attributed all the problems to the Hanchan Demon King. It wasn't that they didn't want to serve the real dragon, but the situation really didn't allow it.

Although they are unwilling to take refuge in Liu Er, a true dragon with average strength, they do not want to offend him if possible.

After hearing this, Liu Er's anger began to slowly subside.

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