Dragon and Tiger Taoist

Chapter 545 Going to Qingyun

In the early morning, the flying boat was walking on the sea of ​​clouds, filled with blue light as clear as water, covering the sky.

"what is that?"

Sensing the vision, he walked towards the deck. Gongsun Lin vaguely saw a majestic palace, and something like a green sun was rising from there. In addition to their passing spiritual boat, there were many other buildings around it. All the immortal cultivators seemed to be waiting for this moment, and many of them had uncontrollable excitement on their faces. They were either riding in spirit boats, controlling monsters, or in groups, or standing alone.

"There are at least three thousand practitioners, and the cultivation level of each one is not weak."

Gongsun Lin glanced at them and knew what they were doing. Gongsun Lin couldn't believe it when he saw so many immortal cultivators at once.

The immortals in China are different. Most of the sects pursue elite policies and act in a low-key manner. She has never seen so many immortal cultivators gathered together.

"That is the Dao Palace of the Changsheng Taoist Alliance. In recent years, the Taoist League's study tours have become popular. Many people believe that immortal cultivators not only need to read thousands of volumes of Taoist canons, but also need to travel thousands of miles, and this is where many people who travel will definitely come. place."

"The most important thing is that the Qingyun List rotates every three years. Today happens to be the day for its public display. It records the most outstanding heroes of the Immortal Taoist Alliance."

The breeze blew, and Zhang Jingchu's figure quietly appeared on the deck.

"Qingyun list!"

Hearing this explanation and looking at the rising sun, Gongsun Lin was thoughtful. Regarding the Qingyun List, she had heard Zhang Jingchu tell it before. It was a list that recorded the young heroes of the Immortal Taoist League. It's just that she didn't expect that the so-called Qingyun List turned out to be like this.

"It seems real but not real, it seems imaginary but not imaginary. This is actually a magical power!"

There were stars in his eyes, and Gongsun Lin saw through some of the essence of Qingyun Bang. At this time, Hong Xiang, who was standing next to Gongsun Lin and whose reaction was a beat slow, spoke.

"So the people on this Qingyun list are all very powerful people? Senior Brother Zhang, are you also on this Qingyun list?"

Turning his gaze to Zhang Jingchu, Hong Xiang's dark face was full of honesty.

Hearing this, a smile appeared on Zhang Jingchu's face. At this moment, the sky was as blue as water, and a huge list was reflected in the sky, slowly unfolding.

"My cultivation level is still a little bit behind, I just barely made it onto the list."

Looking at the Qingyun Ranking hanging high in the sky, Zhang Jingchu spoke. Although he spoke very modestly, there was still a trace of deep self-satisfaction in his words.

With the continuous implementation of the Dao Palace system, ordinary people also have a way to seek immortality, so as not to miss the opportunity to cultivate immortality. In these years, the number of new immortal cultivators in the Elder Dao Alliance has increased year-on-year every year.

Nowadays, the Everlasting Taoist Alliance spans land and ocean and rules a vast area. Coupled with the revival of inspiration and frequent opportunities, the Everlasting Taoist Alliance has produced more talents in these years than in the past few hundred years combined.

The one hundred on the Qingyun Ranking may seem like a lot, but in reality they are very few. The first eighty on the current Qingyun Ranking are basically monks in the Divine Embryo Realm, and only in the last twenty are there likely to be Sanren who have locked the seven souls. Realm monk.

To a certain extent, as long as you can be on the Qingyun Ranking, it means that you have a good chance of becoming a real Yin Shen in the future.

Hearing this, Gongsun Lin and Hong Xiang cast their eyes at the unfolded Qingyun List at the same time.

"Ninety-ninth, no, hundredth, Senior Brother Zhang is really amazing!"

After finding Zhang Jingchu's name, Hong Xiang gave a heartfelt compliment, but when he heard this, Zhang Jingchu, who was still a little proud at first, suddenly felt inexplicably awkward. This guy with thick eyebrows and big eyes was really sincere in his praise.

"Ninety-seven on the Qingyun List, Jiangning, Longhu Mountain. He is good at alchemy. He has been accepted as a disciple by the elder of Longhu Mountain, Changchun Master Mu You. He is locked in the seven souls and has a promising future. His title is Yixindan."

Looking at the Qingyun List, Zhang Jingchu looked up from the bottom and found the name that suddenly appeared. Zhang Jingchu was a little surprised, but felt that it was natural.

As both a disciple of Longhu Mountain, he knew something about Jiang Ning. He was from an ordinary background and started as an outer disciple. Later, he showed great talent in alchemy and condensed a heart of alchemy. Finally, he was selected by the Changchun Master. After being accepted as a disciple, his life has been completely different since then, and he can be regarded as an inspirational model for many disciples.

"It would be nice to make some friends."

Although his ranking dropped one place and almost fell out of the elite list, Zhang Jingchu didn't care too much. He was still young and there was still a lot of room for improvement in the future. Top ten on the elite list was his real goal.

While Zhang Jingchu was deep in thought, Gongsun Lin had already reflected the entire Qingyun List in his heart.

"No. 1 on the Qingyun Ranking, Zhang Chengfa, Longhu Mountain, Eight Refiners of Yin Shen."

"Second on the Qingyun Ranking, You Qihe, Longhu Mountain, Fourth Refiner of Yin Shen."

"Third on the Qingyun Ranking, Gu Yi, Yanxia Sect, Yin Shen San Lian."


"Is this the foundation of the Eternal Life Alliance?"

As his eyes wandered around the top ten on the Qingyun List, Gongsun Lin felt a turmoil in his heart.

The Tianxing Sect has a long history and has hundreds of disciples, but there is only one Yin Shen cultivator in the sect, that is his grandfather Gongsun Chang, who is also the current sect leader of the Tianxing Sect, but even this is just the third refinement of the Yin Shen.

Putting it here, it is just barely among the top three on the Qingyun list. According to Zhang Jingchu, the people on the Qingyun list are all under the age of sixty, and her grandfather's age has long been exceeded.

"Everyone in the top ten on the Qingyun Ranking is a Yin Shen monk, and Longhu Mountain alone occupies half of it. Is this the sect where Senior Zhuang belongs? If I can worship in Longhu Mountain, will I be able to work for my grandpa and for him in the future? Did your dead comrade take revenge?"

Clenching his little hands into fists, Gongsun Lin made some kind of decision in his heart, while Hong Xiang on the side didn't think so much and just watched the excitement. This world of cultivating immortals is different from the world of cultivating immortals he had in mind before. Not only is the cultivator stronger, but he also has an aura that the immortal cultivators in his impression do not have. Although it is unfamiliar, he likes the atmosphere here very much.

When everything calmed down, Feizhou continued to move forward. From here on, Feizhou truly entered the hinterland of the Changsheng Dao Alliance.

"What a rich spiritual inspiration from heaven and earth!"

The sun was just right, the clouds and mists slowly dispersed, and spiritual mountains and spiritual lakes continued to appear. Standing on the flying boat, carefully observing the mountains and rivers at their feet, Gongsun Lin was shocked in her heart. The Immortal Taoist Alliance seemed to be far more powerful than she imagined.

"So many spiritual rice!"

Leaning on the side of the ship, looking at the endless lattice-like spiritual fields under his feet, Hong Xiang couldn't help but exclaimed. It was the first time he knew that there were times when the spiritual rice could not be counted.

Tianxing Sect has also planted spiritual rice, but only a few pieces. Most of the spiritual rice harvested every year will be sold by the sect and exchanged for various resources. Only a small part will be distributed to the disciples, and each person can eat one. Two bowls is good.

Seeing the two of them looking like this, Zhang Jingchu stood aside silently and said nothing.

Over the years of moving to Lingshan and restraining the earth, the weather in the Changsheng Dao League has changed every year. Basically, the mountain gates where all the sects are located have been upgraded by several levels. Of course, the most amazing one is Longhu Mountain, which has several The scene of the fairy land on earth.

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