Dragon and Tiger Taoist

Chapter 580 Yin Yang Locust Tree

Mount Tai, the residence of immortals in ancient legends.

"It should have been full of immortal treasures, but unfortunately it has become a ghost nest."

Ignoring the turmoil in the outside world, Zhang Chunyi sighed as he walked on Mount Tai and looked at the strands of yin energy emanating from the soil.

As soon as a thought floats, the two qi of yin and yang arise, like two swimming dragons, washing away the entire Mount Tai from bottom to top, and all the yin and evil qi dissipate.

"This is it."

Arriving at the mountainside and looking at the reflected stone wall in front of him, Zhang Chunyi stopped.

The hundreds of stone walls can be used to take photos of people. It is rumored that an immortal once took a photo here, but it has disappeared without a trace. It is unknown whether it is true or not. The reason why Zhang Chunyi came here is because this is the source of the Yin Qi of Mount Tai.

Stab, one finger fell, cutting away all the illusions, and a passage appeared in front of Zhang Chunyi.

Without stopping, Zhang Chunyi stepped into it.

"The underworld, the ghost realm."

Walking into Yifang Xintiandi, feeling the faintly repulsive atmosphere, Zhang Chunyi had a clear understanding in his heart that this is a place where ghosts live, not living people.

Then Zhang Chunyi turned his attention to the center of the ghost realm, where a locust tree grew, a hundred feet high, with thick branches and dark leaves. It was like a spring, breathing out Yin Qi all the time.

"Yin Yang locust tree!"

The annotations of the Immortal Treasure Picture echoed in his mind, and Zhang Chunyi looked at the locust tree carefully.

Yin-Yang Sophora japonica is a tenth-grade immortal treasure (not fully grown). It grows in extremely yang places and turns yang into yin. It can gather yin energy and condense yin earth. When it grows up, it can penetrate the two realms of yin and yang and directly connect to yin and underworld.

"Yin Ming."

Chewing these two words carefully, Zhang Chunyi thought of the tenth day, Yin Mingtian, that he had seen when he was promoted to the Four Tribulations Yang God. He was 90% sure that the so-called direct connection to Yin and Ming from Yin Yang Huai Mu probably meant The Yinmingtian.

"Is this the immortal root that came into being in this era?"

Touching the bark of the Yin Yang locust tree with his fingertips, it was cold and bone-chilling. Zhang Chunyi carefully felt the mystery of this fairy root. It can turn yang into yin, and can also transform normal souls into ghosts. It is a special fairy root born in this era. .

In fact, Zhang Chunyi has also seen a similar spiritual plant, that is, the ghost-fighting willow on Feilai Peak of Longhu Mountain. It also came into being, but compared to the yin-yang locust tree that was born as a fairy, the ghost-fighting willow is not the same as the ghost-fighting willow. The legs are much worse. Even if it undergoes many transformations, it is now only an eighth-grade spiritual plant, which is qualitatively different from the Yin-Yang locust tree.

Hey, Hongyun seemed very excited when he felt the breath of Xianzhi, and he took shape, but the cold breath made him shiver, and all living things were excluded here.

"This place was originally a secret realm of extreme yang, but it became what it is now because of this yin-yang locust tree."

With a faint layer of frost between his brows and eyes, Zhang Chunyi retracted his palms. Even though he had achieved some success in practicing the Taiyin Refining Method and his physique had begun to transform, he still felt uncomfortable at this time.

"This place is not a place where living people live for a long time, but it does contain some theory of yin and yang transformation, which may be used as a reference."

With his spiritual thoughts spreading out, Zhang Chunyi put a few things into his bag, turned around and left this ghost land.

Seeing this, although she was a little reluctant to leave Xianzhi, Hongyun still hurriedly followed. This place also made it uncomfortable.

Seeing the sun again, his body and soul felt warm. Zhang Chunyi gently exhaled a breath of cold air. The yin soil in the reflected stone wall was of unexpectedly high quality due to the presence of yin and yang locust trees.

After taking a look at the Taoist monks who were incarnated as auras and shuttled back and forth, Zhang Chunyi returned to Longhu Mountain on the boat on the other side.


Seeing Zhang Chunyi's return, Zhuang Yuan, who had been waiting here for a long time, bowed and saluted. Although his face was pale and his breath was weak, he was in very good spirits at this time.

Hearing this, Zhang Chunyi frowned slightly as he looked Zhuang Yuan up and down.

"You're a bit reckless this time."

At a glance, Zhang Chunyi had a clear understanding of Zhuang Yuan's state at this time. The physical injuries were secondary, but the most important thing was that the soul had been injured, and the subsequent cultivation was also a troublesome matter.

Hearing Zhang Chunyi's slightly reproachful words, Zhuang Yuan did not feel aggrieved at all, but felt warm in his heart.

"The teacher's lesson is that this time the disciple was reckless."

With a smile on his face, Zhuang Yuan bowed and saluted again. Of course, if things happened again, he would still do this.

Looking at Zhuang Yuan like this, as if he could clearly see his innermost thoughts, Zhang Chunyi shook his head. There is no right or wrong in this matter, it just depends on everyone's persistence.

"What are your plans next?"

Looking at Zhuang Yuan, Zhang Chunyi asked.

Hearing this, Zhuang Yuan was silent for a moment, as if he was thinking about something.

"After this experience, this disciple deeply feels his own shortcomings, so he is going to prepare to cultivate himself quietly and strive to achieve the Second Tribulation Yang God as soon as possible. It is best to make Qianqiu Jiao and Wanshou Turtle break through the Demon King as soon as possible."

With low words, Zhuang Yuan gave his own answer.

Hearing this, his eyes brightened slightly, and looking at Zhuang Yuan, Zhang Chunyi showed a trace of satisfaction on his face.

At this time, Daomeng had just taken over Taizhou, and everything was complicated. According to past experience, Zhuang Yuan, as the senior brother, would definitely not stay away from the matter. Even if he was not good at or interested in these things, now he actually did Such a choice shows that what happened this time was really exciting to him.

"Very good, I look forward to the day when you make a breakthrough. In addition, this is the Immortal Formation of the South Sea Dragon Palace, the Wanchuan Guihai Formation. You can use it to understand it. It should be helpful to your practice. Of course, if you can With what we have obtained, it would be great to be able to reproduce this great formation."

While talking, Zhang Chunyi handed a jade slip to Zhuang Yuan.

Hearing this, a look of surprise and curiosity flashed in his eyes, and Zhuang Yuan took the jade slip. Currently, there is only one kind of immortal formation that he has come into contact with, and that is the Star Formation. Each immortal formation contains a lot of truth. If he can comprehend one or two of them, it can effectively promote his cultivation of formation path.

"Disciple, thank you very much, teacher. In addition, this is the result of my experience. I hope you will like it, teacher."

After accepting the jade slip, he took out an egg that was as big as two fists and looked like burning red flames. Zhuang Yuan handed it to Zhang Chunyi.

"Phoenix egg?"

Looking at the egg, Zhang Chunyi's eyes flashed with a hint of surprise. Although it was very faint, he did feel a pure phoenix pressure from the egg.

"You're in luck."

Taking the phoenix egg, Zhang Chunyi looked at it carefully.

"It should be a pure-blooded phoenix. Its power is restrained, not triggered, and constantly accumulated. This is a sign of nirvana. If successful, there may be hope for the birth of immortal roots and bones in the future."

Not long after, Zhang Chunyi saw through some of the details of this phoenix egg.

The Dragon Clan has a secret method of walking on a dragon, which can make a dragon walk and transform into a dragon. The Phoenix Clan also has a secret method of Nirvana. If successful, not only can one live a new life, but the bones will also be strengthened to a certain extent, and even the transformation can be completed.

Of course, miracles come with risks. Phoenix's nirvana is a gamble on life. The risk of every nirvana is extremely high, and very few people can succeed. Generally, only when the life expectancy is approaching or the body is seriously injured and cannot be cured, Only Phoenix will try Nirvana to bet on the future. However, the probability of Nirvana success in this case will be further reduced and is very slim. Theoretically speaking, a Phoenix in its prime has the greatest chance of Nirvana success, but there are basically no Phoenixes. Will do so.

"It is indeed a good thing, but it is of no use to me. You can keep it for yourself and cultivate it well."

As he spoke, with a smile on his face, Zhang Chunyi returned the phoenix egg in his hand to Zhuang Yuan.

This phoenix egg is indeed good, but in his opinion, it is only good. Even if nirvana is successful, it will only be able to give birth to inferior immortal bones in the end, and this itself is Zhuang Yuan's opportunity.

Of course, Zhuang Yuan can have such a heart, which makes him, a teacher, very happy. After all, this kind of treasure is a real rarity for immortal cultivators. After getting it, no one will be willing to give it away.

"You can send this phoenix egg into the Lihuo Pond in the Suzaku Blessed Land. The environment there will help it."

Looking at Zhuang Yuan who still wanted to say something, Zhang Chun waved his sleeves and sent him out of the Zhuyuan.

Well, two chapters

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