Dragon and Tiger Taoist

Chapter 611 A prairie fire

Minzhou, Chiba City, was originally a famous big city in Minzhou, with a permanent population of nearly one million, but at this time, there was an atmosphere of anxiety and uneasiness everywhere.

The city gate was closed tightly. The soldiers, wearing white scarves and swords, looked nervously outside the city gate. There were endless refugee camps there. It was initially estimated that there were no less than hundreds of thousands of people, and this number continued to increase as time went by. is constantly increasing.

Not long ago, there was a severe drought in Minzhou. This time, the drought happened very strangely and very quickly. The food harvest in Minzhou was almost extinct. Countless people were forced to flee and became refugees in order to survive.

Faced with such a situation, Chiba City responded immediately and began to provide disaster relief immediately. The speed was not unsatisfactory. If it was just a simple famine, Chiba City would not be unable to handle it. At least it would not collapse the situation, but soon the refugees would There was an outbreak of plague in the middle of the 19th century. It spread from ten to hundreds, and it spread very quickly. Once infected, there was no cure, and all you could do was wait for death. The process was also very painful, with abscesses all over the body, and flesh and blood rotting. It was not possible for a while. Will die directly.

In order to prevent this horrific plague from spreading into the city, Chiba City could only stop providing relief to the victims and immediately closed the city.

"Have you heard that a plague broke out in a small block in West City? Now the city lord has ordered that block to be completely sealed off."

While whispering to each other, looking at the endless refugee camps, some soldiers told the gossip they had heard.

Upon hearing this, someone immediately corrected him.

"It's no longer a ban. I heard that in order to prevent the plague from breaking out in the city, the city lord's palace has ordered that the place be burned to ashes."

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of several people around him changed instantly.

"Really or not, that's thousands of lives, just burned to death like this?"

As he spoke, the face of the speaker was full of disbelief.

"What can be done about this? It's the gentlemen in the inner city who have spoken. I heard that this plague is so weird that not even the immortal gentlemen can solve it."

After looking around, an older soldier whispered.

Hearing this, everyone was still a little unbelievable for a while. Immortals are almost omnipotent in their eyes. Is this plague really so powerful that even the Immortal Master in the inner city can't deal with it?

"But this is too much. This is thousands of lives!"

There was a hint of trance in the words, and some people still couldn't let it go.

Hearing this, someone sneered.

"This is the best way. Once the plague breaks out, the lives of millions of people in this city will be threatened, including yours and my family. Can you accept this?"


He hesitated to speak, and the atmosphere on the city wall suddenly became dull.

At this moment, a group of people who could not survive suddenly poured out of the refugee camp and ran towards the city gate, trying to ask for a way to survive. However, what greeted them was a hail of arrows, and everyone was shot on the spot.

Seeing such a scene, the eyes of the refugees watching were full of fear, but beneath the fear there was also resentment.

Several people in yellow clothes crowded among the refugees and watched this scene silently. There was excitement in their eyes that was very different from other refugees. The more desperate the soil, the more pure faith can be nurtured. When desperate, it can give Their food, the White Lotus Sect that can resolve the plague on them, will become the only savior in their eyes.

"Old Mother White Lotus, my empty hometown."

"Everyone, the world is like a furnace, and there are many sufferings in the world. We must point out the direction for these lost lambs and let them know that only believing in the old mother is their only way to salvation."

Looking away, a man with a sallow complexion who looked to be in his forties spoke, his eyebrows glowing, reflecting a third-grade white lotus.

Hearing this, a look of uncontrollable fanaticism appeared on his face, and he made lotus seals on his hands. Several yellow-clothed believers bowed in response, with a first-grade white lotus reflected between their brows.

After a while, a few people dispersed, as if a few drops of water melted into the ocean, making no waves. However, it was from this time that a sect named White Lotus began to take root in this chaotic and desperate land, and spread with a kind of terror. The speed is increasing.

While the waves are about to rise outside the city, there are also undercurrents surging inside Chiba City.

"Everyone, is there really no solution to this plague?"

Looking across the crowd present, Xie Zhonghong, the lord of Qianye City, had a solemn expression on his face.

Due to historical reasons, the Human Emperor's Way in the southeastern Kyushu is not prosperous. Except for Taizhou, which had a Marquis of Taizhou before, the power of the Daying Emperor Dynasty in the other major states has long since disappeared, and not even the name is left. Naturally, Minzhou is also in this way.

Each place is governed with the city as the core, and the city lord is appointed by the Green Bamboo Sect. The powerful locals are basically inextricably linked to the Green Bamboo Sect, and most of their families have worshiped the Green Bamboo Sect.

Hearing the words of the Lord of Qianye City, they looked at each other and everyone present shook their heads.

"City Lord, there is really nothing we can do. We have tried everything we should. The plague is so weird that even the several immortal masters who worship it are helpless. The only solution for now is to rescue the Qingzhu Sect."

After a moment of silence, a middle-aged man wearing fine clothes and a long beard spoke.

As soon as these words came out, the rest of the people turned their attention to the city lord, waiting for his answer.

As the people in power in Qianye City, immortal cultivators are not that mysterious to them. Every family basically enshrines several immortal cultivators, even some of them themselves. They know clearly that immortal cultivators are not omnipotent, but It is even clearer that there are truly powerful immortal cultivators in the Qingzhu Sect, and it is not wrong to say that those beings are immortals.

Feeling the looks from everyone, City Lord Xie Zhonghong's expression suddenly froze.

"I have already sent a letter to the emperor to explain the situation of the plague, but the emperor believes that this is just a common thing and allows us to deal with it ourselves."

With a stiff look on his face, Xie Zhonghong spoke.

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of everyone present changed drastically, and at this moment someone thought of something.

"I heard before that there was a big change in the Qingzhu Sect and that the old sect master died. Could it be that this is true and that they have no time to take care of other things?"

Hearing this, many people's eyes flickered. They had also heard of such rumors. They didn't believe it before, but now it seems that it may not be groundless. If this is true, at this juncture, they must find someone else. There's a way out.

"I don't know about other situations, but the Shangzong has stood firm for thousands of years, so I think this time it won't be a big deal."

"The most important thing for us now is to control the epidemic and prevent it from breaking out in the city."

With low words, Xie Zhonghong spoke again.

Hearing this, the other people nodded. This is the only way at present. As long as the epidemic does not break out in the city, there is still room for improvement. With the food and other materials stored in Chiba City, it will not be a problem for a few years. At least for them.

But at this moment someone hurriedly broke in from outside.

"Master, something bad has happened. The north and south gates have been opened, and refugees are pouring into the city."

He fell to the ground, looking panicked, and a slave quickly spoke back.

Hearing this, after confirming the facts, City Lord Xie Zhonghong felt his eyes darken, his head felt dizzy, and he slumped on the seat helplessly, while the faces of the others also didn't look good.

They don't care about simple refugees no matter how many there are, but many of these refugees have actually been infected with the plague, but it has not yet broken out. Their entry into the city means that the plague has completely lost control. I am afraid it won't be long before thousands of people are infected. Yecheng will become a hotbed of plague.

Thinking of such a future, everyone feels that the road ahead is gloomy.

A single spark can start a prairie fire. An unknown fire is burning in Southeast Kyushu. What happened in Chiba City is just a microcosm.

Because they originated from the secular world, the major immortal sects did not care about it at first. Disasters such as droughts and plagues have not happened before. This year, they are just a little more powerful. As long as it takes a while, they will naturally calm down. Such things will naturally subside. Mortal forces It's completely up to you to handle it yourself as always.

By the time the major immortal sects discovered that something was wrong, things had reached an irreversible point. Under such circumstances, the originally unknown White Lotus Sect suddenly spread throughout the southeastern Kyushu, as if white lotuses had grown all over Kyushu overnight.

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