Dragon and Tiger Taoist

Chapter 63 The Man-Bear Descends from the Mountain

The atmosphere in Yingyang Hall was tense, with an invisible pressure permeating the air.

"The third child cannot die in vain, and the person who killed him must pay the price."

After a long silence, with the hot flame burning in his heart, Ren Xiong Yang Yongli spoke again, but compared to before, he was much calmer now.

Hearing this, Lin Zhiping, who was comforting the red fox in his arms, let out a sneer.

"The revenge of the third child must be avenged, but this matter needs to be considered in the long term. The other party can easily kill the third child, so he is obviously not a mediocre person. If he rushes in hastily, he will only get himself involved."

Although there was some yin and yang in his words, Lin Zhiping did not ridicule Yang Yongli blindly, but made a calm analysis.

"In my opinion, we should wait until the boss comes out of isolation before making a decision on this matter."

Lin Zhiping's long nails scratched the red fox's smooth hair and he gave his own suggestions.

But after hearing this, the suppressed anger in Yang Yongli's heart burst out.

"Lin Zhiping, you are a hermaphrodite, you are indeed eggless."

Yang Yongli's big copper bell-like eyes widened as he looked at Lin Zhiping without hiding his disdain.

Hearing this, the taboo in his heart was touched, and Lin Zhiping became angry. He hated people calling him hermaphrodite the most in his life. People who had called him that before had been tortured to death by him.

Hey, sensing Lin Zhiping's thoughts, the red fox's soft hair stood up and jumped out of Lin Zhiping's arms.

Phew, the demonic power surged, the red flames spread, the body half-bowed, staring at Yang Yongli, a bloodthirsty light flashed in the red fox's narrow eyes, and it would attack without hesitation as soon as Lin Zhiping gave the order. .

Seeing such a scene, a disdainful smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and a layer of gray-white strength emerged from Yang Yongli's body, rendering him like a stone man, a mere little monster with more than two hundred years of cultivation. , what can be done to him?

The killing intent collided and the swords were at war. The battle between the two sides was about to break out, but they seemed to maintain some restraint and did not take action immediately.

Seeing such a scene, he understood that both parties were not really blinded by anger, and Lu Chou was no longer silent.

"Second brother, I can understand your eagerness for revenge, but I have to say that you are responsible for this matter. The eldest brother is in seclusion to attack the fifth soul. The enemy's situation has not been fully understood. The suggestion put forward by the fourth brother is the best. choose."

There was no further quarrel with Xini. This time Lu Qiu clearly stood on the side of Lin Zhiping, the fourth leader.

Hearing this, his eyes swept over Lin Zhiping and Lu Qiu, and Yang Yongli smiled angrily.

"Okay, okay, if the third child knows that there are two good brothers like you, he will be happy to get up from the ground."

"If you're afraid of this or that, you can just stay in the village and be a coward. I, the second brother, will avenge the third brother's revenge."

With a look of disdain on his face, Yang Yongli slammed the door and walked out.

Hearing the creaking sound from the door frame, Lin Zhiping and Lu Qiu's expressions turned extremely ugly.

"Fourth brother, why don't you stop second brother? What if something happens to him if he goes like this?"

After a moment of silence, he heard the sound of horses neighing from outside the house. After calming down for a while, a look of worry appeared on his face as pale as paper, and Lu Chou spoke.

Hearing this, Lin Zhiping let out a cold snort.

"Lao Wu, I'm not talking about you, you are just too kind. Since he said that about us, then why should we care about his life or death?"

"He brought this all on himself. Even if he really dies this time, it has nothing to do with us. Even if the boss escapes from seclusion, we can't be blamed. What's more, Changhe County is not a Longtan Tiger's Den, and that wild bear will not be so It’s easy to die.”

The anger in his heart was still lingering, and Lin Zhiping's face was filled with a cold look.

Hearing this, Lu Qiu let out a helpless sigh.

"No, I'm still worried. I want to chase my second brother back."

After pacing back and forth and hesitating for a long time, Lu Chou finally couldn't sit still.

Hearing this, Lin Zhiping sneered.

"At this time, that wild bear has already gone far away. You don't even know which way he wants to go, how can you chase him back?"

Compared to Lu Qiu who was restless, Lin Zhiping was as calm as ever, as if he really didn't care about Yang Yongli's life or death.

"Give it a try no matter what."

As he spoke, Lu Qiu hurriedly walked outside the house.

Seeing such a scene, Lin Zhiping shook his head and neither stopped nor followed.

And as the two leaders came down the mountain one after another, Dagushan became quiet again.


At the foot of Songyan Mountain, a temporary martial arts arena was opened. Fifty strong men in short-sleeved clothes were exercising in the howling cold wind.

Hurry, haha, one person's voice is still weak, but when fifty people become a whole, their shouts and shouts are as loud as thunder, inexplicably possessing a power that scares the birds in the forest.

Seeing these fifty people performing the simplified Tiger Roar Fist well, Zhang Zhong, the instructor, nodded with satisfaction.

These fifty people are all carefully selected from the members of the Yaowang Gang. Not only are they strong and strong, but they are also proficient in fists and feet. They practice Tiger Roar Fist faster than ordinary people, although so far they are still just empty-handed. , but not bad.

After several forces in Changhe County reached an agreement, the mining of cold iron veins was put on the agenda. After all, the sooner it is mined, the sooner everyone will benefit.

Under such circumstances, each family took action. The county magistrate Jia Sidao was mainly responsible for materials, tools, and craftsmen. The Baiyou family was mainly responsible for recruiting miners and raising food. Changqingguan or the Now Longhushan is responsible for cultivating an elite mine protection team.

Mining is risky. You must not only guard against outside prying eyes, but also pay attention to suppressing miners. After all, mining is never a safe job.

Fortunately, under Zhang Chunyi's suggestion, each company decided to recruit the miners instead of forcibly driving them away like the Blood Eagle Bandits. Although this seemed to increase the cost of employment, in fact it not only improved the efficiency, but also the cost. In control.

The main targets recruited by the miners are still the refugees from Shaoyang County. These people are almost dying now. If you give them a bite to eat, they will be willing to follow you.

Although the recruited miners must be paid on time, the more they work, the more they will get, which makes it easier to mobilize the workers' enthusiasm for mining. Moreover, under Zhang Chunyi's suggestion, major forces have already opened restaurants, grocery stores, and Qin Lou Chu Pavilion around the mine. plan.

Yelang Mountain is located in a remote area, and the miners have nowhere else to spend their money. In the end, they can only spend it in the shops opened by the major forces. This will form a closed loop, and most of the money spent by the major forces will eventually be lost. It flows back, accompanied by a large amount of cold iron ore.

Huh, just when Zhang Zhong's thoughts were churning, a white shadow flashed away, and along with the terrifying roar of a tiger, the decent guards who were just there were knocked to the ground one after another.

Letting out a groan of pain, this was not the first time they had experienced such a thing. The knocked down guards quickly got up from the ground and joined forces to attack the white shadow.

Seeing such a scene, Bai Yuan, as the second instructor, showed a hint of excitement, and then simply knocked down the guards again.

Although these people are pitifully weak, and it has to restrain its strength to prevent them from being beaten to death with one punch, Bai Yuan, who also practices Tiger Roar Fist and possesses the martial arts furnace method, also saw some shining points in them. , which brought its understanding of Tiger Roar Fist to a higher level unknowingly. The most important thing is that it is a good way to play.

On the high platform, Zhang Zhong watched this scene quietly.

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