Dragon and Tiger Taoist

Chapter 68 Black Dog

On the outskirts of Changhe County, in an abandoned hut, the smell of blood and incontinence of urine and feces was permeating the air.

A middle-aged man covered in blood, who had been whipped countless times, and even his eyes were gouged out. His face could not be seen clearly. He was tied to a pillar. He was very angry and was not far from death. Maybe he would be dead in the next moment. Breathe completely.

And in the darkness outside the house in front of him, where the sun couldn't shine, a tall figure stood there silently, with bloodshot eyes like bells, exuding a violent aura, like a beast that wanted to choose people to eat.

"Song Yanshan, Zhang Chunyi, good, good, very good."

Stepping out of the shadows and saying hello several times, the figure was exposed to the sun. It was the second in command of the Blood Eagle Thieves, Renxiong Yang Yongli.

Crossing Shaoyang County, it took Yang Yongli more than a month to reach Changhe County even though he traveled at night and starry. After arriving in Changhe County, Yang Yongli did not rush into the city rashly. He also knew that his image was Rather eye-catching.

Fortunately, the death of the third leader of the Blood Eagle Thief was not a secret in Changhe County. The county government even issued an announcement, so after spending a lot of effort, Yang Yongli finally got the information he wanted.

"Lao San, I won't let your death be in vain."

With one punch, he smashed the head of the young steward of the You family who was tied to the pillar. After venting his anger, Yang Yongli slammed the door and walked out.

About the time after Yang Yongli left the stick of incense, a thin dog with a dark body and shiny hair opened the door and walked into the abandoned cabin.

His slightly green eyes looked around, and stayed on the headless body for a moment longer. He lowered his head and sniffed the ground carefully, catching a familiar scent. His eyes brightened slightly, and the black dog followed in a certain direction. go.


At night, there are no stars or moon, and it is extremely deep.

At the foot of Songyan Mountain, it was pitch black without any light.

Phew, the breeze picked up, and a figure passed the guard at the foot of the mountain under the cover of night and headed towards the mountain road.

But the moment he was about to set foot on the mountain path, densely packed torches were lit, completely driving away the deep darkness of night, completely exposing his figure to the light of the fire.

Yang Yongli narrowed his eyes slightly, and the sudden light made Yang Yongli feel uncomfortable, but before he could react further, a harsh scream sounded in his ears.

"Cow-shooting crossbow."

An idea appeared in his mind, and suddenly, without any hesitation, Yang Yongli moved his strength almost instinctively, and Yang Yongli spread the rock strength all over his body.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, the wind howled, and bits of cold light flashed in the night. Faced with the sudden shooting, Yang Yongli was caught off guard and had no time to dodge, and was immediately shot into a hedgehog.

The cow crossbow is an important weapon in the army. It is said that one arrow can kill a cow. It is a weapon used by the army against warriors. Faced with the heavy shooting of the cow crossbow, ordinary martial arts practitioners cannot withstand it.

In order to ensure the safety of the Han Iron Mine, the county magistrate Jia Sidao purchased 30 ox-shooting crossbows that were scrapped by the army at a high price through his own channels. They were 80% new, and these items naturally fell into the hands of the escort team.

This is true for ordinary cattle-shooting crossbows, let alone those in the hands of the escort, because the arrows in their hands are made by Bai Yuan himself. The arrows are mixed with cold iron and have stronger armor-piercing capabilities. It is precisely because of this. , Only then will the rock strength in Yang Yongli be penetrated.

"You really gave me a surprise, but if it's only to this extent, you just go to hell."

With a roar and a burst of strength, Yang Yongli shook off the arrows on his body, with bloodthirsty light flashing in his eyes, like a wild bear, Yang Yongli rushed towards the crossbow team lined up in front.

Although the shooting just now injured him, it only hurt his flesh and blood, not his muscles and bones. It was not a big problem. Apart from causing pain, it did not affect his combat effectiveness in a short period of time.

Although the power of the oxen crossbow is not weak, allowing an ordinary person to injure a martial artist, the speed of switching arrows is relatively slow. After one round of shooting, the second round is not ready yet.

Seeing Yang Yongli charging straight at him, the members of the escort were a little surprised. They didn't expect that Yang Yongli not only survived the ox crossbow shooter, but also had the ability to launch an attack.

However, despite being frightened, he put down the ox-shooting crossbow and picked up the shield. Thirty members of the escort formed a simple shield formation, blocking Yang Yongli like an iron wall.

"Tie the mountain to support."

Like a wild bear hitting a tree, the energy flowing around his body, carrying the impact, Yang Yongli hit the iron wall hard. In an instant, the wall was shattered and people were flying. Even with the combined strength of dozens of people, Yang Yongli still couldn't withstand it. The impact was so powerful and strong that it was worthy of the name of a bear.

"Bedbugs are bedbugs, and there's nothing you can do about them."

With a ferocious smile on his face, Yang Yongli wanted to use the blood of these people to extinguish the anger in his heart.

Originally, he planned to sneak up the mountain and kill Zhang Chunyi, but now it seems that it would be good to kill all the way up. He just hopes that Zhang Chunyi will not run away.

But at this moment, the neighing sound of the horse and the dull whistling sound sounded at the same time, and eight riders jumped out of the darkness, with whistling hook locks in their hands.

Wuwuwu, the wind howled, and the hook locks fell. Under the control of the riders, these hook locks accurately wrapped around Yang Yongli's body, including his limbs and neck.

After doing all this, the other end of the hook lock was connected to the horses. In groups of two, the eight riders ran in four different directions.

Snap, the riding whip in his hand fell, the horse was in pain, and a powerful force burst out in an instant, and this force finally acted on Yang Yongli, trying to cut him into pieces alive.


He let out a low roar that was not like a human being, and veins popped up all over his body. Faced with the pull of eight horses, Yang Yongli burst out with a power similar to that of a demon. His feet touched the ground, leaving deep marks, and his body remained as motionless as a mountain. , and got into a stalemate with the eight horses.

Not far away, Zhang Chunyi, Zhang Zhong, Liu Er, and Hong Yun were watching this scene quietly.

"It has plenty of strength but lacks flexibility. It's a human bear and a savage bear. It's exactly the same."

Seeing Yang Yongli competing with eight horses without falling behind, Zhang Chunyi let out a sigh.

Hearing this, Zhang Zhong looked solemn and said nothing.

For the arrival of Yang Yongli, the Longhu Mountain side was well prepared, and it was precisely because of this that they set up a trap in advance, waiting for Yang Yongli to fall into the trap, and easily forced Yang Yongli, who was known as a human bear, to this point.

When it was getting dark, a letter was sent to the convoy's camp at the foot of the mountain by unknown means. The letter stated the news that the human bear Yang Yongli was about to attack, and also questioned Yang Yongli's strength. A detailed analysis was conducted, including the advantages and disadvantages.

Zhang Zhong was skeptical about this letter of unknown origin, but he would rather believe it than not. In addition, considering the entanglement between Longhu Mountain and the Blood Eagle Bandits, Zhang Zhong would still This letter was delivered to Zhang Chunyi, and he prepared a response in advance.

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