Dragon and Tiger Taoist

Chapter 71 The earth dragon turns over

Longhu Mountain, Bamboo Garden, and misty mist make it feel a bit ethereal under the refraction of the sun.

While sitting quietly fishing, Zhang Chun glanced at a wanted notice, which was sent by Jia Sidao.

"Lu Chou."

Looking at the young man with gloomy eyes on the wanted poster, Zhang Chunyi murmured softly.

The Blood Eagle Bandits are not ordinary gangsters. They are active on the border and gather thousands of people. They are also considered a well-known bandit in Shaoyang County. For such bandits, the official naturally collects some relevant information.

Thinking of the man in black robes and the deepening entanglement with the Blood Eagle Thief, Zhang Chunyi asked Jia Sidao to obtain relevant information about the Blood Eagle Thief.

In this regard, Jia Sidao did not refuse at all, and soon transferred detailed information about the Blood Eagle Thieves from Shaoyang County through official channels, and the information about the five leaders was the top priority.

Although Jia Sidao is slippery by nature and unreliable in big matters, he has to admit that he makes people feel very comfortable in daily interactions.

After reading this information, Zhang Chunyi also gained something. Except for the second master Xiong Yang Yongli, the five masters of the Blood Eagle Thieves, the other four are all immortal cultivators. What's even more coincidental is that the fifth master Lu Qiu Lianhua The monster is a black dog.

"The origin of Lu Qiu's identity is unknown. He started to rise to prominence three years ago. A year ago, he became the new fifth master of the Blood Eagle Thief after the accidental death of the previous fifth master. His black dog was good at becoming giants and was ferocious. He once bit a man to death. A lieutenant colonel in the army."

"Although there are discrepancies in the information, the man in black robe is most likely Lu Qiu."

"It's really interesting that the fifth boss of the Blood Eagle Thieves teamed up with outsiders to kill the second boss of the Blood Eagle Thieves."

Zhang Chunyi put down the wanted order in his hand and ignored it, concentrating on fishing.

The fish float is like the human heart. The heart does not move and the float does not waver. Time passes slowly like this.

Gulu gulu, at some point, a series of small bubbles suddenly appeared on the surface of the pool, and the green jade carps lurking at the bottom of the water also jumped out of the water at this moment, and it was very lively for a while.

Looking at this scene, Zhang Chunyi looked slightly startled, and in the next moment, the ground shook suddenly.

"The earth dragon turns over!"

As his strength flowed, his legs dug into the earth like tree roots, and he stabilized his body, Zhang Chunyi realized what had happened.

At this moment, not only Longhu Mountain, but also the entire Pingyang County was affected, but it was not as obvious as Shanhe County, because this time the center point of the Earth Dragon's comeback was closest to Changhe County.

The spiritual thoughts spread out, and Zhang Chunyi felt them carefully.

"That direction...is Daqingshan?"

Capturing the source of the vibration transmission, Huo Ran cast his gaze, and Zhang Chunyi's expression changed slightly.

With one step, Zhang Chunyi quickly left the bamboo garden regardless of the shaking of the earth. At this time, the entire Longhu Mountain was in chaos. Everyone was in panic and at a loss. Most people were running desperately towards the houses. This is an instinct of life, and houses represent shelter in their hearts.

Riding on the clouds and flying into the sky, looking at the Dragon Tiger Mountain like this, with anger sinking in his dantian, Zhang Chunyi let out his own roar.

"Everyone gather in the open space immediately and do not stay in the houses."

Zhang Chunyi's voice was calm and powerful, even though it was shaking, it still reached the ears of everyone in Longhu Mountain.

After hearing this, the panicked people seemed to have found their backbone and quickly fled from the house.

Seeing that everyone had gathered in the open space, Zhang Chunyi breathed a sigh of relief. At this time, the intensity of the earth dragon's turning over was not too great. Basically, there would be no large-scale ground subsidence, but the house had collapsed a lot. The risk is, after all, they are all made of earthen wood and bricks. People hiding in them are likely to be buried when the house collapses.

After confirming that everyone in Longhu Mountain had escaped, Zhang Chunyi turned his sights further away in mid-air. At this time, the sky and the earth were shaking. Compared with Longhu Mountain, the densely populated Changhe County was at this time That's the real chaos.

He withdrew his gaze and glanced at the people in Longhu Mountain who had gradually settled down under Zhang Zhong's organization. After a slight hesitation, he gave an order. Zhang Chunyi descended from Longhu Mountain in a cloud. He did not rush to the county seat, but went Xiaoli Village at the foot of the mountain.

There are three villages around Longhu Mountain, namely Xiaoli Village, Dali Village and Zhuangjia Village. These three villages all depend on Longhu Mountain for survival, because the land near Songyan Mountain actually belongs to Longhu Mountain. Therefore, these villagers are actually tenants of Longhu Mountain.

Most of the handymen on Longhu Mountain come from these three villages. The supplies on the mountain, such as rice and grain, are usually supplied by these three villages.

Of course, although they are tenants, because they are attached to Longhu Mountain, they do not have to pay taxes to the government. In addition, Changqingzi is dedicated to repairing and not overly exploiting, so their life is better than that of many commoners.

The ground shook, houses collapsed, and smoke and dust filled the air, as if a sandstorm had rolled up. This was what Zhang Chunyi saw when he arrived.

Compared with Longhu Mountain, the villages at the foot of the mountain are even worse. Most of the houses here are adobe houses, and most of them are capped with thatch. It is completely normal for such houses to collapse when the earth dragon turns over.

"I am Longhushan Zhang Chunyi, everyone should meet outside the village immediately."

Entering the demonized state, he waved his hand, the strong wind stirred up, dissipating the smoke and dust in the sky, and Zhang Chunyi spoke.

After hearing this and seeing Zhang Chunyi's magical methods, the villagers immediately believed and obeyed Zhang Chunyi's words.

The wind flowed in his hands, directly lifting the ruins. Zhang Chunyi used this rough method to carry out rescue. However, although this method was a bit rough, if Zhang Chunyi didn't do it, with the abilities of the villagers and those primitive tools, These people buried in the ruins basically have no choice but to die.

As the ruins of collapsed houses were uncovered, in addition to those who died directly, there were more than a dozen people who were rescued by Zhang Chunyi.

Regardless of the severity of the injury, Zhang Chunyi floated away after using Spring Breeze as a treatment. He had to go to the other two villages to have a look. He had already done what he had to do. Whether they survived in the end depended on the lives of these people.

Dali Village is also filled with smoke and dust, but compared with Xiaoli Village, their situation is much better. Basically all the villagers have fled outside the village.

"Li Dahai, the village leader of Dali Village, has met the immortal master."

Seeing Zhang Chunyi falling from the sky, unlike the fear of other villagers, an old man with white beard and hair but still clear eyes squeezed out from the crowd, walked up to Zhang Chunyi, and bowed.

Hearing this, Zhang Chunyi nodded with satisfaction after taking a look at the surrounding situation.

"Is it your idea to let everyone take refuge outside the village?"

Looking at the old man in front of him, Zhang Chunyi asked.

"It was my idea to reply to the immortal master."

In front of Zhang Chunyi, the old man seemed very respectful and organized.


He left a compliment and glanced at the old man again. Without saying anything more, Zhang Chunyi drifted away.

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