Dragon and Tiger Taoist

Chapter 812 Comeback

Taihua Mountain, back mountain.

The clouds and mist lingered, and the fragrance of tea lingered. Zhang Chunyi and Yan Yuanrang were playing chess and enjoying tea.

"Zhang Daoyou, you are going to lose this game."

After landing another piece, looking at the situation on the chessboard, Yan Yuanrang said with a smile. To be honest, Zhang Chunyi's chess skills were beyond his expectations, but it was enough after such a long delay.

After hearing this, Zhang Chunyi's expression did not change as he looked at the chess game where the defeat was already evident.

"The situation is indeed not optimistic, but it is still early to determine the outcome."

As he spoke, Zhang Chunyi dropped a ball again.

Seeing such a persistent Zhang Chunyi, Yan Yuanrang shook his head helplessly. He could see another side of this living true immortal.

Without saying anything else, Yan Yuanrang was about to make the last move and end the game. However, at this moment, due to luck, he heard the mournful cry of a real dragon, and then in the direction of Shunjing, the capital of the Dashun Dynasty. A terrifying vision manifested itself, shaking the entire Zhengdong Road.

Roar, the national movement is in turmoil. Over the capital of the Dashun Dynasty, a three-clawed golden dragon appears. Its head has been lost, and its black and yellow blood is scattered. It stirs up the situation in all directions, revealing an unprecedented weakness in the violence, as if it could happen at any time. rout.

His mind was agitated, and the chess piece slipped from his fingertips without realizing it. Unable to conceal his shock, Yan Yuanrang suddenly stood up.

"The real dragon has lost its head. This is the death of the human king? But how is this possible? Li Yi has gathered the luck of Zhengdong Road and Qianjian Lake. Although his foundation is still unstable, his strength is already quite good. Who can kill him? ···”

With shock and disbelief tumbling in his heart, Yan Yuanrang suddenly thought of something and turned to look at Zhang Chunyi, who was indifferent to many strange phenomena and still studied the chess game sincerely.

If there is anyone in this world who has the ability to kill the current Li Yi, then Zhang Chunyi sitting in front of him is definitely the one. As long as he is willing, he can kill the human king Li Yi, but how did he do it? Monster? But how is this possible? After all, the strongest point of the pseudo-immortals lies in themselves.

But the facts were right in front of him, so he couldn't help but not believe it. It would be ridiculous to say that Zhang Chunyi had nothing to do with this matter.

"Zhang Zongzhu has good tricks!"

The words were low, and Yan Yuan's face that always had a gentle smile was stained with a hint of coldness.

With the fall of King Shun Li Yi, the foundation of the Dashun Dynasty was shaken, and the forces in Fulongting would be more or less involved. After all, they had all received the imperial fortune of the Dashun Dynasty before.

The most important thing is that Yan Yuanrang suddenly remembered that when Zhang Chun paid homage to the mountain with great fanfare, as a precaution, he sent a message to the ancestor of the Huan family and Chi Ying, the Supreme Elder of Xijian Pavilion, so that they could prepare for support. Now It seems that this may not be the opponent's plan to lure the tiger away from the mountain, in order to attract their attention here, and then kill Li Yi with thunderous means, without giving them any time to react.

Hearing this, a smile appeared on his face, and Zhang Chunyi raised his head.

"Fellow Daoist Yan, I won this game."

As he spoke, Zhang Chunyi dropped a piece, and the outcome suddenly changed. Yan Yuanrang's unintentional piece made an undue flaw appear in his already established situation, and he ruined his own victory.

Seeing Zhang Chunyi like this and thinking of the bright moon that once illuminated the world, Yan Yuanrang suppressed the shock and anger in his heart and sat down at the chessboard again.

"Zhang Daoyou has superb chess skills and far-reaching plans. I lost this game."

Looking across the chessboard, knowing that the overall situation was decided, Yan Yuanrang admitted defeat calmly.

He has no regrets when he makes a move. Although he did not intend to make that move, it is a move if it is dropped. The chess game is like this, and so is the reality. Regrets now have no meaning. The key lies in how to control the future.

"Zhang Daoyou has won this game and has gained all the advantages. Does he want to kill us all this time?"

Putting down the chess piece in his hand, Yan Yuanrang looked at Zhang Chunyi coldly. This time, Taihua Mountain indeed lost, and it happened in such an unexpected place. But if Longhu Mountain really wanted to wipe out Taihua Mountain, then Taihua Mountain would be completely defeated. The destruction will definitely destroy a tooth of Longhu Mountain. After all, they say that Taihua Mountain is also an ancient Taoist tradition, and it still has some heritage.

Hearing this, Zhang Chunyi shook his head.

"If I really wanted to wipe out Taihua Mountain, I wouldn't play chess with fellow Taoists here at this time. Although the power accumulated in Taihua Mountain is very strong, it can't do anything to me. After all, it's just a dead thing."

"As for what I want to do, do you really not know what I want to do? I am not a person who likes to eat alone. The path to immortality is difficult, so working together in the same boat is the best strategy. Cooperation can lead to win-win results. This is the best condition that Longhu Mountain can provide. You might as well try again think about it."

While talking, Zhang Chunyi sent a jade slip in front of Yan Yuanrang.

Hearing this, Yan Yuanrang fell silent. He had heard the news that Longhu Mountain intended to invite other forces to help Longting. Even Taihua Mountain had been invited several times, but Taihua Mountain had refused.

With thoughts swirling in his heart, he was unwilling and helpless, and Yan Yuanrang took the jade slip.

Seeing such a scene, Zhang Chunyi had a smile on his face.

Reflecting all the contents in the jade slip, Yan Yuanrang became more and more silent. At this time, the conditions offered by Longhu Mountain actually did not change much from before, but at this time, Taihua Mountain had no other options. If you choose to refuse, you will have to pay a corresponding price.

"Taihua Mountain can form an alliance with Longhu Mountain to jointly support the Dayan Dynasty, but Longhu Mountain must give us some time to resolve the cause and effect and minimize the backlash. In this process, Dashun cannot die."

With a decision in mind, Yan Yuanrang looked at Zhang Chunyi and put forward his own conditions. This was the bottom line.

Hearing this, feeling the firmness in Yan Yuanrang's eyes, Zhang Chun nodded.

"Our two families will be allies from now on. Naturally, I won't make it difficult for you, but I hope you can end it as soon as possible. After all, at this point in time, every step forward is good."

"In addition, as for the Huan family, I hope fellow Taoists can help me communicate. The more friends there are, the better. The specific conditions are similar to Taihua Mountain."

With low words, Zhang Chunyi agreed to Yan Yuanrang's request. Since both parties were interested in cooperating, they naturally had to adopt a cooperative attitude.

As for the Xijiang Pavilion, Zhang Chunyi didn't mention it, and Yan Yuanrang didn't ask. The previous move of Xijiang Pavilion to defect to the Dashun Dynasty had actually put him on the opposite side of Longhu Mountain. This kind of hostility was worse than that between Longhu Mountain and Taishun. Huashan is even sharper.

Hearing Zhang Chunyi's words, Yan Yuan let the big stone hanging in his heart finally fall to the ground.

If the Dashun Dynasty perishes like this, Taihua Mountain, as the pillar of Fulongting, will inevitably suffer a lot of backlash, and his own path to immortality may also be ruined. However, as long as Longhu Mountain is willing to cooperate, both parties may not be able to reduce this backlash. to the lowest.

"Thank you so much, Fellow Daoist Zhang. I will communicate with the Huan family. The ancestor of the Huan family is not a person who doesn't know how to adapt."

With a stiff smile on his face, Yan Yuanrang cupped his hands towards Zhang Chunyi. The originally solemn atmosphere relaxed a lot at this moment.

"Fellow Daoist Yan, in the short term, Taihua Mountain will indeed suffer a lot of losses, but in the long term, this may not be an opportunity. With the cooperation between our two families, the general trend of Zhengdong Road and Qianjian Lake has been set. , and in addition, the Xie family on Zhengxi Road and Shahe Mansion have also contacted us, and I believe that Zhengxi Road will undergo earth-shaking changes soon."

With confidence in mind, Zhang Chunyi revealed some news to Yan Yuanrang.

Hearing this, Yan Yuanrang's expression suddenly changed slightly, and he naturally understood the meaning of Zhang Chunyi's words.

"I was very happy to have tea and play chess with my Taoist friends today, but the fun is over and it's time for me to say goodbye. After all, there are probably many things that need to be dealt with by my Taoist friends in Taihua Mountain."

As he spoke, Zhang Chunyi stood up. He could feel that more and more people were waiting outside Yan Yurangang's cave.

After hearing this, Yan Yuanrang, who was worried, did not hold back too much, and personally sent Zhang Chunyi out of Taihua Mountain and gave him a gift in return.

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