Dragon and Tiger Taoist

Chapter 836 Go to Immortality

Rumble, the avenue is roaring.

Above the sky, as a hand as white as jade stretched out, a shocking phenomenon suddenly appeared in the void that had turned into chaos. There were ten days across the sky, and the moon shone through the ages. They were constantly evolving and colliding. A kind of perfection was born in it, and the lacking world of heaven and earth really revived at this moment.

"It's done!"

Feeling the changes in the world, Zhang Chunyi knew that his plan was successful. Although this change was only limited to this square inch and could only last for a moment, it was enough, and it also bypassed Huang Jitian's shackles. This Far better than expected.

A touch of joy filled his heart, and Zhang Chunyi used the power of the four laws of flame, lunar, sun, and thunder he had comprehended to run at full strength, causing the great avenues between heaven and earth to resonate.

Hum, the sky and the earth are interacting, the void is stirring, and wisps of chaos energy are rising. The chaos energy that was originally just an illusion is turning into reality at this moment. With the support of the laws of heaven and earth, it is evolving into real chaos.

Seeing such a scene, Zhang Chunyi knew that the time had come.

"I want to open the sky."

The palm of his hand stretched out, moving the twelfth yin and the sun, aiming at the boundless chaos, Zhang Chunyi cut lightly.

He took a unique path to ascend to immortality. If he wanted to ascend to immortality successfully, he had to break through this chaos, and the yin and yang two-qi scissor magical power he mastered happened to contain the principles of yin and yang development. This is also the key to its unparalleled edge. It's just right to use it here. If he hadn't mastered such magical power, Zhang Chunyi would never have taken such a path.

Roar, the dragons transformed from the two qi of yin and yang meet their heads and tails, showing their unparalleled sharpness, crisscrossing the boundless chaos. Wherever they go, chaos opens up, and the energy of the surrounding sky begins to derive.

His mind was calm, neither sad nor happy. Seeing such a scene, Zhang Chunyi waved his sleeves again.

The next moment, a torrent of blazing flames swept out, completely covering the void and turning it into an oven.

"The blessed land has been opened, and all things will be born before they are born. I want to refine the earth, wind, water, and fire again."

The flames derived Yin and Yang, the golden Yang and the bright moon rose, and were hidden in the furnace. Zhang Chunyi turned the Yin and Yang, collected the energy of the surrounding sky, and began to refine a furnace of real elixirs.

The clear air rises and turns into the sky, the turbid air sinks and turns into the earth, the water energy stirs up, and it rains from the sky, so rivers and lakes begin to appear, and then different qi collide, and more and more substances begin to be born.

At a certain moment, the fire energy between heaven and earth flourished, and a majestic volcano appeared. It was red all over, with endless flames rolling inside. It was the Flame Mountain in the interior scene. Supported by the laws of heaven and earth, it truly entered reality from illusion. From now on, it is no longer a mere imaginary object, but a real and real existence.

And this is just the beginning. After the Flame Mountain, five interior locations including Chenyue Lake, Moon-Watching Peak, Yuhua Pond, Dragon-Tiger Golden Dome, and Earth Oven appeared one after another, blooming with immeasurable fairy light, adding to this desolate land. The blessed land has added a different brilliance, as if it is turning into a living fairy land, evolving endlessly and magically.

At this moment, all kinds of fairy lights intertwined, and a brand new blessed land began to be truly born. It was accompanied by two kinds of innate Qi, one green and one turbid, each with nine rays, extremely numerous. They were dragons in the sky and tigers on the ground.

Seeing such a scene, Zhang Chunyi's expression turned solemn.

"It's time to ascend to immortality!"

As soon as a thought appeared, the gray flame symbolizing the human soul burned brightly, and Zhang Chunyi wanted to completely integrate it with his body.

Hum, the power of the blessed land was aroused, fueling the power of the human soul fire, burning Zhang Chunyi's body, making up for the previous defects, and the immortal orifices began to light up one after another.

Starting from the gushing spring, passing through the Dantian, passing through the five internal organs, entering the left and right labor palaces, and finally returning to Xuan Ni. At this moment, Zhang Chunyi's whole body had a real fairy light flowing, and he was transforming from mortal to immortal.

Ice muscles and jade bones, even the hair are sprouting with brilliance. When the last flaw in Zhang Chunyi's body is made up, magic power is generated in his Dantian orifice, and the two qi of yin and yang are manifested, vaguely condensed into the shape of Tai Chi.

At the same time, his life essence jumped, and his innate lifespan limit was opened and began to grow rapidly.

"Body-protecting fairy light!"

Life changes and mana is generated by itself. As soon as Zhang Chun opened his eyes, he stretched out his hands to capture the two clear and turbid qi, and then melted the body-protecting fairy light. Now is the best time.

Roar, the dragon roars and the tiger roars, the two qi are smelted, and strands of fairy light like chaotic air linger around Zhang Chunyi's body. There is a kind of independent artistic conception. This is the immortal light of the supreme dragon and tiger, which is endless and endless. The characteristics of leakage, both body and soul are under its protection.

"It's time to end this."

Feeling that the barrier of blessed land was beginning to grow, Zhang Chunyi left the blessed land with a thought.

At this time, the bad cosmic wind from the outside world is still blowing, but with the immortal light protecting his body, Zhang Chunyi can go in and out without hindrance, and a new space barrier is developing on the edge of the blessed land.

This is the last moment of becoming an immortal. As long as the blessed land is successfully completed, the monks can truly stabilize their status as true immortals.

Under normal circumstances, in order to prevent the new blessed land from being destroyed by Bad Yufeng and affecting their own status, at this moment the monks will use various means to weaken the power of Bad Yufeng and protect their own blessed land.

However, at this moment, Zhang Chunyi did not do so, because there was no need. The six interior locations suppressed the blessed land, motionless as a mountain, and the blessed land barrier grew out, emitting a hazy golden light. Although it withered from time to time under the blowing of the evil wind, its The speed of derivation was faster, and the hazy golden light seemed to have wiped away the dust under the polishing of the bad Yufeng, becoming more and more dazzling.

Hum, the barrier is complete, bright golden light shines in all directions, and a faint aura of immortality fills the air. Zhang Chunyi's newly opened blessed land is like a golden elixir falling into the world, perfect and flawless.

At the same time, the breaths were connected and the last bit of feedback was received. Zhang Chunyi's own True Immortal status was finally stabilized, and the True Immortal soul was completely condensed and returned to perfection. It was at this time that the long-dormant will of the sky fluctuated, and there was something mysterious. A touch of favor from the dark world fell, reflected in Zhang Chunyi's fate, and brought some subtle changes to Zhang Chunyi.

The most obvious one is longevity. Ordinary true immortals live for ten thousand years, but Zhang Chunyi at this time has reached 20,000, which is comparable to a true immortal who has survived a disaster. In addition, Zhang Chunyi's blessed land has also undergone subtle changes. The changes are just not obvious. This is the heaven's favor for the first immortal of the era.

Zhang Chunyi felt some changes at this time, but at this time, he focused more on the blessed land in front of him.

"After hundreds of years of hard work, you will finally achieve the path of immortality. Just practice and see."

"This blessed land was born based on the Huangting blessed land. Let's continue to inherit the name of Huangting from now on. I hope that one day you can become the best blessed land in the world."

The thought came to mind, Zhang Chunyi stretched out his hand, and the newly born Huang Ting Blessed Land turned into a round golden elixir and fell into his hand.

Opening his mouth, without any hesitation, Zhang Chunyi swallowed the golden elixir into his belly. A normal true immortal's blessed land would not be able to do this. Under normal circumstances, a true immortal would not carry the blessed land with him at all. Not only would he not It is convenient, and the blessed land needs to absorb the power of the world to survive forever. It is simply impossible to do this like Zhang Chunyi.

Buzz, the golden elixir fell into the Dantian, and supernatural powers emerged on its own. Zhang Chunyi's originally shallow magic power began to surge wildly, and finally merged with the golden elixir and turned into infinite power. This is the characteristic of the Earth Immortal - boundless magic power.

The powerful power filled the emptiness, swept away the worries in his heart, and looked up at the sky. Zhang Chunyi felt an unparalleled pride in his heart. He had done everything he could, and if he still fell this time, he would have nothing to regret.

"With one golden elixir swallowed, my fate is determined by my will!"

No longer worried about whether the divine light from the sky would fall, he let the great joy in his heart fill the air, and the true immortal energy blooming around him, Zhang Chun took one step forward and left the sky.

At the same time, heaven and earth interacted with each other, and various visions of becoming immortals appeared in the world. This was the celebration of heaven and earth for the emergence of a true immortal. As the first immortal of the era, Zhang Chunyi's vision this time was particularly majestic.

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