"Damn it!"

Sun Wukong yelled angrily, and his body quickly stopped in mid-air. With his hands as fast as lightning, he attacked Majin Buu.

Majin Buu raised his hands upwards, trying to flip his whole body up.

But Sun Wukong's feet were as thin as pine trees, and he had no way to flip Sun Wukong's body up at once.

At this time, Sun Wukong's fists had already hit Majin Buu's face and body heavily.

Under Sun Wukong's fierce attack, Majin Buu screamed loudly and his body kept retreating backwards.

He also took back the hands that were holding Sun Wukong's feet from Sun Wukong.

Seeing this, Sun Wukong raised his right foot and kicked Majin Buu hard in the face.


With an extremely violent sound, Majin Buu's body flew backwards like a thread.

Sun Wukong roared loudly, and fired a large amount of golden energy waves from his hands, hitting Majin Buu.

"call out……"

Boom! Boom! Boom!!

With huge explosions, the golden energy waves that Sun Wukong attacked hit Majin Buu and exploded in the sky.

For a moment, the sky was filled with thick smoke and flames, and there were violent explosions everywhere.

Seeing this, Sun Wukong immediately stopped the attack.

After a while, when the smoke in the sky dissipated, Majin Buu stood in front of Sun Wukong with an embarrassed look on his face.

"I'm angry!"

Majin Buu shouted angrily, and a lot of white gas came out of the hole on his head.

After that, Majin Buu rushed towards Son Goku at an extremely fast speed.

Son Goku's eyes narrowed slightly, and he also rushed towards Majin Buu.

"call out……"

Bang bang bang!

In just a blink of an eye, the two men came to each other at the same time, fighting fist to fist and foot to foot.

Immediately, there were bursts of loud noises in the sky.

"What a fierce battle!"

Tien Shinhan was shocked as he watched the battle in the sky.

"Tien Shinhan, can you see them fighting?"

Krillin asked

"When they stopped, you could just barely see something!"


At this moment, Majin Buu glared, and a fierce aura emanated from his eyes, causing Sun Wukong to take a step back.

Sun Wukong gritted his teeth, jumped to Majin Buu's face, and kicked Majin Buu's right side with his right foot.


Majin Buu's face tilted to the right, and his body was kicked to the right.

But soon, he turned his body and looked at Sun Wukong.

Sun Wukong smiled, and quickly rushed in front of Majin Buu, and attacked forward with both fists.

Majin Buu raised his hands to block while retreating.

Sun Wukong was attacking While attacking Majin Buu, golden lightning flashed from his hands from time to time.

After a while, Sun Wukong clenched his right fist and hit Majin Buu's chin hard.

Majin Buu's head immediately tilted upward.

Sun Wukong roared loudly, and fired a golden flame from both hands, hitting Majin Buu's body.


With a loud sound, the golden flame hit Majin Buu.

Majin Buu's body was burned by the golden flame, and a lot of black smoke came out of his body.

But soon, the burned parts of Majin Buu's body recovered.

Sun Wukong was shocked.

""What a strong recovery ability!"

Just at this moment, the tentacles on Majin Buu's head suddenly shot a pink light at Sun Wukong.

This light was the transformation light.

After seeing it, Sun Wukong hurriedly dodged.

""Damn it!"

Majin Buu yelled angrily, and in the blink of an eye, he came behind Sun Wukong and attacked Sun Wukong with his hands.

Sun Wukong's figure flashed, and when Majin Buu was about to hit him with both hands, he teleported in front of him.

"call out……"

Majin Buu's hands hit nothing


Sun Wukong roared loudly, and kicked with his right foot towards Majin Buu's abdomen.

Majin Buu thrust his body forward, expanding outward like a balloon.

Sun Wukong was startled, and kicked into Majin Buu's abdomen with his right foot.

Majin Buu's abdomen was like a swamp, slowly letting Sun Wukong's whole body slowly sink into it.


Seeing this, Son Gohan immediately became worried about Son Goku.

"Brother Wukong!"

Krillin and the others were also nervous when they saw this.

""But... Damn it!"

Sun Wukong shouted angrily, and a golden lightning suddenly appeared on his forehead.


With a huge explosion, Sun Wukong's body suddenly emitted a large amount of golden energy, which exploded in Majin Buu's body.

A big hole was soon blown out of Majin Buu's body.

Seeing this, Sun Wukong said to Majin Buu with an apologetic look on his face.

""I'm sorry, Majin Buu, I just had no choice but to blow up your stomach!"

Majin Buu took a deep breath after hearing this.

A lot of flesh immediately grew on his body, filling up the big hole in his body in an instant.

Sun Wukong was stunned.

Although he knew that Majin Buu had a strong recovery ability, he didn't expect it to be so strong.

At this time, Roger sent a voice message to Sun Wukong.

"Wukong, this guy's physical physique is close to immortal, just go ahead and attack him!"

"Near immortality?"


After hearing this, Sun Wukong looked at Majin Buu with excitement.

Since the opponent was difficult to kill, he had nothing to worry about.

Just as Sun Wukong was thinking, Majin Buu suddenly spit out a pink energy wave from his mouth and attacked Sun Wukong.

Sun Wukong immediately dodged to the side.

Majin Buu rushed forward and slammed his head forward.


Majin Buu's head hit Sun Wukong's chest hard.

Sun Wukong was immediately knocked back a distance.

Sun Wukong gritted his teeth, and quickly rushed in front of Majin Buu, and attacked forward with both fists.

Majin Buu clenched his fists and fought with Sun Wukong

"call out……"

Bang, bang, bang!

The two of them moved quickly in the sky while fighting each other.

After the two of them fought for a while, Son Goku kicked Majin Buu from the sky with his right foot.

With a loud bang, Majin Buu's body was kicked down to the ground like a thread.

A lot of dust was immediately kicked out around Majin Buu.


Sun Wukong gasped and fell quickly from midair to the ground.

Although the third stage of Super Saiyan is very powerful, it also consumes a lot of physical strength.

"call out……"

Just as Sun Wukong landed, a spherical object flew out from the sand.

And this"spherical object" was Majin Buu.

Sun Wukong was startled and quickly dodged to the right.


Majin Buu's body hit the ground.

But he quickly bounced back to Sun Wukong through the ground.

Sun Wukong jumped up with both feet and jumped into the sky.


Majin Buu's body crashed into a mountain in front of him.

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