As Roger looked at the clock, his body kept falling down.

"Is this the power of time?"

Roger said, feeling the power of time around him.

At this moment, a black hole appeared and took Roger outside.

As soon as he got outside, Roger saw a man wearing sunglasses and a lavender training suit standing behind several large rocks and looking at something.

Roger stepped on the man's head with his right foot and fell to the ground.

The man didn't know whether he was frightened or Roger's kick was too strong, and he fell directly to the ground.

"It hurts, who attacked me just now!"

The man said, and saw Roger falling in front of him.

""Who is it?"

A delicate voice came from the hot spring in front of the big rock.

A beautiful woman with short purple hair was bathing in the hot spring. After hearing this, the man hurried forward to cover Roger's mouth. At this time, a monkey appeared on the branch of a big tree next to the hot spring and chirped.

"I was so scared, it turned out to be a little monkey!"

The woman was relieved.

Then, the woman came out of the hot spring and changed her clothes behind a big rock.

The man was relieved after seeing this.

""Huh... that was close. Hey, if you want to peek at others, wouldn't you be more careful?"

After hearing this, Roger glanced at the man and said,

"Uncle, were you the one who wanted to peek at someone taking a bath just now?"

"Nonsense, I was just passing by!"

"Really? Then I'll go talk to that big sister right now!"

The man's face changed after hearing this.

Then, he looked at Roger with a smile on his face and said,

"Little boy, I was wrong just now. As long as you don’t tell anyone about this, I will agree to anything you ask for!"

"By the way, uncle, what's your name?"

The man laughed immediately after hearing this.

"I’m Wu Tian, the favorite disciple of the world’s number one martial artist, Wu Taidou!"

"Wu Tian, so you are Master Roshi!"

"What is Master Roshi?"

"My name is Wu Tian, not Turtle Hermit!"

Wu Tian said, leaning close to Roger and whispered

"Oh yeah, did you just see that?"

"Do you see it?"

"that is……"

Wu Tian whispered in Roger's ear


Roger shook his head.

"Really? That's a pity!"

After hearing this, Roger looked around and thought about it.

"This... is indeed the past... but this is a sealed past. This Mr. Bobo is indeed not simple!"

"Hey kid, after talking for so long, I still don’t know your name?"

"My name is Roger!"



Roger nodded.

At this moment, a man wearing a crane hat, sunglasses, and a green martial arts uniform came over with two bald men with the word"Wu" written on their clothes.

This man was the Crane Immortal when he was young.

And the two bald men were his little followers.

Crane Immortal:"Huh, big stupid turtle, you are lazy and come here to peek again, aren't you?"

"You dare to say that to me? You just want to peek here, don't you?"

Wu Tian immediately retorted after hearing this.

At this time, the younger brother standing behind the Crane Immortal said to Wu Tian with a flattering face.

"Miss Fangfang, you will definitely become Boss He’s girlfriend!"

"If you want to peek, just wait patiently!" said another little brother.

Crane Immortal:"That's absolutely right!"

"Stop joking. Miss Fangfang doesn't like a pretentious guy like you!"

"You, even a broken tile would scare you to the point of your legs going limp, and you still dare to talk about me!"


Wu Tian snorted coldly.

"If I'm serious, I can knock you down with one punch!"

"Well said!"

He Xianren said, and immediately made a fighting gesture.

After seeing this, the two younger brothers beside him immediately stepped back to make more space for the two to fight.

After seeing this, Wu Tian immediately broke out in a lot of cold sweat on his forehead.

"Ah! It hurts so much, my waist, my waist!"

Wu Tian suddenly squatted down and said

"Humph, it's useless. It's just a waste of time to take you seriously!"

Seeing this, the Crane Immortal said with disdain

"let's go!"

""A weakling!" said one of Hexianren's younger brothers

"You want to escape? It's really despicable!"

Wu Tian saw the three people leave and immediately pretended to be arrogant.

Roger, who was standing aside, was speechless after seeing this.

Whether this turtle master was young or old, his temperament has not changed at all.

"Uncle, can you take me to meet Master Wu Taidou?"

"What uncle? I'm only 18 years old this year. You should call me brother!"

After hearing this, Wu Tian said with an unhappy face.

"But you don't look 18!"

Roger said

"I'm really 18!"

Wu Tian said angrily

"Okay, I'll just believe you're 18!"

"What do you mean by just believe it? I am 18!"

"Okay, you 18, then can you take me to see your master?"

Wu Tian snorted coldly.

"Of course you can, but you have to keep what happened just now a secret!"

"Of course!"

Roger said with a smile.

He was also at the scene just now, how could he tell this matter to others?

Seeing this, Wu Tian took Roger to see Wu Taidou. At

Wu Taidou's dojo

, a large number of Wu Taidou's disciples were sitting cross-legged on the ground, listening to a white-haired old man's explanation of martial arts.

This man was Wu Taidou.

Suddenly, a man came in with a child.

These two people were Wu Tian and Roger.

""Teacher Wu Taidou!"

Wu Tian knelt down and saluted Wu Taidou.

Wu Taidou nodded and said

"he is?"

"He said his name is Roger and he wanted to ask you for advice on martial arts!"

"Can you teach me martial arts?"

Wu Taidou looked at Roger.

"Hello, Master Wu Taidou!"

"Hello, when you say"ask for advice", do you mean exchanging martial arts skills or some guidance on spiritual practice?"

"Exchange martial arts!"

"This kid actually wants to spar with Master Wu Taidou. He is simply overestimating his own abilities!"


After hearing this, Wu Taidou's disciples immediately started talking about it.


Wu Taidou said to the disciples who were discussing.


After hearing this, the disciples immediately stopped talking.

At this time, Wu Taidou looked at Roger again and said

"Roger, why do you want to compete with me in martial arts?"

"Because I want to become stronger!"

"I see. How about scheduling the competition in three days?"

""Teacher Wu Taidou!"

The disciples were surprised.

Wu Taidou actually agreed to Roger's rude request.

Seeing this, Wu Taidou shook his head and signaled them not to speak.


After listening to this, Roger thought about it and nodded.

"In that case, I will come back to see you in three days!"

Wu Taidou nodded.

Seeing this, Roger immediately got up from the ground and left the martial arts arena.

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