Sun Wukong roared loudly and turned the breath in his body into divine energy.

At this time, Sun Wukong's hair became normal length, the color of his hair changed from golden to bright red, his body became more handsome and thin, and his whole body was covered with a spiritual energy like the flame of the sun. His eyes became larger and his pupils appeared. His skin became whiter and his appearance became younger and more boyish.

This is the transformation of Super Saiyan God.


Sun Wukong said as he looked at the fiery red aura emanating from his body.

""Congratulations, Goku!"

Whis, who was standing nearby, said with a smile.

Although Whis couldn't take Goku to the Destroyer Realm to practice because Beerus was asleep, it was okay for him to teach Goku occasionally.

Goku nodded after hearing this.

"Then Mr. Weiss, can I fight with you?"

After hearing this, Weiss thought about it and nodded.


Sun Wukong said, and immediately put his hands in fighting gestures.

"Then Mr. Weiss, I'm going to attack you now, so you better be ready!"


Weiss nodded.

Sun Wukong roared loudly, and his body turned into a red light and rushed towards Weiss.

But in the blink of an eye, Sun Wukong came in front of Weiss, and his fists were as fast as light, attacking Weiss.

Weiss moved slightly and dodged.

""Damn it!"

Sun Wukong yelled angrily, stepped hard with his right foot behind him, and punched forward with his right fist.

Weiss dodged Sun Wukong's attack again.

""Okay, Goku, if you want to test your strength, this is about the right time!"

After hearing this, Sun Wukong nodded.

Although he wanted to continue fighting with Whis, he also knew that he could not defeat Whis at all.

Seeing this, the North King Kai standing aside immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

If Sun Wukong insisted on continuing to fight with Whis, his North King Realm might not be safe.


Earth, West City.

A man wearing green clothes, a helmet on his head, and a red cape behind him is facing five armed robbers in front of a jewelry store.

This man is Son Gohan.

Although the world has changed because of Roger's appearance, Son Gohan, who has justice in his heart, has become a messenger of justice in West City, just like in the original work.

"Who are you?"

The robber boss looked at the strangely dressed Son Gohan and asked.

After hearing this, Son Gohan smiled and said

"I am the nemesis of all evil, the messenger of justice, the Super Saiyan Superman!"

"Super Saiyan Superman?"

At this time, the younger brother standing beside said to the robber boss

"Boss, this guy is very famous in Xidu. I think why don’t we just surrender?"

"How do you know him?" the robber leader asked the younger brother beside him.

"Because I have friends in Xidu, and I heard from my friends that... he can catch bullets with his bare hands!"

"Catch the bullet with bare hands!"


After hearing this, the robber boss immediately yelled to his younger brother beside him.

"Then why didn't you tell me before?"

"I thought we wouldn't run into him, so……"

"You idiot!"

Just as the two were arguing, Son Gohan took a step forward and said

"You have been surrounded, I advise you to put down your guns and surrender!"

After hearing this, the robber leader gritted his teeth and

"If you dare to come forward, I will kill her!"

After hearing this, Son Gohan flashed to the hostage-taker and hit him back with his right elbow.

The robbers standing around immediately raised their pistols and wanted to shoot Son Gohan.

But before they could shoot, they were hit hard in the head and abdomen by Son Gohan.

The four fell down.

Because Son Gohan's attack speed was too fast, the people standing around had no idea what had just happened.

"What just happened?"

"I don’t know!"

The police standing outside the cordon saw this and immediately stepped forward to arrest the five robbers.

"You're fine!"

Son Gohan said to the hostage.

After hearing this, the hostage was extremely excited and hugged Son Gohan.

"Thank you, thank you for saving me, Super Saiyan Superman!"


Son Gohan nodded.

At this time, a policeman who was familiar with Son Gohan also came over to thank Son Gohan.

After the matter was resolved, Son Gohan immediately said goodbye to the police and returned to school.

On a mountain outside the West Capital, a black vortex suddenly appeared.

A medium-sized Majin Buu wearing an orange martial arts uniform flew out of the vortex.

This man is the Big Buu in the original Dragon Ball, and he is also the Big Buu who absorbed Son Gohan.

Big Buu came from another time and space.

That time and space is called the If Time and Space.

In the If Time and Space, the resurrected Son Goku and Vegeta did not successfully merge.

This also led to the killing of Son Goku and Vegeta, and Big Buu ruled that time and space.

After Big Buu became invincible, he destroyed planets everywhere.

Soon, most of the universe was destroyed by him.

But he felt bored because of this, so he learned from Zuno that there were other time and space outside his time and space.

The way to go to other time and space is to use the time ring of King Kai.

The purpose of his coming here is mainly to fight with the strong and then rule this time and space

"Well, the Earth in this time and space still exists, which means that Son Goku and the others should still be alive!"

Big Buu said, trying to sense the breath of Son Goku and the others.

"It's strange, how can the earth have so much powerful energy?"

Big Buu felt the energy of Reg and others through induction.

"Could it be that... this time and space is different from mine? In that case, I will go find Son Gohan first and learn about this time and space from him!"

Big Buu said, flying towards the direction of the West Capital.

At the same time,

Son Gohan, who had just returned to school, had already felt the aura of the sudden appearance of Big Buu.

"Such a strong aura, and this aura is very similar to Majin Buu, but stronger than Majin Buu's aura!"

Son Gohan thought for a moment, and immediately left the school and flew towards Big Buu.

After Son Gohan set out, Luo Feng and the others also felt Big Buu's aura.

"Majin Buu, do you feel it? There is an aura that looks very similar to you!"

Goten asked Majin Buu.

Majin Buu nodded.

"How about we go and take a look?"


Outside the West Capital.

At this time, Da Buu, who was about to enter the West Capital, suddenly saw a figure flying towards him at a very fast speed.

This person was Son Gohan

"Oh, you came to my door!"

Seeing this, Big Buu immediately stopped and waited for Son Gohan to come.

After a while, Son Gohan flew in front of Big Buu.

After seeing the appearance of Big Buu, Son Gohan was immediately surprised and said

"Who are you? Why do you look so much like Majin Buu?"

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