"Damn it!"

Vegeta gritted his teeth, looking at Big Buu in the sky with reluctance in his heart.

He originally thought that since his strength had increased so much, he should be able to increase it so much.

But he didn't expect that this Big Buu was much stronger than Majin Buu.

Big Buu looked at Vegeta, who was no longer able to fight against him, and smiled at Son Goku and the others.

Although he didn't take Son Goten and Majin Buu seriously, he was a little afraid of Luo Gohan's strength.

He originally wanted to absorb Luo Gohan through a trick like in the previous time and space.

But... this time there are more people like Son Goku, and so many of them are staring at him. His plan to absorb Luo Gohan through a sneak attack will definitely not be so easy to succeed.

So he changed his original plan. His current plan is to fight a war of attrition with Son Goku and the others.

Although the Super Saiyan transformation of Son Goku and the others is strong, it is not long-lasting, and their Super Saiyan transformation also consumes a lot of their own energy.

Luo Gohan saw Vegeta defeated, and immediately looked at Son Goku and said

"Uncle Wukong, do you want to fight him?"

He only has ten minutes left to merge. If Sun Wukong wants to fight him, then he won't interfere with their fight.

"No, in fact, you can fight him!"

After hearing this, Big Buu frowned slightly.

He was not sure about fighting Luo Wuhan, but he was 100% sure that he could beat Son Goku.

Thinking of this, Big Buu immediately mocked Son Goku

"What's wrong, Sun Wukong, are you afraid to fight me? Are you afraid that you will be defeated by me like Vegeta?"

After hearing this, Sun Wukong immediately laughed.

"Majin Buu, it seems that you are very confident in your abilities!"

"Of course, as long as you don't use the fusion trick, I can fight any of you!"As soon as the voice fell, five figures flew over from a distance.

These five people were Reg, Supali and Reg's three sons.

"Who is this? Why does he look so much like Vegeta?"

Big Buu was immediately surprised when he saw Reg's appearance.


At this moment, Reg stopped in front of Big Buu, and Supali fell to the ground with Oren, Kuren and others.

Soon, the four of them landed on the ground in front of Son Goku and others.


"Uncle Reg!"

Sun Wukong and the others didn't expect that Reg would come over at this time.

Big Buu:"Who are you? Why do you look so much like Vegeta?"

After hearing this, Reg immediately looked at Vegeta on the ground.

"My name is Reg, and I'm Vegeta's brother!"

"Vegeta's brother?"


After hearing this, Big Buu immediately laughed.

"So, you came here to help Vegeta get revenge?"


Reg laughed immediately after hearing this.

"Don't misunderstand me, I just came to see who my disappointing brother is fighting with!"

After hearing this, Vegeta gritted his teeth.

He did not admit that he was his brother.

"Oh, now that you've seen it, shouldn't you get out of my way?"

"What if I don't allow it?"

"If you don't let me, don't blame me for being rude!"

Big Buu said coldly

"You're welcome!"

Reg laughed immediately after hearing this.

"Then I want to see how you can be rude to me!"

After hearing this, Big Buu gritted his teeth.

In fact, when he first arrived at this time and space, he felt a very strong aura.

This aura was exactly Reg's aura.

Broly restrained his aura, so he didn't notice it.

"Really? Well, don't regret it!"

Big Buu said, and rushed towards Reg as fast as lightning.


Reg roared loudly, and an extremely amazing aura emanated from his whole body, rising rapidly upwards.


With an extremely amazing momentum, Reg transformed into Super Saiyan 4.

Big Buu was startled, but still attacked Reg with his right fist.

Reg dodged to the side, and hit Big Buu's abdomen with his right fist.

Big Buu screamed loudly, spitting out a mouthful of bitter water.

Reg clenched his fists and hit Big Buu's face and body.

"call out……"

Bang, bang, bang!!

Under Reg's fierce attack, Big Buu immediately screamed loudly and his body kept retreating backwards.


Reg raised his left foot and kicked Big Buu's chin hard.

Big Buu's head immediately tilted back.

Reg raised his hands forward and fired a flaming air flame from his hands, hitting Big Buu.


Big Buu screamed loudly, and his body was immediately turned into thick smoke by the air flame.

""Destroyed... destroyed?"

Luo Chen said when he saw that Big Buu's body had turned into ashes.

"Not yet!"

Sun Wukong said seriously after hearing this.

As soon as he finished speaking, a large amount of pink smoke flew out from the black smoke and gathered in the sky to form the shape of Big Buu.

After Big Buu's body recovered, his whole body was pitch black. After a few seconds, his skin returned to pink.

"Damn it!"

Big Buu clenched his fists tightly, looking at Reg in front of him with great anger.


Reg frowned slightly when he saw this.

If Big Buu had an immortal body, no matter how strong he was, he would not be able to destroy the other party.

"He is not immortal, he just has a strong recovery ability!"

Majin Buu said

"Really? Well, in that case, I will make him completely disappear from this world this time!"

Reg said confidently.

After hearing this, Big Buu gritted his teeth.

Although he was a little unhappy with Reg's words, Reg's strength was indeed much stronger than Vegeta.

After Reg finished speaking, he immediately rushed towards Big Buu.

Big Buu clenched his hands and rushed forward.

But at this moment, Reg's figure suddenly disappeared and appeared behind Big Buu.

Big Buu was startled and turned around quickly, and saw a huge fist hitting him.


Reg's right fist hit Big Buu in the face.

Big Buu gritted his teeth and stepped back a few steps.

Reg roared loudly, and his fists were like light, hitting Big Buu.

"call out……"

Bang, bang, bang!

Big Buu screamed loudly and his body kept falling back.

After a while, Reg grabbed the tentacles on Big Buu's head with both hands, and after spinning his body outwards for several circles, he threw him out.


Reg raised his hands forward, condensed a huge golden energy wave in his hands, and hit Big Buu.


The golden energy wave hit Big Buu


Big Buu roared loudly, his heart filled with fear of the energy wave that was about to explode.

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