"Reg, Reg!"

Supali shouted to Reg.

But Reg still ignored him.

"So since Reg doesn't want to, I'll leave first?"

Son Goku said.

According to their original plan, if Reg didn't want to participate, Majin Buu would take over.

"Wait a minute!"

Supali said to Sun Wukong

"What's wrong?"

"Since Reg is unwilling, why not let Oren participate in the competition!"

After hearing this, Sun Wukong immediately looked at Oren and the others.

"Yes, although Oren is not as strong as Reg, he is also very powerful!"

"I'll have to go back and ask Roger about this!"

"Thank you for your help!"

Sun Wukong nodded.

"If there is nothing else, I will go back?"


Supali nodded.

Seeing this, Sun Wukong placed two fingers of his right hand on his forehead and disappeared in an instant.

In the West Capital, Bulma's house.

Beerus and Whis were tasting the earth's food at Bulma's house at this time, and two figures suddenly appeared.

These two people are Sun Wukong and Vegeta

"Lord Beerus, I'm back!"

"Hello, Master Beerus!

Vegeta said to Beerus.

Beerus nodded.

"What about Wukong, what did Reg say?"

"Reg said he didn't want to participate!"

"Not willing?"

"Yes, but his wife said to let his son participate!"

"His son? How strong is his son?"

"I don’t know, but she said it’s pretty strong!"

"I see, then that way we have five of us!"

Whis:"Yes, Lord Beerus!"


Time flies, and ten days have passed in a blink of an eye.

Today is the day of the martial arts tournament.

Whis brought Beerus to Roger's house early in the morning, preparing to take Son Goku and the others to the sixth universe.

At this time, Son Goku and the others were walking into Whis's shuttle cube one by one.

"Who wants to teleport over there? I can use teleportation to take you there."

Roger looked at Son Gohan and the others who had not yet gone up and said

"Uncle Roger, I want it, I want it!"

"And I!"


Roger said with a smile.

After a while, Roger teleported and took Goten and the others to the competition site of the sixth universe.

Goku and Vegeta took the Whis shuttle cube to the sixth universe.

The sixth universe, Sirius.

At this time, Xiangpa was standing on a square ring with a bored look on his face.

This ring was similar to the world's first martial arts tournament ring, but the ring was not sure how much harder it was.

On both sides of the competition ring, there were two huge portraits, and the portraits were of Beerus and Xiangpa.

Under the competition stage, there were various machines for ice cream, drinks, and snacks.

"Bardos, why haven’t Beerus and the others come yet?"

"I don't know, but I think it should be coming soon!"As soon as the voice fell, more than ten figures immediately appeared on the competition stage.

They were Roger and Sun Wutian.

"Roger, you are here!"

"Yes, Lord Xiangpa!"

"What about Beerus and the others?"

"They have already set off on Weiss's shuttle cube, I think they should be here soon!"


Roger nodded and led Sun Wutian and the others to the audience.

After a while, Whis also led Sun Wukong and the others to the martial arts conference.


Beerus came to the competition stage and greeted Champa.


Xiangpa smiled and replied.

"What do you think Beerus, my competition stage is pretty good, right?"

"I don't know, it looks OK!"

At this time, a short man with green skin walked onto the stage.

This man was the referee of today's martial arts competition.

"Hello, Lord Xiangpa, I am the referee of this conference. When will the competition start?"

"Now you can!"

"Really? In that case, I will introduce myself to them and then tell them the rules of this competition!"

Champa nodded.

Seeing this, Beerus turned around and flew towards the audience seats of the seventh universe.

After seeing this, Champa also flew towards his own audience seats.

"Hello everyone, my name is Marco, and I am the host and referee of your martial arts competition!

I am very honored to be invited by Lord Xiangpa to host this martial arts competition. Next, I will tell the contestants on both sides the rules of this competition!

First of all, the sound of the bronze drum is used as the signal for the start of this competition. Weapons and external forces are not allowed during the competition.

Falling out of the field, admitting defeat, and being knocked down are all considered failures. The so-called"knockdown" means that you cannot get up within 10 seconds after falling down.

You are not allowed to kill your opponent during the competition, otherwise you will be disqualified.

Attacking the audience will be disqualified, and touching the barrier will result in elimination.

The competition is conducted in the form of a ring. As long as one player wins, the winner can continue to compete until he is defeated and replaced.

If there are no problems with the players on both sides, please send one player to the stage to compete!"


After hearing this, Beerus immediately looked at Sun Wukong who was sitting next to him.

"So Gohan, how about letting you play in the first game?"

""Okay, Dad!"

Son Gohan said, and immediately stood up from his seat and flew to the stage.

"Well, the seventh universe sent Son Gohan to participate in the first game, so who will the sixth universe send to compete?"As soon as the voice fell, a man who looked like a yellow bear and was relatively fat walked onto the stage.

The man had smooth and elastic skin, a red vest, a pair of sports bracelets on his hands, a pair of red boots on his feet, a brown nose, and a very short tail behind him.

His name was Bodama, and he was found by Bardos.���Players

"The contestant from the sixth universe came on stage. His name is Bottam. I wonder who is stronger between him and Son Gohan!"


Son Gohan looked at Bodham in front of him and didn't think he was powerful.

"Hello, my name is Son Gohan!"

Son Gohan greeted Bodham.

Bodham snorted coldly and ignored him.

"Now that both players have come on stage, shall we start the match?"

The two nodded.

Seeing this, Mark immediately ran to the stage.

Son Gohan raised his hands forward and made a fighting gesture.

Bodamo smiled and slowly attacked Son Gohan.

Son Gohan shouted and rushed to Bodamo as fast as the wind, and attacked with both fists.

"call out……"

Bang, bang, bang!!

With a series of extremely violent sounds, Son Gohan punched Bodham with both fists.

But Bodham seemed to be fine, raised his fists and attacked Son Gohan.

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