This man's name is Frost, and he is from the same family as Frieza.

Sun Wukong:"Who is this guy? Why does he look so much like Frieza?"

"I don't know!"

Sun Wutian shook his head.

"The third contestant from the sixth universe comes on stage. His name is Frost. I wonder if he can defeat Son Gohan. Let us all wait and see!"


After hearing this, Son Gohan immediately looked at the short Frost in front of him.

"So, contestants, if you don't have any other questions, please start the game?"

"Wait!" said Frost.

"What's wrong, Frost?" the referee asked

"Hello, my name is Frost. Please show mercy when we fight later!"

Frost said to Son Gohan with a smile on his face.


Son Gohan nodded.

"So, can the two contestants start the competition now?"

""That's it!"

Frost said.

After that, Son Gohan immediately made a battle gesture and said

"So Frost, am I going to attack now?"

"Good Son Gohan!"

Frost smiled.


Son Gohan shouted, and rushed to Frost as fast as lightning.

Frost was startled, and before he could react, he was hit by Son Gohan's right fist, and his body flew backwards like a thread.

Son Gohan roared loudly, and his hands quickly gathered energy.

A deep blue energy wave quickly condensed in Son Gohan's hands and hit Frost.


The deep blue energy wave hit Frost and knocked him off the competition ring.

"Frost is out, Son Gohan wins!"

Changpa saw that their universe lost again, and he immediately became angry.

"Bardos, didn’t you just tell me to believe you? But how can you make me believe you now?"

"Lord Xiangpa, every competition has a winner and a loser. I believe we can defeat Son Gohan in this round!"

"Okay, I'll trust you again!"

Bardos nodded.


Son Gohan was standing on the stage, breathing heavily.

Although he had defeated Frost and the other three, he had also consumed a lot of his energy.

At this moment, a woman with a black hedgehog hairstyle and wearing a bad girl's outfit walked up from the stage.

This woman's name was Caulifla, a Saiyan from the sixth universe.

"The fourth contestant from the sixth universe came on stage. Her name was Caulifla, and she was the only female contestant in this competition!"


After hearing this, Son Gohan looked at Caulifla seriously. He did not look down on her just because she was a woman.

"The two players, if you have no other questions, please start the game?"

The two nodded.

Then, Son Gohan clenched his hands and rushed towards Caulifla.

Caulifla smiled and suddenly clenched his hands very tightly.


With a huge roar, Caulifla transformed into a Super Saiyan


Sun Wukong and the others were shocked.

They didn't expect that Caulifla was actually a Saiyan.

After seeing this, Sun Gohan was also a little surprised, but he still raised his right fist and attacked Caulifla.

Caulifla dodged by moving sideways.

After seeing this, Sun Gohan immediately raised his left fist to attack Caulifla, but was blocked by Caulifla's right hand.

Seeing this, Sun Gohan's face immediately showed a little surprise.

Caulifla pushed forward with her right hand and pushed Sun Gohan's body back.

Sun Gohan stepped hard on the ground with both feet and soon stopped on the ground.

""Whis, what's going on? Why doesn't Caulifla have a tail?"

Sun Wukong asked Whis

"I’m not sure about this either!"

Whis shook his head after hearing this.

Roger:"The Saiyans in the sixth universe don’t have tails!"

"Don't all the Saiyans in Universe 6 have tails?"

Raditz asked


"So, you can't transform into a giant ape like us?"

""Why don't you transform into a Super Saiyan?"

Caulifla smiled and looked at Son Gohan.

She, like Son Goku, loves fighting.

"What is Caulifla doing? Why doesn't she knock him down as soon as possible?"

Xiangpa saw that a powerful player finally appeared in his universe, and he immediately became excited.

"Lord Xiangpa, Caulifla is only temporarily in the upper hand now, she has not defeated Son Gohan!"

"No, I was just a little excited. Besides, Son Gohan had just fought three people in a row, so he must have no energy left."


On the competition stage, Son Gohan clenched his hands tightly after hearing what Caulifla said.


With a huge roar, Son Gohan transformed into a Super Saiyan.

Caulifla smiled, and rushed towards Son Gohan as fast as lightning.

Soon, Caulifla rushed in front of Son Gohan, and punched Son Gohan with both fists as fast as lightning.

Son Gohan raised his fists and punched with Caulifla's fists.

The ground under their feet cracked, raising huge dust.


After the two fought for a while, Son Gohan punched Caulifla in the face with his right fist, and knocked her out with one punch.

Caulifla stomped her feet on the ground and soon stopped on the ground.

Caulifla smiled and looked at Son Gohan, clenched her fists, and raised her aura again.

The ground around was violently shaken by Caulifla's aura.


Son Gohan was shocked.

He didn't expect that Caulifla still had hidden strength.

At this moment, Caulifla roared loudly, her hair stood up even more, her flame-like aura turned into a fire-breathing aura, and her body was surrounded by lightning as it emitted energy.

This was the Super Saiyan 2

"Super Saiyan 2!"

Sun Wukong and the others watched Caulifla transform and said

"Damn it!"

Son Gohan was very unwilling in his heart, looking at Caulifla.

If the previous battle had not consumed a lot of his physical strength, he would definitely be confident that he could defeat Caulifla.


Caulifla shouted, and suddenly appeared in front of Son Gohan, punching forward with her right fist.

Son Gohan blocked with both arms, and was knocked back by the punch.

Caulifla roared loudly, and fired a large amount of energy waves from both hands, attacking Son Gohan.

Son Gohan jumped up and flew into the sky.

Seeing this, Caulifla immediately raised her hands and punched towards the sky.

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