After hearing this, the fortune-teller touched her chin with her right hand and looked at Roger.

"How do you, a mortal, know the King of the North?"


"If you don’t tell me, I won’t take you to the underworld!"

"If I tell you, will you take me to the underworld?"

Roger said with a smile

"This... I didn't say that!"

The fortune-teller turned her head to look at the other side, secretly sighing that Roger was too difficult to deal with.

"But I can think about it!"



The fortune-teller smiled.

She said she would consider it and could choose to tell or not tell.

"In fact, the reason why I know Lord Kai is because I have seen my future!"

"Your future?"

Roger nodded.

"But how can you see your future?"

"There is a race in the universe who can use a kind of boxing to let people see their future!"

"Universe, aren’t you from Earth?"

"I am a Saiyan!"



Roger nodded.

"No wonder you are so strong at such a young age, it turns out you are not from Earth!"

"What about that fortune-telling old lady going to the underworld?"

"If it's a dead person going to the underworld, then of course there's no problem, but you're a living person, so it's relatively difficult!

In addition, if you want to go to King Kai of the North, I have to communicate with him first!"


The fortune-teller nodded.

"If he agrees to let you go to his place, I will take you there!"

"All right then!"

The fortune-teller saw this and immediately used the crystal ball to contact the North Kai King on the North Kai King Planet.

"King Kai of the North, King Kai of the North, can you hear me? I am the fortune-teller."

"Fortune-telling mother-in-law?"

""What can I do for you, Grandma Fortune Teller?" asked the King of the North.

"I have a Saiyan named Roger here, and he wants to come to your place to train!"


King Kai was shocked.

"What's wrong, King Kai?"

"Planet Vegeta, the Saiyans' home planet, was destroyed by a meteorite more than a year ago, and now there are only a few Saiyans left. I didn't expect that there are still Saiyans surviving on your Earth!"

"I see. Then do you want King Beijie to come to your place to train?"

"By the way, why did he come to me to practice?" asked the King of the North.

"Roger, why do you want to go to the North King to practice?"

The fortune-teller asked Roger.

"Because Lord Kai is a man with a great sense of humor!"

"Sense of humor!"

After hearing this, the North King felt a little lost.

"This kid really has good vision!"

"Then the King of the North Realm, do you want him to come to you?"

"Let him come over!"

""Okay, I understand!"

At this time, the North King suddenly reacted and was a little overwhelmed, but he had already said it, and for the sake of face, he could only let Roger pass.

"The King of the North, I promise to let you pass!"

The fortune-teller said to Roger

"That's great!"

Roger said happily.

"But don't be happy too soon, I didn't promise to take you to the underworld!"

"Fortune-telling grandma, if you take me to the underworld, I will definitely not forget your help this time!"

"Come on, if you really can’t forget my help this time, just give me some money!"

"Ten million!"

"Ten million, you call that a little?"

"Of course it’s one point. I get ten million for each divination I do for someone!"

"How about a discount?"


"Yes, look at how much money a kid like me can have?"

"Okay, then I’ll give you 8 million at 20% off!"

"How about a 10% discount?"

Roger said with a smile

"A 10% discount is not impossible!"

The fortune-teller smiled and said

"Damn it, I cut it too low. If you could cut it in half,"

"No, one million, no negotiation!"

""Okay then!"

After hearing this, Roger immediately took out a universal capsule and threw it to the ground.


With a puff of white smoke, a black suitcase appeared on the ground.

Roger opened the suitcase, and inside was a full 100 million in cash.

When the fortune-teller saw the money in the box, her eyes immediately lit up and said

"You are such a hidden talent, but you actually have so much money. No, I have to take back what I just said. I can only give you 20% off at most!"

After hearing this, Roger immediately closed the box.

"Well, if that's the case, I'll leave. You won't get a million dollars this way!"

After hearing this, the fortune-teller gritted her teeth and said

""Okay, okay, I'll take a loss, one million is one million!"

After hearing this, Roger's mouth twitched.

One million is a loss?

He originally wanted to ask her to send her there for free, but he didn't want to owe her a favor, so he gave her one million.

In his previous life, one million could have bought a large house in his county.

However, although Roger was a little unhappy, he still gave the money to the fortune-teller.

"That's a million, count them!"

"No need to count, I just need to look at the thickness of the money!"


The fortune-teller nodded.

"Then get ready, we're heading to the underworld now!"



After saying that, the fortune-teller immediately used the crystal ball to bring the two to the underworld.

Outside the underworld, a large number of ghosts who had just arrived were lined up.

These ghosts had not yet been judged by the King of Hell, so they would have to go through the judgment before their destination could be decided.

"Is this the underworld?"

Roger said, looking at the long queue of ghosts.

"Yes, do you feel scared?"

The fortune-teller said with a smile

"Yes, they are ghosts. Aren't you afraid of them?"

"What are you afraid of? They can’t beat me anyway!"


"Then come in with me?"


Roger said, and walked in with the fortune-teller.

After entering the underworld, Roger saw some ghost messengers directing the ghosts in line.

At the front of these ghosts, there was a man with red skin, a pair of white horns on his head, and a full beard on his face, who was judging these ghosts.

This man was Yama King.

"You committed murder and arson during your lifetime, so you are sentenced to hell!"

"You have lived an ordinary life, doing neither good nor bad things, so you are sentenced to reincarnation!"


"King Yama!"

The fortune-teller said to King Yama.


After hearing the fortune-teller's voice, King Yama immediately looked aside.

"Fortune-telling grandmother!"

The fortune-telling grandmother nodded.

"Fortune-telling grandmother, why did you come here suddenly? Who is the little ghost next to you? He doesn't seem to be dead, right?"

"Of course he is not a dead person. His name is Roger, and he wants to go to King Kai of the North to practice!"

"King Kai of the North, have you greeted him?"

"Okay, he agreed!"

"In that case, Red Ghost, take him to the Yellow Springs Snake Road!"

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