"Gabe, I have him under my control. Take this opportunity to knock him out!"

Hitt shouted to Gabe.

"Under control?"


Hitt nodded.

After hearing this, Gabe was still a little scared. He had seen the strength that Reg had just shown.


At this moment, Reg roared loudly, and an extremely powerful aura suddenly burst out from his body.

His body also began to recover under this powerful aura.

"Hurry up, or I won't be able to hold on any longer."

""Okay!" said Gabe, and rushed towards Reg at the speed of the wind.

At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared and blocked Gabe.

This person was Broly.

Gabe was startled and his body immediately stopped in front of Broly.


Beerus was delighted when he saw this.

He didn't expect Broly to arrive in time.

At this moment, Hit couldn't restrain Reg anymore because Reg was too strong.

Hit gasped and one side of his body fell down.

This was the first time he encountered such a strong opponent like Reg.


Xiangpa was shocked.

He could see that Hitt must have reached his limit.


Gabe saw this and shouted to Hit.

He felt very guilty at the moment. If he hadn't hesitated just now, maybe they really had a chance to knock Reg off the stage.


After Reg broke free from the prison of time, he immediately rushed towards Hit.

Seeing this, Hit gritted his teeth and quickly stood up from the ground.

At this moment, Reg appeared in front of Hit, and punched Hit like a storm.

Hit raised his arms forward to resist Reg's attack.

Reg swung his right fist forward with all his strength, and knocked Hit out of the competition stage with one punch.

"The sixth universe Hit is out!"

After hearing this, the King of All immediately pressed the switch on the Godipai.

At this moment, someone behind Reg suddenly pushed him hard.

Reg took a few steps forward, but he quickly turned around and kicked forward with his right foot.

"call out……"

Reg kicked the air in front of him with his right foot.

Reg was startled and quickly moved forward, looking around.

However, no matter how he looked, he did not see anyone around.

In order to save his energy, Reg first changed his body back to normal.

Behind Reg, there was an invisible chameleon lying on the ground, not daring to move.

His name was Gamisaras, an invisible warrior of the fourth universe.

He was the one who pushed Reg just now.

Originally, he wanted to take advantage of Reg's carelessness and push Reg off the stage.

But unexpectedly, Reg's reaction was so fast that he was not pushed off and almost kicked him.

Broly's side.

After Hit was eliminated, Broly immediately attacked Cabbe.

Under Broly's powerful strength, Cabbe's body was quickly knocked out.

With a loud bang, Cabbe's body crashed into the mountain behind him.

The mountain immediately smashed out a lot of sand and dust.

Broly saw it and immediately stopped attacking.

After a while, when the dust on the ground cleared, a huge dent appeared on the mountain behind Cabbe, which was caused by his collision.

Cabbe leaned against the mountain in a very embarrassed manner.

At this moment, two figures appeared.

Both of them were Saiyans, one of whom was Caulifla who participated in the martial arts tournament.

The other was also a woman.

The woman had black hair tied in a ponytail, dark skin, and wore a red short-sleeved shirt and a short skirt that exposed her navel. She wore purple safety pants under the short skirt, bracelet-shaped earrings on her ears, and a pair of golden wrist guards on her hands.

Her name is Kale, she is Caulifla's junior, and she is more introverted.

""Ka... Caulifla!"

Gabe said to Caulifla with some difficulty.

Caulifla nodded after hearing this.

"Are you okay, Gabe?"

"It's okay, but you have to be careful of that guy, he's very strong!"

Although Gabe said this, he was actually beaten to death by Broly just now.

You know, even if Broly doesn't transform, his strength is still higher than that of Son Goku who transformed into Super Saiyan state.


After hearing this, Caulifla's face immediately showed a hint of interest.

Like Sun Wukong, she loved fighting very much, so when she heard that Broly was very strong, the first thing she felt was not fear, but excitement. The stronger the opponent, the more interesting the battle.

Thinking of this, Caulifla clenched her hands and rushed towards Broly at the speed of the wind.

Broly clenched his fists and rushed forward.

Soon, the two came in front of each other, and their fists hit each other as fast as lightning.

Because Broly was stronger, the two didn't fight for long before Caulifla was knocked out because Broly's fist was too powerful.

With a loud bang, Caulifla's body was like a thread, and it slammed into a mountain behind her.

The mountain was immediately smashed into a lot of sand and dust


"Senior Sister!"

After seeing this, Cabbe immediately climbed out of the mountain.

After a while, when the dust on the ground had cleared, Caulifla immediately climbed out of the mountain and looked at Broly.

"Hello, my name is Caulifla, what's your name?"


After hearing this, Broly thought for a moment and replied

"Broly, you are very strong, but I will not lose to you so easily!"

Caulifla said, clenching her hands, and exuding an extremely powerful aura from her body, quickly rising upwards.


With a loud roar, Caulifla transformed into a Super Saiyan.

Seeing this, Broly looked calm.

"Broly, why don't you transform into a Super Saiyan?"

Caulifla asked

"No need!"

Broly shook his head after hearing this.

""Well, I'll attack you now!"

Caulifla said, and rushed towards Broly as fast as lightning.

Soon, Caulifla rushed in front of Broly and punched forward with both fists.

Broly raised his fists and fought with Caulifla.

But before the two fought for too long, Caulifla was knocked out again because her fists could not keep up with Broly's speed.


After seeing this, Kaier immediately ran behind Caulifla and caught her with both hands.

Caulifla felt her body stop and immediately turned her head to see Kaier who caught her.

"Thank you Kaier!"


Kaier nodded.

Seeing this, Gabe immediately ran to Caulifla's side and said

"Caulifla, Broly is very powerful, why don't we join forces?"


Caulifla nodded.

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