Three years is not long, but it is not short either.

You know, the reason why North Kai King was able to become the King of the World is because he was born with the fruit of the Core of the World Tree.

After the North Kai King was born, he lived on that planet as a"Core of the World Alien".

Of course, this fruit is divided into two types. Ordinary fruits are ordinary Kings after birth, and if the fruit is golden, it is the King of the Worlds.

However, although the North Kai King was born a god, he spent a long time on the Core of the World Tree.

"Roger, I have already taught you the King-fist and the Spirit Bomb, is it time for you to leave me?"

King Kai asked Roger


"Yeah, are you planning to stay here forever?"

" it not possible?"

"Of course not, this is not your practice room!"

Roger said with a smile.

"Don't say that, Lord Kai. How boring it is for you to stay on this planet alone? If I were here, wouldn't I be able to chat with you?"

"Come on, you guys, besides practicing, you just eat and drink for free here, when have you ever chatted with me?"

After hearing this, the North King was very angry.

"Lord Kai, do you know Lord Kaioshin?"

"Of course I know that Lord Kaioshin is a god greater than Lord Great Kai and is in charge of the entire universe!"

"Then Lord Kai, can you contact Lord Kaioshin?"

North Kai was shocked.

"What do you want to do with Lord Kaioshin?"

"Nothing, I just want to talk to him about something!"

"What's up?"

"Important matter!"

"Important things?"

Roger nodded.

"Then you have to tell me what it is first, then I can help you contact him!"

"Do you have any way to contact him?"


King Kai nodded.

"Actually it’s nothing, just something about Majin Buu!"

""Majin Buu!"

King Kai was shocked.

"Yes, can you help me contact him?"

"I have to ask the Great King Kai about this first!"

North King Kai said.

Roger nodded.

On the Great King Kai's planet.

The Great King Kai was listening to a song at home with a leisurely look on his face. Suddenly, the voice of the North King Kai came to his ears.

"Great King Kai, can you hear me? I am the North King Kai!"

""Northern King?"

The Great King immediately turned off the music and said

"King Kai, what can I do for you?"

"It is like this, Lord Kai. I have a Saiyan named Roger who is training with me. He said he wants to talk to Lord Kai about something!"

"Saiyan? North King Kai, you should know that even I can't meet Lord Kai just because I want to!"

"Of course I know this, but……"

"But what?"

"But he can see the future, and this time he went to see Lord Kaioshin to talk to him about Majin Buu!"

"Majin Buu? This name sounds familiar!"

"Lord Great Kai, do you still remember Bibidi?"

"Oh, I remember, he is the evil magician who controls Majin Buu!"


After hearing this, the Great King thought for a moment and said

"Then I will contact Lord Kaioshin now!"


King Kai nodded.

"How's it going?"

Roger asked

"Grand King Kai promised to help you contact Kingshin!"

"Is that so?"

North Kai nodded again.

Kaioshin Realm.

East Kaioshin was standing on a grassy field, looking at the universe, when a voice suddenly came from his ear.

"Lord Kaioshin, can you hear me? I am the Great King Kai!"

"Great King, what can I do for you?"

"It's like this, Lord Kaioshin, there's a human in King Kai's place who says he knows something about Majin Buu and wants to find you!"

"Majin Buu!" When

East Kai heard this name, his face changed instantly.

There were originally five Kais in the Kaishin Realm, but because of Majin Buu, only he was left.


"So where is humanity now?"

"North Kai King Planet!"

"okay, I get it!"

""What's wrong, Lord Kaio-shin?"

Jebit, who was standing not far away, saw that East Kaio-shin looked a little off, and asked

"Just now, King Kai came to me and said that a human wanted to tell me something about Majin Buu!"

"Majin Buu, but isn't he already sealed? Lord Kaioshin!"

"I don’t know this either. Now only North Kai King Planet knows it!"

"Then Lord Kaioshin, can I go with you?"


East Kai nodded.

North Kai Planet.

Roger did one-finger push-ups on the ground because he didn't know if East Kai would come.

Suddenly, two figures appeared on North Kai Planet.

These two people were East Kai and Jebit.

""Kai... Lord Kaioshin!"

When the North King Kai saw the two people who suddenly appeared, he was immediately startled.

"Long time no see, King of the North!"

"Long time no see, Lord Kaioshin!"

After hearing this, East Kaioshin immediately looked at Roger who was doing push-ups on the ground.

Roger saw East Kaioshin looking at him, pushed his right hand towards the ground, and stood up from the ground.

"Lord Kaioshin, this is Roger!"

"Roger, he is Lord Kaioshin!"

North Kai introduced the two of them.

"Lord Kaioshin!"

East Kaioshin nodded.

"Roger, did you say you wanted to tell me something about Majin Buu?"

"Yes, Lord Kaioshin!"

"What do you want to tell me? Majin Buu has already been sealed by Bibidi!"

"Majin Buu, he was just sealed, he didn’t die, right?"

"Yes, but how do you know about Majin Buu?"

East Kai frowned and said

"I can see the future!"

"See the future?"

"Lord Kaioshin, there is a race in the universe called Kanasa. They have a special ability that allows people to see the future!"


"Yes, but this race is now extinct!"

"I see! Then Roger, can you tell me what you see in the future?"


"In the future, Bibidi has a brother named Babidi, who is also an evil magician like Bibidi, and he can also lift the seal of Majin Buu!"


East Kai King God was immediately shocked after hearing this.

"So when is the future you are talking about?"

"Although I can see the future, it is impossible for me to see everything at once!

Although I don't know when Babidi will appear, I know that he has recruited an extremely powerful subordinate!"

"Extremely powerful subordinates?"

"Yes, this person is Dapura, the king of the demon world!"

"Demon...Dapura, the King of the Demon Realm!"

After hearing this, East Kai's face changed again.

"But don't worry, I will take care of him in the future!"



"Lord Kaioshin, although Roger is young, he is definitely a combat genius, and he has already mastered the Super Saiyan!"

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