"Well then!"

Shenlong said, his eyes flashing red, and he enlarged the North Kai King's planet.

"This... What's going on!"

King Kai was shocked to see his planet suddenly grow bigger.

Then, he seemed to have thought of something.

"Could it be Roger?"

"Well, your wish has come true, see you later!"


"Yes, then we'll see each other later!"

The dragon said, and then it turned into seven stones, scattered all over the earth.

The originally blue sky immediately recovered.

Roger looked at the disappearing dragon and immediately entered a state of enlightenment.

It was unknown how long it had passed before Roger woke up from the state of enlightenment.

A magical power similar to that of the dragon appeared in his hands.

However, his magic power was very weak, not as"strong" as the dragon's magic power."

"Is this the power of the dragon?"

After feeling the power of the dragon in his hand, Roger decided to practice the power of the dragon in the future.

The power of the dragon is a very magical power. This power is somewhat similar to the power of creation of the King of the Worlds, but it exceeds the power of creation.

"It seems that there are still many things to practice in the future!"

Roger said, and teleported back to the Kaioshin Realm.

""Roger, you're back!"

East Kai said happily when he saw Roger coming back.

Roger nodded.


The next morning,

Roger had not seen King Kai for a long time, so he teleported to King Kai's planet.


The North King saw Roger and immediately shouted at him


Babrus and Guregli heard the voice of the North King and immediately ran over from a distance

"Long time no see, Lord Kai, Babrus, and Gregory!"

"Long time no see!"

The North King and Guregli replied.

Babrus could only grunt a few times because he couldn't speak human language.

"Roger, you made my planet bigger with the Dragon Balls, right?"

King Kai smiled and asked Roger.


At this moment, a man wearing a pair of blue glasses on his right eye and a Kai King's robe appeared.

He was the West Kai King who was in charge of the Western Milky Way.

""West Kai King!"

The North Kai King looked at the West Kai King who had suddenly arrived, and his expression was not very good.

The West Kai King and him had always been at odds, and he usually came to find him to cause trouble.

"Long time no see, North Kai King!"

After hearing this, West Kai King smiled and said to North Kai King

"Long time no see!"

After hearing this, the North King replied casually.

"King Kai, wasn't your planet made smaller by Beerus-sama? Why does your planet seem to be much bigger now?"

"Why not?"

After hearing this, the Northern King snorted and said

"I'm just asking casually, what's your attitude?"

When the West King heard the tone of the North King talking to him, he felt a little unhappy and said

"I have always been polite. If you don’t like it, you can leave me!"

"The North King, who is he?"

"His name is Roger, and he is my apprentice!"



"I never thought that you could be a master!"

"West Kai King, what do you mean by this?"

After hearing this, the North Kai King gritted his teeth in anger.

"That’s exactly what I meant!"


"If you don't agree, let's have a competition!"

"The two of us? You mean the two of us fighting?"

"Of course not. We are gods after all. How can we fight casually? What I mean is to let your apprentice fight with my apprentice!"

"Your apprentice?"

"It's pork ribs rice! What do you think? Do you dare?"

"Whoever dares not is a grandson!"

"Okay, so what if you lose?"

"What do you want?"

"You must be respectful when you see me from now on!"

"What if you lose?" asked the Northern King.

"Then I must be respectful when I see you!" said the King of the West.

"OK, it’s a deal then! When will we compete?"

"Tomorrow, how about we take some people and go to the Great King Kai planet for a competition?"

"Okay, tomorrow then!"

""Um... Lord Kai, I have something to do tomorrow, how about we compete today?"

Roger said

"Today? But King Kai is very far away. Even if we set out now, we won't arrive until tomorrow!"

Roger smiled.

"Lord Kai, have you forgotten that I can teleport?"

"But don't you need to sense the air at that moment? And you shouldn't know the location of the Great Kai Planet!"

"I did need to sense the energy before, but I learned even more powerful teleportation from Lord Kaioshin!"


Upon hearing this, West Kaioshin was shocked.

"How do you know Lord Kaioshin?"

"I am training with Lord Kaioshin!"


After hearing this, the King of the West was so frightened that he immediately collapsed to the ground.

"You... who are you and Lord Kaioshin?"

"It’s nothing, just practicing with him!"

"Is that so?"

After hearing this, West King Kai immediately stood up from the ground.

If Roger had any important relationship with East King Kai, he would definitely not be able to provoke him.

Above King Kai is Great King Kai, and above Great King Kai is King Kai.

This means that King Kai is two levels higher than him.

Roger nodded.

"Then you two put your hands on my back, and I will use instant teleportation to take you to Great King Kai!"

"Okay, then Babrus, you two will stay and look after the house!"

""Okay, Lord Kai!"

After saying that, West Kai and North Kai immediately put their hands on Roger's back.

Roger teleported and brought them to the Great Kai Planet.

The Great Kai Planet is the planet where the Great Kai lives, and it is much larger than the North Kai Planet.���, and there are martial artists from the four galaxies on the Great Kai Planet.

These martial artists sacrificed their lives to protect their planet, so they were specially allowed to keep their bodies and practice here.

It was because of this that Pai Gu Fan, a subordinate of the West Kai King, was able to keep his body and follow the West Kai King.

After the three appeared on the Great Kai Planet, an old man wearing casual clothes and with white hair and beard appeared carrying a radio playing music.

He was the Great Kai King

""Great King Kai!"

West King Kai and Bei King Kai immediately spoke to the Great King Kai.

After hearing this, the Great King Kai immediately turned off the radio and said

"West Kai King, North Kai King, why are you here today?"

"In reply to Lord Great King Kai, King West and I brought our own disciples here for the duel!"


After hearing this, the Great King immediately became interested.

"West Kai King, North Kai King, who are your two disciples?"


"ribs with rice!"

"Roger? This name sounds familiar!"

After hearing this, the Great Kai stroked his beard with his right hand and said

"Oh, now I remember, Roger was the human who was looking for Lord Kaioshin half a year ago!"


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