Roger smiled and said

"This is a mountain, where are there any people? Besides, even if you turn into a giant ape, I can still beat you down!"

Sun Wukong:"Really?"

"Of course it’s true, and if you can transform into a giant ape, I can also transform into a giant ape!"

"But there is no moon now. Didn’t you say that the transformation can only be performed when there is a moon?"

"I can make an artificial moon!"

"Artificial moon? Wow, you are so amazing, you can even make an artificial moon!"

Roger nodded after hearing this.

"Then come with me, I will take you to practice somewhere else!"

"Why go anywhere else?"

"Aren’t you afraid that you might transform and destroy the house?"

"That's true!"

After hearing this, Sun Wukong smiled innocently.

Then, Roger took Sun Wukong to a meadow on Baozi Mountain.

Sun Wukong had already changed into the Saiyan combat suit that Roger had prepared for him.

"Roger, this suit is so light!"

"Of course, this is our Saiyan battle suit!"

"Combat suit?"


Roger nodded.

"Wukong, I will create an artificial moon in the sky later. You must try to stay calm!

If you really can't stay calm, just think more about your grandfather!"


Sun Wukong nodded.

After Roger looked at it, he raised his right hand and a round ball of light immediately appeared in his hand.

Roger threw the ball of light into the sky, and the ball of light was immediately thrown into the sky and floated in the sky.

"Wukong, look up at the sky!"


Sun Wukong said, and immediately raised his head and looked up at the sky.

Because Sun Wukong always thought of the scene where Sun Wuhan was trampled to death by him, he was very nervous now, and he was afraid that what happened in his dream would come true.

Just when Sun Wukong was extremely nervous, his eyes saw the artificial moon in the sky.

And the moment he saw the artificial moon, Sun Wukong's heart immediately beat violently.

Then, a lot of black hair grew on his body, his body grew taller and bigger, and he transformed into a giant ape.

After Sun Wukong transformed, he immediately roared loudly and stomped his feet hard on the ground.

Seeing this, Roger immediately raised his head and looked at the artificial moon he created.

With a huge roar, Roger also transformed into a giant ape.

Sun Wukong looked at Roger who had also transformed into a giant ape, and immediately rushed towards Roger.

""Sun Wukong, I'm Roger!"

Roger saw this and his figure flashed. He walked around behind Sun Wukong and said.

However, Sun Wukong was completely out of control at this moment and could not hear Roger's voice at all.

Sun Wukong roared and picked up a huge stone on the ground and threw it at Roger.

""Damn it!"

Roger shouted angrily, and continued to shout at Sun Wukong.

""Sun Wukong, think about your grandfather!"

After hearing this, Sun Wukong still did not react.

In this way, Sun Wukong kept going towards Roger, and Roger kept dodging, trying to wake up Sun Wukong.

But no matter how Roger shouted, Sun Wukong was still out of control.

"There is no other way, we have to destroy the artificial moon first!"

Roger said, and fired an energy wave from his right hand, destroying the artificial moon in the sky.

After the artificial moon was destroyed, the bodies of the two immediately returned to normal.

Sun Wukong fell into a coma because of the severe physical exhaustion.


Just then, an old man ran over from a distance.

This man was Sun Wukong's grandfather, Old Son Gohan.

Soon, Old Son Gohan ran to Sun Wukong and picked him up.

"Hello, my name is Roger. May I ask if you are Sun Wukong's grandfather?"

After hearing this, Old Sun Wuhan turned around and looked at Roger.

"Yes, I am Sun Wukong’s grandfather. May I ask who you are?"

"I am a Saiyan just like Son Goku!"


"You should know that Sun Wukong can transform into a giant ape, right?"

"I know. So are you going to take him back?"

"No, I just helped him train so that he could control the giant ape!

Besides, our planet has been destroyed long ago!"


Old Sun Wuhan was shocked.

"Yes, today's training is over. From today on, I will come to see him every day until he can transform into a giant ape without losing control!"


Old Sun Wuhan nodded.

"Grandpa, if there is nothing else, I will leave first."

After hearing this, Old Son Gohan nodded again.

Seeing this, Roger moved away from Baozi Mountain in an instant.


Old Son Gohan was shocked.

Then, he returned home with Son Goku in his arms.


In the West City, Bulma's house.

Bulma was sitting at a table in the backyard with a sad face.

A figure suddenly appeared. It was Roger.


Bulma looked at Roger who suddenly appeared, stood up from the chair immediately, and walked in front of Roger.

After hearing this, Roger nodded.

"Bulma, where is your sister?"

Bulma was immediately annoyed when she heard this.

"You know my sister!"

"No, I just asked casually!"

Roger saw the rich lady lose her temper and hurriedly said with a smile

"My sister has left the earth!"

"Leaving the Earth?"

"Yes, two years ago, an alien named Jake came to my father to help him repair his damaged spaceship!

Jake said he was a patrolman from the Galactic Patrol. My sister was very interested in the universe, so she left the earth with him!"

""Is that so?"

Roger laughed.

"Yeah, where have you been for the past two years?"


"So you don't want to study?"

"No need!"

Roger thought to himself. He had studied for nearly twenty years in his previous life.���I don't want to study anymore

"Then Roger, can you also take me for a walk in the universe?"

"Do you want to go to space too?"

"Yes, the universe is so vast, who doesn’t want to travel in the universe!"

"Well then, if I have time next time, I will take you for a walk in the universe!"

"What day is that?"

"Within this one month!"

"Okay, let's make it a deal!"

Roger nodded.

Then, Roger and Bulma chatted for a while and left.


The next morning,

Roger came to Sun Wukong's house early to find Sun Wukong.


"Roger, you're here!"

"Yes, then let’s go to training quickly!"


After a while, Roger brought Sun Wukong to the grass where they practiced yesterday.

Old Sun Wuhan also came with them.

"Goku, are you ready?"


After seeing this, Roger immediately created an artificial moon and transformed into a giant ape with Sun Wukong.

After Sun Wukong transformed, he lost his mind all of a sudden, just like before.

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