"Where is my spaceship?"

Frieza was shocked when he saw this.

Roger smiled and said

"Don't worry Frieza, this is just a magic trick!"

"Magic? I don't care if it's magic or not, you return my spaceship to me, or I will destroy your Earth!"

After hearing this, Roger said with a cold face.

"If you can destroy it, just destroy it!"


Frieza said, and a purple energy ball immediately condensed in his right hand.

At this moment, Vegeta's figure flashed, and in a blink of an eye he came in front of Frieza, punching forward with his right fist.

Frieza was startled, and before he could react, his face was hit by Vegeta's right fist.

Frieza screamed loudly, and his body flew backwards like a thread.

With a bang, Frieza's body slammed into a mountain behind him.

The mountain immediately raised a large cloud of dust.

Raditz and Nappa were shocked.

"What just happened?"

"No...I don’t know!"

"Damn it!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Frieza immediately climbed out of the mountain.

"F... Frieza, did Prince Vegeta just knock Frieza away?"

Nappa looked at Frieza who walked out of the dust, and said with some disbelief in his heart.

When their planet Vegeta was still there, they Saiyans had always been under Frieza's command, and even King Vegeta did not dare to resist Frieza.

Unexpectedly, they came to Earth for only one month, and Vegeta not only dared to resist Frieza, but also had the strength to knock Frieza away.

At this moment, Frieza suddenly laughed.

"Do you have one? Vegeta, no wonder you were so confident just now, it turns out that your strength has really surpassed Ginyu!"

After hearing this, Vegeta immediately laughed.

"Not only have I surpassed Ginyu, I've surpassed you!"

"Surpass me!"

Frieza burst into laughter after hearing this.

"Vegeta, I admit that your strength has improved, but it is absolutely impossible for you to surpass me!"

"Really? In that case, have I surpassed you?"

Vegeta said, emitting a lot of energy from his body, and rushed towards Frieza.

Frieza sneered and rushed towards Vegeta as well.

Soon, the two men came to each other, punching and kicking as fast as lightning, hitting each other.

The ground around the two men was immediately stirred up by huge clouds of dust. Bang bang bang!!

After the two men fought for a while, Vegeta swung his right fist forward with all his strength and hit Frieza's face hard.

Frieza screamed loudly and was knocked hundreds of meters away.

Frieza stomped his feet hard on the ground and soon stopped on the ground.

""Damn it!"

Frieza yelled angrily, and an extremely powerful energy burst out of his body, rushing towards Vegeta.

In the blink of an eye, Frieza rushed in front of Vegeta, and punched Vegeta with his fists as fast as lightning.

Vegeta resisted Frieza's attack while retreating.

Suddenly, Frieza jumped up with both feet and kicked Vegeta hard on the chest.

Vegeta's body was immediately kicked away.

Vegeta stomped his feet hard on the ground and soon stopped on the ground.

"Damn it!"

Vegeta looked at Frieza angrily.

Frieza saw Vegeta's angry expression and immediately laughed.

"What's wrong, Vegeta, weren't you very confident that you could defeat me just now?"


Vegeta snorted coldly.

"Frieza, the battle has just begun, and I will let you know how powerful I am soon!"


After hearing this, Frieza laughed again.

After that, Vegeta quickly rushed towards Frieza.

Frieza was startled and flew into the sky.

After seeing this, Vegeta immediately chased after him.

Frieza looked at Vegeta who was chasing him from behind, and immediately condensed a purple energy wave in his right palm and threw it at Vegeta.

Vegeta was startled and dodged to the right.

With a purple light, the purple energy wave thrown by Frieza immediately exploded on the ground below Vegeta.

A huge semicircular purple storm appeared and swept around.

Raditz and Nappa were frightened when they saw the sudden explosion in the distance.

They didn't see anything just now, and the ground suddenly exploded.

If Frieza wanted to attack them, they would have no chance of survival.

At this moment, they truly understood the horror of Frieza.

"Damn it!"

Vegeta saw the ground explode, and rushed towards Frieza with even more anger in his heart.

Soon, Vegeta came in front of Frieza, and punched and kicked as fast as lightning, attacking Frieza.

Frieza dodged and hit back at Vegeta.

At the same time,

Master Kame and others on Earth also felt the powerful aura of the two.

""Master Wu Tian, whose energy are these two? Why are they so terrifying?"

Old Sun Wuhan asked Master Kame.

"I don't know!"

Master Kame shook his head.

"But Goku is very close to the two energies, maybe he knows something!"

Old Son Gohan nodded.

"Then we can only wait for him to come back and ask him!"

Turtle Hermit nodded.

Then, he suddenly sighed and said

"I didn't expect that after two of us have practiced for a lifetime, we are not as good as Wukong who practiced for more than ten years!"

"Yes, but there is nothing we can do about it, Mr. Wu Tian. After all, Goku is a Saiyan!"

Son Goku.

After fighting with Frieza for a while, Vegeta knocked Frieza back with one punch.

""Damn it!"

Frieza yelled angrily, and his body quickly slowed down in mid-air.

At this moment, Vegeta suddenly disappeared and appeared behind Frieza.

���Vegeta slammed Frieza with both hands.

With a loud bang, Frieza's body was smashed to the ground like a thread.

A large area of sand and dust was immediately raised on the ground.


Vegeta gasped for air and fell from mid-air to Frieza.

"Damn it!"

After a while, the dust on the ground cleared, and a deep pit appeared on the ground. Frieza gasped and slowly stood up from the pit.

"Vegeta, you've completely pissed me off!"


Frieza said, clenching his hands tightly, and his whole body exuded an extremely amazing aura, which quickly rose upwards.


Vegeta felt Frieza's increased aura, and his expression changed immediately.

Although he knew that Frieza could transform, he didn't expect that his transformation could increase his aura so much.


Just as Vegeta was thinking, the ground under Frieza's feet collapsed.

Frieza's body grew taller and bigger, and a pair of black spikes on his head turned into a huge horn.

This is Frieza's second form.

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