The gods on Earth are in Heaven at this time, watching the battle between Goku and Frieza.


The Earth Immortal chanted Sun Wukong's name, and couldn't help but recall that when Sun Wukong first came to the heaven, his strength was far inferior to his.

Now, only a few years have passed, and Sun Wukong's strength has far surpassed his.


As Frieza's aura continued to increase, the ground under Frieza's feet collapsed, and the surrounding ground shook violently under the influence of Frieza's aura.

After a while, Frieza increased his strength to 50%


Frieza roared loudly, releasing the energy gathered outside his body.

Suddenly, an extremely violent gust of wind appeared and swept in all directions.

"Wow... so awesome!"

After Sun Wukong felt the energy from Frieza, he couldn't help but admire it.

"Roger, didn't you just say you were going to defeat me? Why are you scared now?"

Frieza smiled and looked at Roger in the distance.


Roger laughed immediately after hearing this.

"Frieza, since you want to die so badly, I will help you do it!"

Roger said, and in a flash, he was next to Sun Wukong.

Sun Wukong:"Roger!"

Roger smiled and said

"Wukong, you are no match for him now, let me deal with him!"


After listening to this, Sun Wukong thought about it and nodded.

After that, Sun Wukong retreated to the side of Vegeta and the others.

Frieza smiled and said

"Are you finally going to make a move? But even if you make a move now, you can't beat me!"

"Frieza, you can only be tough now!"

Frieza snorted coldly, raised his right index finger, and emitted a purple death beam from his fingertips, attacking Roger.

Roger's figure flashed, and he came in front of Frieza in a blink of an eye, and punched hard at his chin with his right fist.


Frieza screamed loudly, and his body was blown into the air like a line.

Roger's figure flashed, and his body appeared above Frieza in the blink of an eye, and his right foot kicked Frieza's chest heavily.

Frieza screamed loudly, and his body fell heavily to the ground like a straight line.

The ground was immediately stirred up by a large piece of sand and dust.

""Wow... so awesome!"

Nappa was shocked. After a while, when the dust on the ground cleared, a large deep pit appeared on the ground.

Frieza lay in the deep pit in a very embarrassed state.

""But... Damn it!"

Frieza shouted angrily, and quickly got up from the ground.

But at the moment he got up, Roger appeared in an instant, and his right fist was as fast as lightning, hitting Frieza's abdomen.


With an extremely violent sound, Roger's right fist hit Frieza's abdomen heavily.

Frieza screamed loudly, and spit out a mouthful of bitter water.

"This punch is for the planet Vegeta that you destroyed!"

Roger said, and his left fist was as fast as lightning, hitting Frieza's head hard.

Frieza screamed loudly and his body was immediately knocked to the ground.

"This punch is for the Saiyan you killed!"

Roger squatted on the ground and lifted Frieza up from the ground.

Frieza's eyes suddenly had two rays of light, and he wanted to attack Roger.

Roger tilted his head to the left and dodged.

"Frieza, everything in the world has cause and effect. Your destruction of Planet Vegeta was the cause, and your death today is the result!"

After hearing this, Frieza was extremely angry.

"Stop preaching to me. Aren’t you Saiyans just like me, destroying other people’s planets everywhere?"

"Right, so now there are only a few of us left among the Saiyans!"

Roger said, and as soon as he loosened his right hand that was holding Frieza's body, he raised his right foot and kicked Frieza's chin hard.

Frieza screamed loudly, and his body was kicked into the air.

Roger took this opportunity to quickly put his hands together and said,


A deep blue wave of energy condensed from Roger's hand and hit Frieza.

Frieza saw it and immediately stopped in mid-air, raised his hands to block the Kamehameha-pai-ki-gong that was about to hit him.


The Kamehameha-pai-ki-gong wave hit Frieza and pushed him out of the earth.

""But... Damn it!"

Frieza shouted angrily, using both hands to resist with all his strength.

But in the face of absolute strength, even if Frieza used all his strength, it was useless.


With a shocking explosion, Kamehameha exploded in the sky.

An extremely violent storm appeared, sweeping in all directions.


Frieza screamed loudly, and his body was torn apart by the violent storm caused by the explosion.

Then, an extremely dazzling white light appeared, illuminating the entire sky.

After the white light, a large amount of thick smoke from the explosion appeared in the sky.

""Has it been eliminated?"

Nappa said, looking at the thick smoke in the sky.

"I don't know!"

Raditz shook his head.

After a while, when the smoke in the sky dissipated, everything in the sky returned to calm.

Vegeta saw that Frieza was indeed destroyed, and a faint smile immediately appeared on his face.

Roger looked at the destroyed Frieza, and his mind was filled with emotion.

It has been thirteen years since he traveled through time.

During these thirteen years, although his strength has improved rapidly, he has always had a knot in his heart.

This knot is that he is a Saiyan.

Although Roger was not a good person in his previous life, he also had good intentions and empathy.

So he would help Son Goku and others who are also Saiyans.

Of course, part of the reason for this is that he watched Dragon Ball anime in his previous life and liked Son Goku and others very much.

Now he has destroyed Frieza, who destroyed Planet Vegeta, for the original host.

He is completely cut off from the original host.

As Roger figured it out, the aura of God in him suddenly changed, and his life span suddenly increased by tens of thousands of years.


Sun Wukong shouted to the dazed Roger.

""What's wrong, Wukong?"

Roger came back to his senses and asked.

Sun Wukong smiled and said

"Roger, can you teach me how to teleport? That way it will be more convenient for me to go to King Kai to practice!"

"Yes you can, but it may take you a year to learn how to teleport!"

"One year!"

"Yes, so I don’t have that much time, but I can take you to Yadrat and let the Yadrat people teach you!"


Sun Wukong nodded.

Seeing this, Roger walked towards Vegeta and the others.

"Vegeta, Frieza has been eliminated by me now, what are your plans?"

Raditz and Nappa immediately looked towards Vegeta after hearing this.

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