"This is called Super Saiyan Red!"

"Super Saiyan Red?"


Roger nodded.

""Is that so? If so, let me see if your strength has increased!"

Beerus said, and immediately rushed towards Roger.

Roger chuckled, and his body suddenly transformed into a dozen clones.

Beerus was startled, and his right hand fired several destructive energies, attacking Roger and Roger's clones.

"call out……"

At the moment when Beerus launched the destructive energy, a figure instantly appeared behind Beerus.

This person was Roger.

Beerus seemed to have noticed and turned around, and saw a huge fist coming towards him.

Beerus quickly raised his hands forward and blocked Roger's right fist.

Roger was startled, and quickly raised his left foot and kicked towards Beerus' chest.


Roger's left foot kicked heavily on Beerus' chest, and Beerus immediately retreated a distance.

Boom! Boom! Boom!!

At this moment, the destructive energy that Beerus had just attacked exploded in the sky.

Suddenly, huge purple storms appeared and swept around.

Beerus looked at Roger in front of him and began to get angry.

Roger saw that Beerus' eyes were not right, and immediately became highly alert.

Suddenly, Beerus' body was like light, and in an instant he came in front of Roger, and hit Roger's abdomen with his right fist.

Roger screamed loudly and spat out a mouthful of bitter water.

Beerus snorted coldly, grabbed Roger's shoulders with both hands, and pushed Roger's body with his right knee.

Roger immediately let out loud screams under Beerus' continuous attacks. After several consecutive pushes, Beerus immediately released his hands on Roger's shoulders, and when he came to Roger's right side, he put his hands together and hit Roger's body hard.



With an extremely loud sound, Roger's body fell heavily to the ground like light.

A large piece of dust was immediately raised on the ground.

Beerus quickly slapped the ground with both hands, and a large amount of energy waves were emitted from his hands, attacking Roger.

"call out……"

Boom! Boom! Boom!!

Roger screamed loudly under the attack of a large number of energy waves.

However, because the sound of the explosion was too loud, it drowned out his screams.

The ground was immediately covered with thick smoke and dust caused by the explosions. After attacking for a while, Beerus stopped the energy wave attack.

After a while, when the dust on the ground dissipated, a large number of deep pits caused by the explosions appeared on the ground.

Roger was lying in the center of these deep pits.

Beerus saw Roger lying in the deep pit with an embarrassed look on his face, and immediately laughed and said:

"What's wrong, Super Saiyan God? Is this all your strength?"

After hearing this, Roger gritted his teeth and stood up from the ground.

"It seems that my current strength is indeed not enough to compete with Lord Beerus, but the battle with you just now has taught me a lot, so I plan to use all my strength to end this battle!"

"All the strength?"

Roger nodded and clenched his fists tightly.


With a huge roar, Roger's body exuded a lot of red breath, and there was a layer of light red breath outside the red breath.

And this breath was the breath of King Kai.

Roger had already mastered King Kai, and he also improved the King Kai he learned from King Kai of the North, and changed it into a non-injury King Kai that did not put too much burden on the body.

However, no matter how much the King Kai was improved, it still consumed a lot of physical strength.

""Ten times Kaio-ken!"

With a loud shout, Roger's body immediately turned into a red flash and rushed towards Beerus.

Beerus was startled, and before he could react, he was hit hard in the face by Roger, and his body flew backwards.


Seeing this, Roger flashed and quickly came behind Beerus, raised his right foot and kicked forward.


Roger kicked Beerus hard on the back with his right foot, kicking him into the sky.


Roger shouted, and quickly came to the sky above Beerus.

At this moment, Beerus suddenly disappeared.

Roger was startled.

The next second, a figure suddenly appeared behind Roger.

This person was Beerus.

Roger turned around as if he had noticed it.

Just as he turned around, a huge fist hit him in the face.


Beerus hit Roger's face hard with his right fist, knocking him out with one punch.

Roger clenched his fists hard, and soon stopped in the sky, gasping for breath, looking at Beerus.

"Is this your full strength?"

Beerus laughed.

After hearing this, Roger clenched his hands fiercely, and his whole body immediately burst out with even more powerful energy.

""Twenty times Kaio-ken!"

Roger roared loudly, and rushed towards Beerus at a faster speed.

Beerus snorted coldly, raised his left hand, and grabbed Roger's right fist.

However, the power of the twenty times Kaio-ken was too great, and Beerus' body stepped back a few steps.

After seeing this, Roger gritted his teeth and put his right fist away.


Roger gasped for air, and the aura of the King-fist on his body slowly dissipated.

"Super Saiyan God, this should be your limit, right?"

"Yes, but this is just my current limit, because I will become stronger in the future and surpass Lord Beerus!"

"Surpass me!"

After hearing this, Beerus immediately laughed.

"Super Saiyan God, your strength is indeed great. You should be the first mortal who has fought with me for so long, but do you think I will let you live?���go?"

"I don't know, but Lord Beerus, do you think you can definitely kill me?"

"Of course, no one in this world can escape from my hands!"

After hearing this, Roger immediately used the law of time to pause four weeks of time.

""My body... my body can't move!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Roger moved away from Beerus' dream in an instant.

After Roger left Beerus' dream, he quickly flew back to his body.

Roger opened his eyes and woke up to see a man with blue-green skin, a very tall stature, long white curly hair, purple pupils and lips. There was a large light blue halo around the man's neck. He wore a black armor with three diamonds painted on it, 2 white and 1 orange, and a dark red robe. He had a light blue belt tied around his waist and a long staff in his right hand. There was a black magic ball on the top of the staff. The staff was yellow above and below, and dark blue in the middle.

This man was Whis, Beerus' servant.

"Are you awake?

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