However, under Roger's"tyrannical power", Jebbit finally succumbed and agreed to help Roger take care of Luo Feng.

Jebbit, who originally didn't like taking care of children, gradually began to like taking care of Luo Feng after taking care of Luo Feng for three years.

This should be the law of true fragrance mentioned on the Internet in Roger's previous life.

But now Luo Feng is three years old and can control his own power, so he doesn't need Jebbit to take care of him now.

Because Luo Feng is the same age as Sun Wukong's son Sun Wuhan, the two of them will often play together.

West City, Bulma's house.

At this time, Roger was sitting on a chair in the backyard of Bulma's house, drinking the freshly brewed tea

"Roger, I haven’t seen my sister for a long time. Can you take me to see my sister?"

"Your sister?"

"Yeah, I think she probably doesn’t know yet that we two are married!"

"Okay, then do you want to prepare anything?"

"No, I just haven’t seen her for a long time and I want to see her!"


Roger said, and immediately took out a crystal ball to see where Taisi was now.

Through the crystal ball, Roger saw that Taisi was now exploring on a blue planet in the northern Milky Way.

This planet is called Qinghai Star, and it is a planet with grasslands everywhere.

After Roger found Taisi's location, he teleported and brought Bulma to Qinghai Star.

The two came to Qinghai Star and soon saw Taisi standing in front of them. Next to Taisi stood a man with purple skin, short stature, blue face, eyes like salted egg yolks, and wearing a Galactic Patrol uniform. The man's name is Jack, and he is a member of the Galactic Patrol.

It was he who came to Earth and took Taisi away.


Roger saw Taisi and immediately shouted to her.

Taisi turned around and looked back after hearing Bulma's voice.

"You are... Bulma?"

Although they haven't seen each other for almost 20 years, Bulma still looks the same as when she was a child.

As for Tais, her appearance has changed even less.


Bulma nodded.

"Then he... could it be Roger?"

Taisi looked at Roger.

Roger had changed a lot compared to 20 years ago.


"So are you two married?"

"Married... Married!"

Bulma blushed when she heard this.

When Bulma was little, her father joked that she would be engaged to Roger. At that time, she was not willing to do so.

Unexpectedly, 20 years later, she actually married Roger.

"Really? That's great!"

Taisi smiled.

"So Roger, should I call you brother-in-law now?"

"Yes, Sister Taisi!"

"Sister Taisi, this name has never changed. It seems that you have been eyeing my Bulma for a long time!"

"No, no, I just got used to it!"

Roger explained

"Okay, I was just kidding you! Roger, I forgot to introduce you, this is my friend Jake!"

"Jack, this is the Roger I talked about!"

"Hello, I am Tais' friend Jake!"

Jake greeted Roger with a smile.

"Hello, my name is Roger!"

Jack nodded.

"By the way, Roger, do you know who defeated Frieza on Earth?"

Roger smiled and said

"He is standing in front of you now!"

"Are you talking about you?"

"Yes, why don’t you believe it?"

"It’s not that I don’t believe it, I’m just a little surprised!"

"So Roger, how did you defeat Frieza?"

"How else can you defeat him? With your fists, of course!"


"Bulma, when did you get married?

Taisi asked Bulma

"four years ago!"

"Oh, so you got married at the age of 22?"

Bulma nodded.

"So do you have children?"

"Yes, his name is Luo Feng and he is three years old now!"

"Luo Feng, is it a boy?"


"Do you have any photo of him? I'd like to see it?"


Bulma said, and immediately took out her cell phone to show Taisi a photo of Luo Feng.

"This is my nephew, he is really cute, he will definitely be a handsome guy when he grows up! Where is Luo Feng now?"

"He is at Sun Wukong's house now!"


In this way, the two sat on the grass and chatted for a long time.

"Sister, mom and dad haven't seen you for a long time. Do you want to go back to Earth with us?"

After hearing this, Taisi thought about it and nodded.

She has been away for so many years, so she misses home.


Bulma was very happy to see Tais agree.

Then, Roger took Bulma and the others back to Earth.

After staying at home for a few days, Tais left home again to explore the universe.

Although Bulma tried her best to keep her, she still failed.

It can only be said that everyone has different aspirations.

After Tais left, Roger had nothing to do, so he continued to practice.

Outside the earth, a spaceship like Frieza was approaching the earth.

A tall Namek with a scar on his face was looking at the ground outside the window through the glass of the spaceship. Earth.

His name is Slug, and he was originally a Namekian living on Namek. But because the original Namek planet deteriorated, his parents sent him to live on Slug.

Slug is a rare genius among the Namekians in a century. When he was a teenager, he fought all over Slug with extremely high combat power, proclaimed himself king, and had many subordinates.

However, he was very cruel, and was also extremely cruel to his subordinates. Anyone who made him dissatisfied would be killed.

He led his men to roam the universe, doing all kinds of evil, and his combat power and evil heart also increased with age.���Growth.

The evil heart that was born made Slug worse and worse. He called himself the emperor of the universe and invaded planets everywhere.

After an unknown period of time, Slug became old, but he did not give up destroying the universe. He set his sights on the earth and prepared to invade it, wanting to transform it into a star-shaped navigation ship suitable for the survival of the demons.

"This is the Earth!"

Slag looked at the blue planet below, and immediately showed an evil smile on his face.

Then, Slag ordered the spacecraft to land on the Earth. Sun Wukong and others on the

Earth at this time all felt Slag's presence.

"What a strong aura!"

After feeling Slug's aura, Sun Wukong teleported and appeared in front of Slug's spaceship.

After Sun Wukong appeared, he saw a Namekian standing next to him.

This person was Piccolo.

"Hello, my name is Sun Wukong, may I ask who you are?"

Sun Wukong greeted Piccolo and said


Piccolo snorted coldly.

"I don’t have to answer you!"

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