Vegeta fell to the ground immediately.

Gulit raised his head and smiled at Roger in front of him.

"You are finally going to do it yourself!"

After hearing this, Roger said nothing.

Originally, he didn't want to do it, and tried to save his energy, but now it seems that there is no other way.

Seeing Roger didn't say anything, Gulit immediately raised his fists and attacked Roger.

Roger dodged to the side, and his body instantly circled behind Gulit. His right hand condensed a purple destructive energy, and said to Gulit


Gulit was startled and turned around quickly.

But the moment he turned around, his body immediately turned into purple particles and slowly disappeared.


Gulit roared in great reluctance.

He had lived in the Zero Realm for 100,000 years, but he didn't expect to die in the hands of a human today.

However, no matter how unwilling he was, he eventually disappeared from this world.

The next second after Gulit's body disappeared, a short man in black robes appeared.

He was the ruler of this world, Gata.

""Master Gatai!"

Yaki saw Gatai and immediately shouted to Gatai.

Gatai ignored him and looked at Roger.

"Did you kill Gulit?"

Roger nodded.

"Where is Son Gohan?"

"If you give me the dragon ball, I will tell you!"

"No, you have to let me see Gohan first!"

After listening, Gata thought for a while and said


Gata said, and immediately flew back to the palace.

After a while, Gata came out with a child in his right hand.

This person was Son Gohan.


Goku, who was fighting, shouted to Gohan


Son Gohan responded immediately after hearing this.

"Okay, you guys should give me the Dragon Ball, right?"

Gata said.

After hearing this, Sun Wukong immediately said to Raditz.

"Raditz, give him the Dragon Ball!"

Raditz hesitated for a moment, then flew to Gata and handed the Dragon Ball to Gata.

"Dragon Balls!"

When Gata saw the seven dragon balls, he immediately let go of his right hand that was holding Son Gohan.

After seeing this, Raditz immediately went forward and hugged Son Gohan.

After seeing this, Gata didn't care about Yagi's life or death, he took the dragon balls and flew to his palace.

""Master Gata!"

Yaki was shocked.

He didn't expect that Gata would not care about his life or death.

After seeing this, Roger immediately took out a Senzu Bean and threw it to Vegeta.

Then, he flew into Gata's palace.


Raditz wanted to chase him, but he gave up when he thought about his own strength.

In an open space outside the palace of Gatai,

Gatai was putting the dragon ball he had just obtained on the ground, preparing to summon the dragon.

"Come out, Shenlong, and fulfill my wish!" As soon as the voice fell, the sky of Zero Realm immediately darkened.

Just when Gata was looking forward to the appearance of Shenlong, a figure suddenly appeared, and the originally dark sky suddenly became bright.

"This...what's going on?"

Gata was shocked.

Then, looking at Roger who suddenly appeared in front of him,

"Who are you? Why can you make the Dragon Balls unusable!"

Roger smiled and said

"My name is Roger!"


After hearing this, Jia Tai wanted to summon the dragon again, but he saw a dragon ball on the ground suddenly fly up and land in Roger's hand.

""Damn it! Give me back my Dragon Ball!"

Gata said angrily.

He was almost able to cancel the contract he signed with the King of the Worlds and leave this world.

However, Roger suddenly appeared and stopped him.

"What if I don't?"


Jia Tai snorted coldly.

"Since you want to die, I will grant your wish!"

Jia Tai said, and rushed towards Roger as fast as lightning.

After Roger saw this, he jumped into the air with both feet and clenched his fists tightly.


With a huge roar, Roger transformed into Super Saiyan Rose.

Gata was startled, but still rushed towards Roger in the sky.

Roger's figure flashed, and in a blink of an eye he came under Gata, and hit Gata's head with his right fist.

Gata, who was rushing, saw Roger suddenly disappear, and turned around quickly, and saw a huge fist hitting him.


With an extremely violent sound, Roger's right fist hit Gata's face heavily.

Gata's body suddenly flew into the sky like a ray.

Roger raised his right hand, and a huge destructive energy condensed in his hand and hit Gata.

Gata, who was knocked away, was startled and quickly raised his hands to resist the destructive energy.


Under the powerful force of the destructive energy, Gata's body was immediately pushed away for a distance


Gata roared loudly and stopped the destructive energy with his hands.


Roger screamed loudly and pushed upward with both hands.

Under Roger's powerful force, the destructive energy was immediately pushed towards Gata.

Gata was shocked. Although he wanted to push the destructive energy back, Roger's force was too strong and his body was soon hit by the destructive energy.

Then, with a shocking explosion, the destructive energy exploded in the sky.

An extremely huge purple storm appeared and swept around.

Gata immediately let out an extremely loud scream.

Then, a large amount of thick smoke appeared and covered Gata in an instant.


After watching, Roger took a breath.

After a while, when the smoke in the sky cleared, Gata was standing in the air, gasping for air, looking extremely embarrassed.

"Damn it!"

Jia Tai clenched his fists tightly, his heart filled with anger towards Roger.

"How could it be!

Roger was shocked.

The destructive energy he had just used should have been able to destroy him.

"Roger, you are indeed very strong, but I'm afraid you don't know one thing!"

"one thing?"

"The Zero Realm and I are one. If I die, the Zero Realm will also be destroyed!"

After hearing this, Roger immediately laughed.

"I knew about this a long time ago!"

"Did you know this a long time ago?"


Roger nodded.

After seeing this, Gata immediately laughed.

"Then do you know that the entire power of the Zero Realm can be mine?"

"The entire Zero Realm?"

"That's right!"

Gata said, raising his hands upwards, and a large amount of Zero Realm energy entered Gata's body like stars.

After Gata absorbed the energy from all around, his aura immediately surged upwards.

Gata, who was originally short, grew taller and bigger, becoming as tall as Roger.

After a while, Gata absorbed all the energy lent to him by Zero Realm.

His aura now surpassed Roger's.

"How about Roger?"

Gatai looked at Roger with a smile.

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