Soon after the two left, Weiss also said goodbye and left.

On the way back to the sixth universe.

Xiangpa was very puzzled about Bardos's agreement to teach Roger.

"Bardos, why did you agree to teach Roger!

"Lord Xiangpa, even if I don't agree to teach Roger, Weiss should still teach Roger!"

"Weiss? But didn't he just refuse?"

"No, he just refused temporarily!"

"Temporarily refuse?"

Bardos nodded.

"Yeah, do you think Weiss can resist the temptation of Earth's delicacies?"

"I think... it's unlikely!"


On Earth.

After seeing Weiss and the others leave, Bulma immediately asks Roger:

"Roger, are you really going to practice with Sister Bados tomorrow?"

"How long will you practice there?"

"I’m still not very clear about this now, but I’ll come back every day!"

"But I should come back every day!"

"Really? That’s good!"


The next morning, after having breakfast at home, Roger came to the Destroyer God Realm of the 6th Universe.

"Roger, you are here!"

Bados said to Roger with a smile on his face.

Roger nodded.

"Then, sister Bardos, what is my training today?"

After hearing this, Bardos immediately walked to Roger and said with her back to Roger.

"Roger, put your hand on my back and I'll take you somewhere!"

"A place?"

After hearing this, Roger immediately put his hand on Bardos' back.

Bardos saw this and pointed his staff at the ground. A colorful light immediately appeared under their feet and took them away from the Destroyer God Realm.

After a while, Bardos brought Roger to an uninhabited asteroid and stopped.

"Sister Bados, why did you bring me here?"

"Needless to say, it is cultivation!"



Bardos said, looking down at the asteroid

"Your goal today is to push the asteroid below!"


After hearing this, Roger immediately looked down at the asteroid.

Although the asteroid was much smaller than the Earth, the weight of the entire planet was at least tens of millions of tons.

Tens of millions of tons is a lot of weight. For example, the gravity in the gravity room where Roger usually practices is 1,000 times, and the weight of the gravity on him is only about 60 tons.

Even if Roger is wearing a weight-bearing suit when practicing, the weight is only a few thousand tons at most.

"Yes, Roger, do you want to give up practicing?"

"But...Sister Bardos, this planet is too big!"

"Big? My father can even move the earth!"


"Didn’t you say that you wanted to surpass my father? Why did this little difficulty defeat you?"

"Okay, I'll work hard then!"

Bardos said with a smile.

"Then just keep going, and once you push this planet, you will come back on your own!"


Seeing this, Bardos turned around and flew towards the Destroyer Realm.

Seeing Bardos's figure going away, Roger immediately sighed and said

""Oh, I should have known better. How can I possibly push such a big planet!"

Roger said, and immediately used the transformation technique to make his body extremely huge.

Then he pushed hard towards the ground of the planet with both palms.


Under Roger's powerful force, the ground of the planet collapsed instantly.

An extremely huge gully suddenly appeared on the ground.


Roger screamed loudly, and transformed into Super Saiyan 5, trying to push the planet.

But no matter how hard Roger tried, the planet just couldn't be pushed.


Roger gasped for air and stopped in the universe.

Bardos, who was in the Destroyer God Realm, laughed when he saw all this.

After a while, when Roger's breathing became more stable, he looked at the vast universe and suddenly thought of the Spirit Bomb that King Kai had taught him.


Roger said, entering a state of enlightenment

"Roger, what is he doing?"

Bados was confused when she saw Roger in the state of enlightenment.

It was unknown how long it had passed before Roger woke up from his enlightenment.

Roger opened his hands to both sides, and a large amount of power from the sun, moon and stars instantly rushed to Roger from all over the universe.

After absorbing a lot of power from the sun, moon and stars, Roger's whole body was like white light.

When Bardos, who was destroying the God Realm, saw this scene, she immediately showed a hint of surprise on her face.

Because she just felt the power of an angel in Roger, but he was a Saiyan.

"Not enough!"

Roger said as he felt the star power pouring into his body from all directions. The Grand Priest of the Palace of the Omni King had already sensed Roger's presence at this time, and used his staff to check what was going on. The

Dragon God Realm.

The Dragon God Realm is where the Dragon God Salama lives. Like the Palace of the Omni King, it is not in the twelve universes.

A tall and burly man with white skin and a long staff in his right hand was looking at Roger in the sixth universe through the staff.

This man was the Dragon God Salama.

"Star power?"

Salama looked at Roger in the crystal ball and smiled.

Universe 6.

After absorbing a lot of star power, Roger took a deep breath, enlarged his body again, and pushed his hands towards the ground of the asteroid.

With a loud bang, the ground of the asteroid collapsed, and a lot of sand and dust appeared again.


Roger screamed loudly, and pushed forward with all his strength.

With Roger's full strength, the entire ground of the asteroid suddenly shook violently.

""Damn it!"

Roger gritted his teeth and continued to push forward with both hands.

With the support of a large amount of star power, Roger actually pushed the asteroid forward.

However, his power was exhausted and he returned to normal.


Roger gasped for air, and said with great excitement in his heart

"I…I succeeded!"

After a while, a colorful light flew from a distance and stopped in front of Roger.

This person was Bardos.

"Sister Bardos, I succeeded!"

Bardos nodded.

"Roger, what was that power you just had?"

"That power is the power of the stars!"


"Yes, with my current strength, even if I use all my strength, I can’t move the planet, so I thought of borrowing the power of the universe!"

"Borrowed power?"

"I once learned the Spirit Bomb from Lord Kai!"

"What is the Spirit Bomb?"

"Simply put, it is a trick to gather the vitality of the universe!"

"I see. So the King Kai you are talking about is the King Kai of your Universe 7?"

"No, he is the King of the North who is in charge of managing the Northern Milky Way!"

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