"If Goku goes to train with Master Champa, Vegeta will probably have to estimate, and then Bardos will have to arrange for the three of us to train at the same time!"

"I see, but I have already said it, what should I do?"

Bulma asked

"This matter must not be known to Vegeta, and whether Sister Bardos is willing to teach Sun Wukong depends on Sister Bardos herself!"


Bulma nodded.


Time flies, and half a month has passed in a blink of an eye.

Champa hadn't been to Earth for a long time, so today he and Bardos came to the Earth of the seventh universe.

When Bulma saw the two coming, she immediately called Sun Wukong.

Sun Wukong moved to Roger's house in an instant.

Champa, who was tasting the food on Earth, turned around and looked back when he saw Sun Wukong suddenly appear.

"Hi, Roger and Bulma!"

Sun Wukong greeted Roger and Bulma.

"Roger, are you my friend?"

Xiangpa asked Roger.

Roger nodded.

"His name is Son Goku, and like me, he is also a Saiyan!"

"Hello, my name is Sun Wukong. May I ask if you are Lord Xiangpa?"

Sun Wukong walked up to Xiangpa and asked

"I am, what can I do for you?"

"Lord Xiangpa, can I also come to practice with you?"

"No! Unless you are willing to be the God of Destruction of our sixth universe!"

Xiangpa refused without hesitation after hearing this.


"If it's not possible, then it's not possible. Why are there so many reasons?"

After hearing this, Sun Wukong immediately looked at Roger.


"Wukong, it's not that I don't want to help you, but I can't make the decision!"

After hearing this, Sun Wukong immediately looked at Bardos.

"Hello, you should be the Bardos that Bulma mentioned?"

"Yes, what can I do for you?"

Bados said with a smile

"I want to practice with you, is that okay?"

Since Xiangpa refused to agree, he could only ask Bados.

"No, if Lord Xiangpa doesn’t agree, there’s nothing I can do!"

"But I heard from Bulma that you are Master Xiangpa!"

"Yes, but I am also Lord Xiangpa’s servant!"


Bados nodded.

After hearing this, Sun Wukong immediately looked towards Xiangpa.

"Lord Xiangpa, can we discuss this further?"

"No, unless you are willing to be the next God of Destruction of our sixth universe!"

"In that case, forget it!"

After hearing this, Sun Wukong shook his head.

He was only interested in cultivation, and as for being a god of destruction, he was not interested at all.

Roger:"Then Wukong, since you are here, why don't you sit down and have something to eat?"


Sun Wukong looked at the chicken drumstick on the table and sat down immediately.


Time flies, and five years have passed in a blink of an eye.

Five years have passed, and Roger's strength has improved a lot.

During these five years, Roger has been staying on the planet Xiangpa to practice.

Recently, Roger suddenly remembered that the high priest told him to go for a walk in the universe, so he told Bardos to stop practicing for a while and go for a walk in various universes.

However, the universe is vast, and it is definitely impossible for him to walk through every universe, so he can only go to the King of the Gods Realm and the Destruction God Realm.

At this time, Roger has just arrived at the King of the Gods Realm of the First Universe.

A man with pink skin, white hair on his head, a pair of Potara earrings on his ears, and a King of the Gods uniform on his body, is standing on a piece of grass at this time.

This man is the King of the Gods of the First Universe, Anat.

"Who are you?"

Anat said, looking at Roger who suddenly appeared.

"Hello, my name is Roger, and I’m a candidate for the King of the Seventh Universe!"

"A candidate for King of the Gods?"

Roger nodded.

"So, may I ask what brings you here?"

"Nothing much, just coming here for a walk!"


Anat was speechless.

But out of courtesy, he still made a pot of tea for Roger.

"Then please take a seat?"


After sitting down, Roger asked Anat about the situation of the First Universe.

As one of the universes that does not have to participate in the Tournament of Power, the First Universe is considered to be well managed among the twelve universes.

"How to manage the universe?"

Roger nodded.

"In fact, I didn't do anything. I just tried my best to help humans stop the war. It was mainly Lord Iwan's credit!"


In the seventh universe, outside the earth, several missiles suddenly appeared and flew towards the earth.

After these missiles flew towards the earth, they immediately fell on the earth, and a large number of machines fell from the missiles.

After those machines landed, they immediately created a large amount of poisonous fog on the ground. As the poisonous fog spread, the entire sky was immediately covered by a layer of dark clouds.

Not long after, reporters from the TV station discovered this phenomenon and hurriedly reported the matter.

In the afternoon, Bulma, who returned home, also learned about this matter, but Roger was not on earth now, so he could only wait for Roger to deal with it.

In the evening, Roger finally returned home after visiting the King Kai and the God of Destruction of the First Universe, the Second Universe, and the Third Universe.

Roger immediately learned about the poison gas from Bulma.

Roger came to the North Kai King and asked the North Kai King about the source of the poison gas.

Through questioning, Roger learned from the North Kai King that the poison gas released on the earth was called the Death Gas.

This is a poisonous gas that can make all creatures on the earth extinct, and the planet that released these death gases is a planet called the Dark Planet.

It is called a planet, but it is actually a planet composed of cosmic garbage.

"Dark Planet?"

King Kai nodded.

"Judging from the current situation, the Earth can only hold out for ninety days at most. After ninety days, all life on Earth will become extinct, so you must find the machines that release the deadly aura as soon as possible and destroy them!"

Roger nodded.

"Then Lord Kai, I'm going back first!"


King Kai nodded.


The next morning, Sun Wukong and his companions gathered at Roger's house early in the morning, ready to split into three groups and destroy all the machines that released the aura of death.

Roger found the location of the machine that released the aura of death through divination, and told the location of the machine to Sun Wukong and his companions.

After Sun Wukong and his companions got the exact location of the machine, they immediately set out to destroy the machine.

For some reason, Piccolo became friends with Sun Wukong and joined the operation.

According to Roger's command, Sun Wukong and his companions quickly flew to the top of a high tower.

Suddenly, three figures transformed by the aura of death appeared.

These three people were Frieza, Cold, and Yaki, whom Sun Wukong and his companions had defeated before.

""F... Frieza!"

Nappa was immediately frightened when he saw Frieza.

After seeing this, Sun Wukong clasped his hands together, his heart full of fighting spirit.

Seeing this, Vegeta snorted coldly and looked at Yagi.

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