"Out? Then what should we do next, No. 18? Should we go out and look for that old guy?"

After hearing this, Android No. 18 thought for a moment and nodded.

Android No. 17 looked at it and immediately walked out.

At this moment, Android No. 18 suddenly saw a sleeping cabin with the number 16 written on it.

"Wait, No. 17, there seems to be another android here!"

"There's another one?"

After hearing this, Android 17 followed Android 18's gaze and saw the sleeping cabin with the number 16 written on it.

Android 17 couldn't help but snorted.

"Unexpectedly, this old guy has created other androids besides us!"

Android 18 nodded and opened the sleeping cabin with number 16.

After the sleeping cabin was opened, a tall and burly man wearing a green shirt walked out of the sleeping cabin.

He was Android 16 created by Dr. Gero.

Unlike Androids 17 and 18, which were transformed from humans, Android 17 was a purely mechanical android.

"Big guy, are you also a android created by Dr. Gero?"

Android 17 asked Android 16

"Yes, my name is Android 16, and you two should be Android 17 and 18, right?"

"Android 16!

Android 17 smiled and said

"So, you were created bigger than the two of us!"


Android 16 nodded.

"Then what was the purpose of your creation? To destroy Roger as well?"

Android 16 nodded again.

"In that case, do you want to go with us to find Roger?"


""Okay, Android 16 and 18, shall we leave?"

The two nodded.

Seeing this, Android 17 raised his right hand and fired a golden energy wave towards the door of the institute.

With a loud bang, the door of the institute was blown open.

Android 17 smiled and immediately took the two people out of the institute.

At this time, Android 17 turned around and fired a golden energy wave from his right hand towards the institute behind him.

With a loud bang, the entire institute was blown up.

""Let's go!"

Android 17 said, and immediately flew up into the sky.

Because Dr. Gro's life or death was unknown, Android 18 and the others did not go to Xidu immediately, but played around to see if they could find Dr. Gro first.

Dr. Gro had an emergency stop switch button on his body that could stop them from moving, which was always a huge hidden danger for them.

So they had to eliminate Dr. Gro first before they could do what they wanted to do with peace of mind.


Time flies, and a day has passed.

During this day, Android 17 and his friends have been looking for Dr. Gero.

But they have not found Dr. Gero.

"No. 18, do you think Dr. Gero has died at Roger's hands?"

After two days without finding any clues about Dr. Gero, Android 17 naturally suspected that Dr. Gero was dead.

"I don't know!"

At this moment, Android 16, who was holding a newspaper, suddenly spoke up.

"On the 17th and 18th, Dr. Gero might really be dead!"


After hearing this, Android 17 immediately came to Android 16's side.

"No. 16, what do you mean?"

"You will know after reading this news!"

Android 16 said, handing the newspaper to Android 17.

Android 17 took the newspaper and soon saw the news about Dr. Gero and Android 19 slaughtering the island.

"News from the past three days!"

"Yes, the latest news says that two mysterious men appeared and fought with Dr. Gero and his team, and it is unknown whether Dr. Gero and his team are alive or dead!"

"Unknown about life or death?"

"Yes, it is very likely that they have been eliminated by Roger and his men!"

"In that case, let’s go find Roger tomorrow!"


Android 16 nodded.


The next morning,

Android 17 and his three companions were flying in mid-air, preparing to go to the West City to fight Roger.

Just as the three were about to fly to the city, a figure suddenly appeared and blocked their way.

This person was Roger.


After seeing this, Android 17 and Android 18 immediately stopped their systems.

Roger smiled and said

"You guys are the androids created by Dr. Gero, right?"

Android 17 was shocked.

"How do you know we are artificial beings?"

"I know everything!"

Android 17:"Cut your boasting. If you really know everything, why were the residents on the island massacred by Dr. Gero?"

"Are you sympathizing with them?"

"I'm not sympathizing, I just think you're just bragging!"

""You're still pretty tough!"

Roger laughed.

Android 17 snorted coldly after hearing this.

"Stop talking nonsense to me. We are here to kill you today. Be prepared to die!"

Android 17 said, and rushed towards Roger.

Soon, Android 17 rushed in front of Roger and attacked with both fists.

Roger flashed and appeared in front of Android 18 in the blink of an eye.


Android 18 was startled and quickly raised his right fist to attack Roger.


Android 17 saw Roger disappear, and immediately turned around angrily and rushed towards Roger.

Android 16, who was about to attack, gave up after seeing Roger's amazing speed.

He didn't like fighting, a battle he couldn't win.

Seeing Android 18 attack, Roger flashed to the right side of Android 18 and grabbed Android 18's arm with his right hand.

Android 18 glanced to the right, raised his right foot and kicked to the right.

"call out……"

Roger's figure flashed and disappeared on the spot

"No... it's gone!"

Android 17, who was rushing towards the two people, was startled.

At this moment, Roger suddenly appeared behind Android 17 and slapped Android 17's neck with his right hand.


With a loud noise, Android 17 was knocked unconscious and fell down from mid-air.

"No. 17!"

After seeing this, Android 18 immediately wanted to fly down to catch Android 17, but Roger suddenly appeared in front of her.

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