Instantly, the scene fell silent.

Li Feng’s ferocity has been shocked to the 18th and 17th, and the remote control device is held by Li Feng’s hand, although the two of them can easily subdue Dr. Gro, but they can’t do Li Feng’s level.

Li Feng looked at the two with interest.

“You……… What do you want? No. 17 looked at Li Feng with some horror, afraid that he would press the button, in that case, he would fall into a deep sleep, and he was very eager for freedom!


Li Feng grinned, his hand clenched, and the remote control device was instantly pinched into pieces. This was unexpected on the 17th and 18th.

“What do you say?” After Li Feng crushed the remote control device, he said with a smile. Just gentle eyes kept staring at number 18.

No. 18 couldn’t help but blush, but holding his hands, he pouted and said: “Hmph, don’t think that I will be grateful to you if you destroy this device!” It’s just that she began to have a better opinion of Li Feng in her heart, of course, with her somewhat arrogant personality, she would not show it.

No. 17 also said a little arrogantly: “Yes, don’t think that we will change our opinion of you in this way, you know, we were created to kill you, Sun Wukong!” ”

Li Feng said helplessly again: “I said that I am not Sun Wukong, besides, can Sun Wukong be as strong as me?” ”

Li Feng’s words surprised No. 17 and No. 18, but they began to believe it a little, after all. Their computer said that their strength was crushing the existence of Sun Wukong, but at present, Li Feng’s strength was far beyond their imagination.

“Even so, what is your purpose?” No. 17 was very puzzled in his heart, what could be Li Feng’s purpose, in terms of strength, Li Feng was far above them and had no use value.

“I’m going to be your brother-in-law!” Li Feng looked at No. 18 and said to No. 17.

“Cut! What virtue do you have to be my husband? No. 18 said with a red face, she really didn’t expect Li Feng to be a scoundrel to this point, but Li Feng seemed to be pretty good.

No. 17 didn’t expect that Li Feng’s purpose was actually his sister, but. How easy is it to be his brother-in-law?

“Hmph, I want to be my brother-in-law, it’s not that simple! Show your true strength! The corner of No. 17’s mouth cut an arc, he wanted to see Li Feng’s true strength!

“What? On the 17th you! No. 18 looked at his younger brother, but he didn’t expect him to actually say this, he was originally no match for Li Feng, so wouldn’t he send himself out?

“Hahaha! Do you want to see my power? Then let you see the ultimate power! Li Feng said with a smile.

“Drink… Yes! ”

As Li Feng drank loudly, he saw that Li Feng’s original clothes had disappeared, and Li Feng’s upper body actually grew a dense red short hair, as if he was wearing a red sweater.

At the same time, Li Feng’s tail, which had always been coiled around his waist, also turned red at this moment.

Of course, the most interesting thing is the long hair that originally fell to the waist, but this time it was shortened, turning into a shawl.

And around the eyes, you can also see the blood-red eye shadow, this form of Li Feng, giving people the feeling that there seems to be a taste of returning to the basics, but it is Li Feng in this form, the combat power has reached an extremely terrifying existence, this is the form of the fourth stage of Li Feng’s Super Saiyan!

“Well……… So handsome! “No. 18 looked at Li Feng’s current form, couldn’t help but be foolish, Li Feng in this form is really handsome to the extreme, that kind of evil and strong state is the most attractive to girls, although No. 18 is an artificial person, but she is no different from ordinary girls in her soul, No. 18 is dumbfounded.

“How? What about this pattern? The corner of Li Feng’s mouth streaked an evil arc, even more handsome!

“Hmph, the appearance is not bad, but it still depends on the strength!”

No. 17 immediately clenched his fists, his eyes were sharp, and he immediately slammed a heavy punch towards Li Feng!


Li Feng was just a young man, but also a shot, and in an instant, No. 17 only felt the overwhelming power acting on him.

No. 17’s body was instantly shot away like an off-string bow and arrow, and smashed fiercely on the instrument on the side.

No. 18 also woke up from the idiocy and looked at the scene in front of her, which made her unbelievable, is this guy a monster? Even if her brother is weak, he won’t be beaten like this by an understatement, right?

The 17th crawled out of the ruins after a while, looking a little embarrassed, but he was not injured, after all, Li Feng did not kill him!

“Good! Your strength is simply terrifying, it is really terrifying to make people tremble! “No. 17 also knows that Li Feng left his hand just now, otherwise, he would have been shattered!

“So, what do you think of me now?” Li Feng asked with a smile, not ready to continue to move, after all, the blow just now, the victory and defeat were already obvious!

No. 17 patted the dust on his body and said: “You are very strong, it is enough to be my brother-in-law!” ”

No. 17 had already recognized Li Feng’s strength, so he felt that being his brother-in-law was more than enough, so that he could also safely hand over his sister No. 18 to Li Feng.

“Hmph! Promised on the 17th, did I not? No. 18 said arrogantly with his hands in his arms, but Li Feng’s handsomeness, Li Feng’s strength has actually been secretly recognized by No. 18 in his heart, but he just didn’t show it.

Li Feng looked at No. 18, grinned, and the next moment appeared directly in front of No. 18 and hugged No. 18!

“You……… You let me go! “No. 18 tried his best to break free, but Li Feng’s strength was so great, even if No. 18’s strength was high, he couldn’t break free.

At this moment, No. 17 is looking into another dormant warehouse in the laboratory, according to Dr. Gro, No. 16 is the most failed invention, although his strength exceeds No. 17 and No. 18, but Dr. Gro has not revived him!

Walked straight towards the dormant warehouse on the 16th!

And No. 18 saw this scene in Li Feng’s arms, and couldn’t help but become serious, and said: “No. 17, shouldn’t you want to revive No. 16?” ”

Seeing this, Li Feng also let go of No. 18 and looked at No. 17’s actions, but he knew that although No. 16 was strong, it was docile and peace-loving, so Dr. Gro called it a failed work.

Li Feng smiled evilly and said, “Don’t worry, even if the No. 16 resuscitation is uncontrollable, it is definitely not my opponent!” ”

Everyone, help with the collection and flowers, thank you!

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