“Shell roll! You wake me up! Ruo Si drank.

The next moment, Weiss and Ruos saw that Klin ran over to pick up Son Gohan and Dandy, and secretly held the Dragon Ball while Vegeta was sleeping.

“What a cunning earthling!” The corners of Weis’s mouth twitched slightly.

“Perhaps… Their first wish will be to fulfill Vegeta’s immortal body first, right? Ruose still had a trace of illusions.

Over there.

Dandy shouted into the seven dragon balls and chanted the spell in Namek’s language.


The seven dragon balls bloom with golden rays.

Between the whiskers, the seven golden rays gathered together and soared into the sky.


Jin Mang transformed into a chubby green dragon.

The patron saint of Namex – Polenga.

“People who gather together in the Dragon Ball, say your wishes, I can grant any three wishes.” Polenga’s voice rang out.

“It’s so big… The dragon of that nemesis is so big. Astonished, Klin looked up at the behemoth.

“Hurry up and say wish, Vegeta is waking up soon.” Sun Gohan hurriedly said.

Hearing Sun Gohan’s words, Ruosi’s pupils wiped a trace of despair.

Ruosi knew that her last illusion was completely shattered.

The earthlings simply did not want Vegeta to fulfill his wish.

“The first wish is to resurrect all those killed by Naba and the cultivators.” Klin quickly uttered his first wish.

Dandy made a wish in Nemesis.

“No, only one person can be resurrected at a time.” Dandy shook his head.

“Can only one person be resurrected? The real dragon is really petty enough…” Klin scratched his head.

“What to do? Resurrect whom? Son Gohan had no idea at all.

“Hurry up… Didn’t you discuss it beforehand? The Great Elder is dying. Dandy sweated on his head.

“Dandy, let’s… Resurrect Uncle Vic Bike! Sun Gohan quickly explained, “When Uncle Vic is resurrected, the earth’s gods will be resurrected, and the earth’s dragon balls will also be resurrected.” ”


Dandy nodded and looked up at Polenga, about to make a wish.

“I see, let Vegeta have an immortal body.” Polenga, however, suddenly spoke.


Dandy was dazed.

Son Gohan’s eyes widened.

Klin was dumbfounded.

Shenlong, what do you mean?

Don’t you understand us?

“Polenga, I haven’t made a wish yet.” Dandy said quickly.


Borenga ignored Dandy, and red flames of light bloomed in the two dragon eyes.


A bright red flame of light cut an arc in the air and hit the sleeping Vegeta directly.

Vegeta’s whole body was shaking for a while, as if he had been electrocuted.

The next moment, Vegeta was startled and confused.

“I, I, I… What’s wrong with me? My body… It’s strange…” Vegeta looked left and right, looked up, but found that it was already dark.

What is this situation?

The sky suddenly turned dark?

Vegeta wondered.

“This planet has three suns, there will be no night!” Vegeta was dazed, and with a glance, he saw the glittering Borenga in the distance.

Vegeta’s pupils shrank.

“That was… What do they say about the divine dragon? Vegeta immediately came to his senses.


Vegeta sped in the direction of the dragon.


Vegeta landed beside Klin and the other three.

“Abominable! Do you dare to secretly grant your wish while I sleep? Vegeta grabbed Kling’s collar and sneaked off the ground.

“This, this, this…” Klin was still at a loss.

“You want to die, don’t you?” Vegeta shouted angrily, murderous intent flashing in his eyes.

“Vegeta… Your wish has come true… Shenlong said, you are now an immortal body. Klin scratched his head.

“What do you say? Am I immortal? Vegeta was stunned for a moment, and immediately let go of Klin and examined his body.

Under this examination, Vegeta found that his body seemed to be a little different from before.

“Yes, you are already an immortal body, however, my ability is limited and I can’t do a true immortal body, but at least limb regeneration can do it.” Polenga looked at Vegeta and said condescendingly.

“Huh? Not a true immortal body? Just regenerate the body? Vegeta startled slightly and looked up at Polenga.

Polenga nodded.

“To what extent can it be regenerated?” Vegeta couldn’t help but ask.

“There is a nail-sized heart core hidden in your body, not a heart, as long as the heart core does not die, you can regenerate.” Polenga said, “You can slowly find your heart core, and as the number of regeneration increases, I believe you will find it.” ”

“Heart core?” Vegeta was slightly startled.

“Name your second wish, and two more wishes.” Polenga continued.

“Polenga, I didn’t make a wish just now…” Dandy looked confused.

“Someone made a wish before you.” Polenga replied.

“What? Who is it? Dandy was flabbergasted.

Klin looked around even more vigilantly.

Sun Gohan looked around, looking for the fourth person present.

“Ruose, Ruose…” Weiss covered his face and sighed.

“I made a wish, I’m just so strong, wow, click, I won!” I won! Ruo Si laughed.

Weiss stopped talking, wiping his sweat.


This silly sister, your cheating behavior is not advocated.

Roger didn’t speak.


At this moment, Myers also rushed over.

“Did Ruose win? That’s great. Myers only heard the news that Ruos had won, and couldn’t help but feel happy for Ruose.

Weiss continued to cover his face, trying to get out of the way.

“Mels, let me use your scepter.” Roger said.

“Sceptre? What about yours? Mels was stunned for a moment, but did not object, took the scepter from the other space and handed it to Roger.

“Did you wipe it clean?” Roger asked.

“Huh? Why wipe it clean? Myers was slightly startled.

“Forget it, I’ll do it myself.” Roger flashed the flame in his hand.

Suddenly, Myers’ scepter was renewed.


Roger directly received Myers’ scepter into his otherworld.

Myers was dumbfounded.

How many meanings does this mean?

“Okay, that’s the end of the matter.” Roger greeted.

Myers was stunned again.

What does it mean to end here?

What about my scepter?

What are you putting away my scepter for?

“Hey, Roger, give me my scepter.” Myers said quickly.

“Mine.” Roger said only two words.

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