The two of them were sitting on the ground, and the two of them were sitting on the ground.

In the basement.

Vegeta's words obviously made Son Gohan a little flattered.

"Gohan, did Vegeta just call your name?"

"Did I hear it right? The sun is rising from the west?"

Not only Gohan felt incredible, but even Bulma felt incredible.

After all, since Vegeta came to Earth, he has always labeled Son Gohan as the son of Kakarot, a low-level warrior.

And just two days ago, before the android incident broke out, Vegeta compared Son Gohan and Trunks with disdain.

Vegeta insisted that the son of a low-level warrior was not as good as Trunks, who had the blood of the Saiyan royal family.

But what Bulma didn't know was that the reason why Vegeta had such a change was because he heard Trunks' inner thoughts.

The android incident also proved that Trunks' words were not false.

In the future, Son Gohan became the last warrior and was killed by the android to protect Trunks.

Based on this alone, Vegeta had a deep respect for Son Gohan, so Vegeta no longer thought that Son Gohan was just the son of a lower-level warrior at this moment.

Son Gohan deserved Vegeta to call him by his name directly.

"So Gohan, are you going to go with Vegeta to find Mr. Popo?" Bulma continued to ask.

Son Gohan was silent.

Bulma waited for Son Gohan's answer. In addition, Trunks was also waiting for Son Gohan's response.

At this time, Son Gohan's mind appeared the scene of Piccolo and the others' breath disappearing.

His fists tightened again and again. Being able to become stronger and defeat the androids was what he wanted.

But now, he still had something to do.

Son Gohan replied: "Aunt Bulma... I also want to practice with Uncle Vegeta."

"It's just... Mom is still alone at home, I think I have to go home and get her consent."

Bulma smiled.

"You don't have to go back, I can contact Chi-Chi now."

The reason why Bulma smiled was because she already knew the answer.

She firmly believed that as a wife who had saved the world many times, she would make the most rational decision in such a critical moment.

Bulma took out a remote control and operated a small flying robot.

Soon, a projection was generated by the robot, and the picture was exactly Baozi Mountain.

"Although the outside world is in chaos, I, Bulma, can still do simple communication."

"This flying robot is a mother-child robot. Mine is a mother robot, and the child robot happens to be near Baozi Mountain."

"I will control the child robot to find Chi-Chi."

Bulma explained to Son Gohan confidently.

Trunks was also shocked by Bulma's explanation.

(Mom is indeed a genius who can build a time machine!)

Bulma controlled the sub-robot, and finally the sub-robot's screen was connected to Baozi Mountain.

As the camera zoomed in little by little, Son Gohan's home appeared in the screen.

Something unexpected happened.

There were people who fainted one after another around Son Gohan's home.

These people were lunatics in the end of the world. In order to avoid the pursuit of the androids, they came to the deep mountains and old forests, and happened to meet a family.

They were hungry and had evil thoughts about this family.

Coincidentally, this family was none other than the family formed by the most powerful person on earth.

And now the person who is in charge of this family is the most powerful woman on earth-ChiChi.

ChiChi's combat power is more than 100. You must know that more than 100 combat power is enough to become the overlord of the earth.

Dealing with these lunatics in the end of the world, it is not easy.

Chi-Chi was sitting on a rock, crossing her legs, and yelling at the lunatics:

"You unscrupulous guys, do you dare?"

However, no one responded to her, and the lunatics had already fallen asleep.

At this moment, a robot as big as a bee flew to Chi-Chi's side.

"Chi-Chi! Can you hear me?!" Bulma's voice came from the robot to Chi-Chi's ears, and then Bulma was projected by the robot.

"Bulma? Oh, by the way! Didn't Gohan go to your place the day before yesterday? Why hasn't he come back yet?" Chi-Chi asked.

"That's what I want to tell you..." Bulma said.

The news of the appearance of the androids was told to Chi-Chi.

Chi-Chi frowned, and Son Gohan, who was next to Bulma, felt something was wrong.

He hurried to Bulma's side and explained: "Mom... Everyone sacrificed... Dragon Balls too..."

But before Son Gohan finished speaking, a serious voice came from Chi-Chi's side.

"Gohan! Now and immediately! Go to the Temple of Heaven to practice!"

As soon as these words came out, Son Gohan showed a surprised expression, while Bulma nodded and smiled with satisfaction.

Trunks actually knew the answer early on. Although Chi-Chi's wish was that Gohan would become a scholar, she was a person with a big picture view after all.

In the plot of Dragon Ball Z, after Son Goku recovered from his heart attack, Chi-Chi did not stop Son Goku from looking for the androids again.

It can be seen that Chi-Chi is not actually the kind of unreasonable person.

Now that Son Goku is dead and the world is in crisis again, the only person who can inherit Son Goku's legacy is her son - Son Gohan!

Son Gohan stammered, "Mom..."

Chi-Chi smiled slightly, "Gohan, go ahead and do it. If the world is gone, what's the point of being a scholar?"

Chi-Chi knew clearly that when Goku was alive, she could be a selfish mother, but now that Goku is gone, his son no longer belongs to her alone.

Son Gohan nodded suddenly, with tears of emotion in his eyes: "I know! Mom!"

Chi-Chi smiled amiably and continued, "After all, you are Son Goku's son..."

After saying that, Chi-Chi hung up the line.

After getting Chi-Chi's permission, Son Gohan was about to fly directly to the Temple of the Gods.

At this moment, Bulma stopped him.

"Um... Gohan, can you take me and my family to the Celestial Temple?"

"Because... this is the Western Capital, I'm afraid the androids will find us."

"Besides, Vegeta has already gone to the Celestial Temple. If you leave again, Gohan... then we..."

"And I don't know how long you will have to train in the Celestial Temple..."

"So thank you, Gohan."

What Bulma said really made sense, and Son Gohan agreed directly.

With his current strength, he can definitely bring Bulma and her son and the Briefs couple to the Celestial Temple.

Son Gohan responded:

"Okay! Aunt Bulma, Grandpa Briefs, and Grandma Briggin, get ready, we'll set off right away."


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