The old man was very happy.

For Cooler, Vegeta's behavior was just a boast.

After Frieza's death, the news that the golden-haired Saiyan defeated Frieza and King Cold spread throughout the universe.

Obviously, Vegeta is now a Super Saiyan.

But Cooler is confident in his own strength.

The emergence of three cosmic emperors in one race is definitely not a false existence.

And Cooler was born with four transformations, and his strength is far above his brother Frieza, and even his father praises him.

Gula looked down on Vegeta and said coldly:

"Haha, you mean just you?"

"A Saiyan who was enslaved by Frieza wants to fight three people alone?"

Before Vegeta could answer, No. 17 also mocked Vegeta. He obviously did not take Vegeta seriously:

"A person who was beaten and fled by me three days ago can now speak arrogantly?"

Vegeta exuded a heroic spirit between his eyebrows, and these mocking words did not shake him at all.

Suddenly, No. 17's eyes widened, and Vegeta was running towards him aggressively.

Looking at the fist as big as a sandbag approaching him step by step, he wanted to hide, but somehow, his body seemed to be restrained by an invisible hand.

I saw the golden flame flashing in his eyes, and Vegeta's figure was clearly reflected in his eyes.

The whistling sound of the fist passed by No. 17's ears, and a ball of heat came over him.

No. 17's pupils trembled constantly, and it was at this time that he understood that Vegeta, who had let him do whatever he wanted a few days ago, had disappeared.

Just when No. 17 thought he was about to be knocked away, a mocking voice sounded in his ears: "You seem to be afraid?"

No. 17 opened his eyes suddenly, and he was surprised to find that Vegeta's arrogant face was right in front of him.

Vegeta did not knock him away directly, but looked at him with contempt.

No. 17 gritted his teeth and cursed: "Damn it!!"


A violent collision sound exploded from No. 17's abdomen.

Although he was furious, the initiative was always in Vegeta's hands, and he had no chance to defend against Vegeta's fist!

The powerful impact shook No. 17's body dozens of meters away.

He began to regret the words he had just said to mock Vegeta.

Vegeta's punch caught him off guard in terms of speed and strength.

He stared at Vegeta with an unbelievable look, a hint of panic in his eyes, and beads of sweat began to gather on his forehead.

[How is it possible! It's been less than three days! I can't fight back! ]

Just as No. 17 was surprised, a chilling feeling surged into his body, and a haze was shrouding his whole body.

He turned around abruptly, and at this moment his nerves were all tense.

He turned around tremblingly, and sure enough, Vegeta had appeared behind him without anyone noticing.

What caught his eyes was Vegeta's face full of proud smiles.

Vegeta clasped his hands together and crossed them, and an explosive hammer was formed.


With a violent noise, No. 17's body was smashed to the ground, and the way it fell was exactly the same as No. 18's just now.

The two are worthy of being twins, and even the way they are defeated is surprisingly consistent.

No. 17's falling body was totally out of control, and he tried to force himself to stop falling.

But he didn't expect that the face that frightened him would appear in front of him again.

Vegeta grinned and said indifferently: "Humph, broken copper and iron."


A bright light suddenly gathered in Vegeta's palm.

The light quickly spread and enlarged, instantly drowning No. 17 with lightning speed.

The next second, Vegeta's sight gradually deviated and finally locked on a woman.

Vegeta smiled evilly, and his sharp eyes fell on No. 18. He shouted at No. 18:

"You can't escape either!"


Deafening explosions occurred one after another on No. 17.

Taking advantage of this gap, Vegeta flashed behind No. 18, and kicked No. 18 with a powerful kick, blasting No. 18 into the mushroom cloud.

In an instant, the wind and clouds rose, and smoke filled the air.

When the smoke cleared, No. 17 stood in the sky in a panic, holding his abdomen with both hands.


Eighteen's clothes had several holes in them, and he appeared in Vegeta's sight in a disheveled state.

Both of them covered their bodies at the same time, breathing heavily, their faces full of disbelief, because the strength shown by Vegeta at this moment was completely inconsistent with the information they knew.

Gula, who was watching the show, sneered at the pair of android siblings.

"Heh, I thought you were so strong."

But just after he finished speaking, a figure with a strong sense of oppression appeared behind Gula.

He felt a strong discomfort next to his temple, and his nerves were tense.

He turned around suddenly, and saw that Vegeta's elbow was about to hit his forehead!

Gula wanted to jump away, but it was too late.

He only felt a cool breeze on his forehead, and then a huge impact force merged into his head.


Gula's body flew out with his legs spread out.

[How is it possible? When did he come here! 】

Gula's eyes widened. He had never thought that Vegeta would be so powerful.

The Super Saiyan who could defeat Frieza should be helpless against his fourth form.

Just as his thoughts drifted, Vegeta's iron fist fell on his body again.

The unscrupulous fists continued to swing, and Gula was beaten back step by step.

He now completely understood that it was not that the android siblings were too weak, but that Vegeta in front of him was really strong!


Gula was punched to the side of the android siblings. The reason why Vegeta did this was because he wanted to fulfill his promise just now.

That is, Vegeta really wanted to fight three people alone!

The android siblings held Gula who was being knocked away.

Number 17 also put down his face at this moment, thinking that the three of them would attack Vegeta together.

"Hey! Did you see that? This guy called Vegeta is different from before. We must work together to defeat him!"

Gula simply disdained No. 17's invitation. He shook No. 17 off and stood up again:

"Just two of you trash from Earth? Are you worthy of fighting with me, Gula?"

As soon as the voice fell, a large number of energy balls quickly gathered in the sky, and Gula was shocked.

It was nothing else, it was Vegeta's specialty, the prince's fighting method.

Vegeta shouted loudly: "I said! I want to fight three!"

Vegeta's hands switched back and forth, and tens of thousands of energy balls swept towards the three people.

The sound of explosions continued to bloom in the air, and the night also ushered in dawn again at this moment.

And it was at this time that the three began to hide from each other.

"Damn it!" No. 18 roared, and it was obvious that she had had enough of Vegeta's torture and could no longer bear it.

She quickly gathered a laser beam in her hand and fired it at Vegeta with hatred.

Vegeta's sharp eyes noticed the abnormality of No. 18.

He smiled knowingly.

"Oh? Are you in a hurry to die? I'm tired of it."

"The woman who humiliated me that day."


Vegeta's body moved behind No. 18 at a speed invisible to the naked eye.

At this moment, No. 18 didn't see Vegeta's movements at all, but found that the target had been lost.

Just as she was surprised, a cool breeze blew her short hair, and it was not a breeze.

It was the wind that announced the death of No. 18 brought by Vegeta's aura.

Vegeta chopped No. 18's neck with a knife, and then the blood vessels on his arm bulged rapidly.

His fist was like a sharp blade, gradually piercing No. 18's abdomen.

No. 18's eyes were empty and lifeless. She only felt that all this was incredible. She began to regret letting Vegeta go that day.

Maybe it was too late.

Although she was an artificial person, she could feel pain just like a human. The heart-wrenching pain became more and more intense as the fist penetrated her body.

No. 18 looked at Vegeta in fear. At this moment, her nerves were numb. She only saw Vegeta's lips twitching slightly beside her ear.

"I'll give you this punch, you bitch."

After this punch, No. 18's body fell to the ground in free fall.

Vegeta looked at his masterpiece with satisfaction, and then turned his eyes to Gula and No. 17.

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