A few minutes ago.

A large-scale flash suddenly appeared in the sky.

Everyone held their breath.

Trunks and Jepit appeared in everyone's sight.



Bra and Bulma exclaimed at the same time.

The two were puzzled by Trunks' sudden appearance.

Bra stared at Trunks, and found something different in Trunks.

Trunks's clothes had changed! This was a dress she had never seen before.

In addition, his whole body was also a little different from before.

This was the result of the old Kai's potential development for Trunks.

Everyone looked along the line of sight of Bra and Bulma, and a very energetic child appeared in their sight.

Krillin asked tentatively: "Trunks?" After all, Krillin had long wanted to know who this person was who could take little Cell as his younger brother.

Trunks waved to everyone in a friendly manner, but now was not the time to say hello.

The light that appeared in the sky, Trunks had already sensed the powerful aura that Vegeta had burst out.

But in addition to that, he also sensed the aura of Super Buu.

(No, the power of this Majin Buu seemed to have been sublimated again! What happened again?!)

A crying voice suddenly sounded from behind Trunks, and then a small hand instantly rested on his shoulder.

"Boss!! Wuwuwu!!"

"You are finally back!!"

Super little Cell released all the grievances in his heart at this moment, and he spoke with snot and tears.

"Boss! Fortunately, Boss's father is here! Otherwise, we would all be killed!"

"Look! Look at the wounds on my face! All of them were done by that pink guy! He kept slapping me, slapping my face!"

As he spoke, Super Little Cell stroked his bruised face again.

Looking at the extremely aggrieved Super Little Cell, Trunks instantly sensed that the little brother in front of him seemed to have undergone a huge change.

Trunks vaguely discovered that there were 5 souls in the little brother's body!

At this moment, Trunks also had a partial understanding of the ins and outs of the matter.

He did not expect that several little Cells would choose to assimilate in order to deal with Majin Buu.

"Thank you for your hard work."

Trunks smiled slightly and gave Super Little Cell a thumbs up.

"Boss! Your father is fighting fiercely with that guy! Moreover, he has unlocked a new transformation!" Super Little Cell said.

As soon as this was said, Trunks was shocked.

(A new transformation?! Could it be that Dad has already transformed into Super Saiyan 4!?)

(But how did he do it?!! Without my reminder!)

After thinking about it, Trunks looked up at the sky.

As expected, the artificial moon was lurking in the thick smoke.

A powerful aura bloomed from the sky, and the next moment, the true appearance of the artificial moon was fully revealed!

At that moment, Trunks' eyes focused on the artificial moon.

His heart began to pound, and his pectoralis major muscles kept beating.

In his eyes and mind, all he saw was the artificial moon.

An indescribable feeling immediately surrounded Trunks' whole body.

His body also became a giant ape like Vegeta.

After the potential of Old Kai was developed, his body also had the necessary conditions to transform into Super Saiyan 4.

For a moment, another huge monster appeared in front of everyone.

Everyone: ?

Krillin: "This is! The golden giant ape!!"

Piccolo: "What?! Could it be that Trunks is also going to become Vegeta's form?!"

Bula's eyes were full of doubts.

[Brother, and father, have both achieved this transformation that I didn't know about! ]

Just as everyone was surprised, Trunks' body gradually degenerated into a human form.

Since Trunks also had the royal blood of the Saiyans in his body, he did not lose his mind after becoming a golden gorilla.

His strong chest muscles were exposed, and like Vegeta, he also became a Super Saiyan 4.

Trunks' hands kept shaking, and he transformed into a Super Saiyan 4, which was an unexpected result for him.

He felt the wild power from the Saiyans themselves, and he couldn't calm down his excitement for a long time, and couldn't extricate himself!

Similarly, at the same time, the hearts of the people below were also surging with passion


Super Little Cell immediately ran to Trunks and circled around him with a smile.

"Boss! You are so strong now!"

Trunks smiled confidently, but the next second, a breath that made him unable to resist suddenly burst out from behind him.

And the owner of this breath was Super Buu!

It was at this moment that everyone was on edge.

Because everyone present felt that this breath had far surpassed everyone else!

Not only Trunks, but even Vegeta had long been surpassed!

Trunks stared at the horizon and whispered: "No, even if I transform into Super Saiyan 4, I can't be Super Buu's opponent now!"

"It is very likely that I can't even touch him!"

Trunks' words were heard by Super Little Cell, and he asked in confusion: "Then, Boss, is there any other way?!"

Super Little Cell kept circling around Trunks.

The five souls have been lingering around him.

A picture appeared in Trunks' mind, and suddenly he put his hand on Super Little Cell.

"There is a way, brothers, I need your help."

This scene made Super Little Cell flattered.

"Boss?! What did you just call me?"

This is the first time in so many years that Trunks admits that Little Cell is his younger brother.

There is no time to get excited, and the next second, a bizarre scene happened to Super Little Cell.

I saw that the assimilated Super Little Cell was divided into five at this moment, and the five Little Cells appeared vividly in front of him again.

This scene shocked Piccolo: "Divided... separated?!"

"What... what is going on?!"

The five Little Cells looked at each other, and then looked at Trunks in surprise.

"Boss! What's going on?!"

Trunks said seriously, "You guys! Don't ask so many questions!"

"Release all the Saiyan power in your body! Transfer it to my body! Quick!"

The little Cells did not dare to neglect it. They held hands and transferred their power to Trunks' body.


At this moment, Trunks' power was sublimated again.

His aura was directly superior to Vegeta's!

After doing all this, Trunks rushed to the battlefield in an instant.

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