It can even be said that what Frieza said now is right, but also wrong.

However, with Sun Wukong's stubborn character, it is not so easy to compromise.

Even if he only has one breath left, he will fight the enemy to the death.

It can be said that before coming to this world,

Sun Wukong's character also destined him to live an unpleasant life.

"Drink! Ah……"

The air around Frieza seemed to condense, and the scattered air formed a strong force in the air, shattering everything around him, making it impossible to get close.

Frieza, with his hands raised, was channeling the most powerful force suppressed in his body, but this would take a lot of time.

"Then I will do it too!"Hah!"

Sun Wukong also burst out his last strength.

The cold wind was bleak, and Sun Wukong and Frieza both took out their most powerful strength at this time. The real battle has just begun

"Damn it! Frieza is so powerful! Damn Kakarot, you must win! Can the Saiyans survive in this?���The survival of the universe depends on you."

As proud as Vegeta is, he knows that he can't beat Frieza now.

Although he doesn't want to admit the ability of Sun Wukong, a low-level warrior, the facts are in front of him. He can only hope that Sun Wukong can create a miracle.


Sun Wukong released all his energy, and a huge force surged in his body. The air around him suddenly surged.

Bones, muscles, and skin became tougher and tougher under the action of air.

The muscles on the surface of the skin kept wriggling as if they had life.

Under the impact of air, the body gradually became stronger.

A golden color appeared on the surface of Sun Wukong's skin.

Although it was not very obvious, the strong defense could still be felt.

Sun Wukong, who was at full firepower, could withstand an attack with 84 million combat power at this moment, with his defense plus the 30-fold blessing of the Vajra Indestructible Divine Art.


Frieza noticed Son Goku's situation at this time.

Although he felt that his opponent's fighting power had also improved a lot,

Frieza sneered disdainfully and continued his final stage of transformation.

In Frieza's mind, no matter what happened, his strength was enough to kill the Saiyan monkey.

It can be said that he had a very strong confidence in his own strength.


Almost at the same time, Frieza and Son Goku simultaneously emitted powerful energy from their bodies, which exploded in an instant, and the surrounding sand and stones turned directly into dust.

The ground was also forcibly moved into a flat land again.

The smoke and dust floated up and scattered, covering only a few short breaths of time.

The two reappeared in each other's sight again, and they all sneered at the changes of their opponents.

It can be said that Frieza has changed too much.

If you say that people who don't know can't compare the current Frieza with his previous one, they are completely two different people in a short time.

The previous Frieza had a hideous and terrifying face, and his limbs were also thick and terrifying. In some places, there were even hard bone spurs.

But the final form of Frieza looks very harmless.

The tall and mighty appearance has become petite and cute.

The height is also shrinking rapidly, and the limbs are smooth as a mirror.

"Could it be that this is a kind of return to nature, and that when the power reaches a certain level, it will develop in this direction?"

As an earthling in the original world, Sun Wukong thought so.

Although he already knew that Frieza's transformation would be like this, he still felt a little strange when he experienced it in person.

This was different from the characters in the anime world, but a terrifying enemy that appeared alive in front of him.

Compared with Frieza's changes, Sun Wukong's aura at this time gave people the feeling that it had not changed much.

Only the skin color changed a little, the eyes became more fierce, and every move also revealed a slight pressure.

Even if Frieza did not have the ability to sense combat power, he still felt that the current Sun Wukong had a significant change compared to before.

"I didn't expect you to have hidden strength, Saiyan monkey. I can't help but admire you. You can actually reach this level, but it's a pity that such strength cannot be used by me. Then let's see how long you can hold out in my hands. Let's play a simple game. There seem to be three humans on this planet, one is also a Saiyan monkey, a little bald head, and a woman. They should all be your acquaintances. I heard them call your name before, Sun Wukong!"

PS:Writing a book is not easy. I hope that book friends can give me the flowers and evaluation votes in their hands. I bow and thank you! I will update five times a day before the book is put on the shelves. I hope to get more support! Thank you!

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