This time, the mission of Xaviza and his men is to find the fruit of the Spirit Tree, which is a secret treasure that can enhance their strength.

For it,

King Kurd will turn against him.

However, Gula also believes that it was not King Kurd who did it this time.

There are only a handful of strong men in the North Galaxy who can defeat his Gula Mecha Team.

The strongest team under King Kurd may be one of them, but the strongest team has not made any moves in recent times.

As for the Ginyu Force under Frieza, it’s not that Kvira looks down on them.

Even if the Ginyu Force still exists, they can’t hurt Xaviza and his men at all! What’s more, they are dead just like Frieza.

"Who did it? Is there some powerful person hidden in the North Galaxy?"

Gula's heart suddenly throbbed.

He was not sad about the death of Xaviza and the others, because Xaviza and the others were just pawns in his hand.

As a strong man, Gula would not care about the life and death of these ants.

At most, he would regret that he had lost several powerful subordinates and felt embarrassed. What

Gula was really worried about was that the matter of the fruit of the spirit tree would be leaked, which would attract the attention of King Kurd and Frieza, and even the attention of other powerful people in the universe.

That was what he didn't want to see.

Looking leisurely at the aliens crawling on the ground, Gula's cold voice rang out:"Get the spaceship ready. I will go to the planet where Xaviza and the others disappeared in person."

Waving his hand, Gula said again:"Also, let the people of the Gula Legion be selected. I will re-form the mecha team!"

""Yes, Your Majesty!"

Those aliens left the hall sweating as if they had been pardoned.

On the huge throne, Gula raised his purple lips, and a sneer flashed across his fierce face.


In the eastern part of the Milky Way, when King Kurd learned from his spy that the mecha troop under Gula was annihilated, a trace of surprise flashed across his brows, and then he drank red wine happily.

He would not take this small mecha troop seriously, but he was still very happy to be able to weaken Gula's strength.

"How is Frieza? Is he awake?"

King Kurd asked the attendant beside him.

""Reporting to the king, King Frieza has just merged with the mechanical body and has not yet fully awakened. So we don't know who killed him yet?"

The attendant answered carefully.

"Let him wake up as soon as possible. This kid didn't practice well since he was young, and now he is almost killed. Although he is useless, he is also my son. I must avenge him. No one can beat our clan and continue to live happily!"

The Kurdish king angrily crushed the cup in his hand and said fiercely


On an unknown planet, Sun Wukong finally found an interstellar map from the spaceship of Xaviza and others.

What surprised him even more was that there was the location and route of the planet Yadrat on it, so he set the direction directly, filled up his food, and set off for the planet Yadrat.

This is where Sun Wukong learned instant movement in the original work, and there are all kinds of strange abilities there, attracting Sun Wukong to learn.

Another month passed, and during this period Sun Wukong still did not break through the fourth level of the Nine Yang Magic Art, which made him wonder what he did wrong.

But even so, his combat effectiveness under normal circumstances still reached a terrifying 120 million.

If he met Frieza again, he could knock him down directly without transforming.

Suddenly, an alarm came from the spacecraft broadcast,

"Yadrat is coming soon, please be prepared……"

Sun Wukong stood up from the 100-times-gravity training room and walked to the hatch.

Through the small hatch, he could clearly see a misty planet not far away, spinning non-stop.


The spaceship quickly broke through the atmosphere of the planet Yadrat, and it seemed to burn the surrounding air all of a sudden.

The red light flickered in the sky.

With a heavy sound, the spaceship landed steadily on the ground.

The hatch slowly opened, and

Sun Wukong slowly walked out, then looked around.

The first thing that caught Sun Wukong's eyes was the countless steep mountain walls that went straight into the sky, and the high sky was shrouded in clouds and mist, as if within reach.

Compared with the earth, the environment here seems more fresh, and the clouds that are almost touching the ground make it even more dreamy.

Sun Wukong smiled slightly, and was very impressed by the environment of the planet Yadrat.

Perhaps it was this environment that created their ability to develop various tricks.

PS:Today is Chinese Valentine's Day, and I am here to rob you.

Every reader who passes by this chapter, please leave your flowers and money.

Otherwise, be careful, I will draw a circle and curse you, and let you continue to be single after Chinese Valentine's Day.

But I still wish all readers a happy Chinese Valentine's Day, find your sweetheart, and be able to date her/him to live a shameful life together.

Don't forget to leave flowers and money.

Readers who think it's okay, please give me some rewards. I am here to beg for alms, in order to get a room with the nun.

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