""Wait! Let me go first! Frieza and I still have some accounts to settle! Even if I am not his opponent now, I still want to fight him!"

Vegeta suddenly spoke at this time.

Seeing that Vegeta was about to take action,

Trunks had to retreat.

His father was going to take action, so he could only give in.

Son Goku couldn't help but raise his eyebrows, but he knew the pride of Prince Isaiah.

If he didn't let him take action, he would probably hate him later and go to extremes.

So he pulled Bulma, Son Gohan, and Tais back dozens of meters, leaving the battlefield to Vegeta and Frieza, and the others also retreated one after another

"Vegeta, do you really want to die? Okay, then I will help you. I will definitely kill you and let you know what despair is!"

Frieza's only target is Son Goku.

He is not afraid that Son Goku will escape.

It just so happens that these opponents have to come one by one, so he is happy to relax a little.

"It's still uncertain who will win or lose! Come on, Frieza, let me show you my progress! Ha!" He didn't back down.

He was a proud Saiyan prince.

His eyes flashed with a strong fighting spirit.

A crazy fighting spirit surged in his heart, and his whole body was full of blood.

At this time, the fighting factor from the depths of the Saiyan blood seemed to be activated all of a sudden.


Vegeta kicked the ground and flew towards Frieza at high speed.

He wanted to get the chance to attack first.

"Interesting! It seems that you have made great progress in the past year or so!" Looking at the figure galloping over,

Frieza's eyes flashed with surprise, and the corners of his mouth condensed into a cruel smile, and he said:"Let me see how strong you are! Donema, test Vegeta's combat power!"

Donema on the side responded, and immediately used the large detector on the spacecraft to test it.

Soon, the results of the detector appeared. Donema looked at the data above, his light golden eyes suddenly tightened, and he said in disbelief:"Five million! King Frieza, Vegeta's combat power has reached 5 million!"

"5 million combat power! Looks really good!"

Frieza chuckled, his eyes moved slightly, constantly looking around to capture Vegeta's figure, and every blade of grass and tree around him was in his sight.


Vegeta started to attack, and a punch with great force was aimed at Frieza's chest.

But at the moment of the attack, a hard claw firmly grabbed his wrist

"What a fast speed!"

Vegeta's heart tightened. When his first attack failed, he immediately used his strength to escape.

But it was too late.

Frieza snorted coldly, and a huge force gushed out from his claws, throwing Vegeta out suddenly.

Suddenly, Vegeta's figure shot out like a cannonball, and soon turned into a black dot in the sky.

"Vegeta, you are not Frieza's opponent yet. I hope this will make you understand the gap between you and Frieza, so don't force yourself to fight."

Sun Wukong looked at Vegeta's flying figure and said softly

"I don't think he will give up! If he gives up, he won't be Vegeta anymore."

Taisi said with a smile, but her beautiful eyes watched Vegeta's flying figure nervously.

"That's right, he's just an awkward guy. The more you don't let him do something, the more he wants to do it."

Bulma also said with a chuckle.

After more than a year of getting along, she also understood a lot about Vegeta's personality.

In short, he is a very awkward guy.

Bulma picked up Son Gohan, who was only six years old, and stared at Son Goku tenderly, as if the three of them were a warm family of three.

"Wow, you three really look like a family of three. I'm so envious!"

Tayis had already noticed the ambiguity between Bulma and Son Goku, and couldn't help but joked.

It can be seen that although Vegeta is now at a disadvantage,

Tais is at least not as worried as before.

Seeing that Son Goku still looked indifferent, she guessed that this was not beyond his expectations.


Vegeta was in the air, trying to stop.

But Frieza's power was so great that he couldn't stop for a while.

In the end, he could only crash into a hill, instantly smashing the hill into countless rocks.


Vegeta calmed down, then carefully observed his surroundings, alert with all his heart and soul.

Suddenly, a bloody breath was approaching him.

He turned around cautiously, only to find that Frieza had appeared behind him without knowing when.

"Oh, Vegeta, you are quite skilled. You were able to block my attack. I can see that you have made great progress, but you are still not good enough!"


Vegeta was furious and rushed over again.

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