Bergueimo shouted loudly and rushed towards Sun Wukong first.

Sun Wukong's body moved, and he also rushed towards Bergueimo.

Soon, the two came to each other, and their fists were as fast as lightning, hitting each other.

The two of them's fists suddenly hit together extremely hard, and an incomparably strong wind emanated from their hands.


After fighting for a while, the two of them hit their right fists together, and at the same time exuded an amazing momentum in their hands, shocking each other back.


The future king couldn't help but exclaim.


Bergueimo gritted his teeth, and his hands emitted a large number of fiery red energy waves, attacking towards Sun Wukong.

Sun Wukong shouted, and his body instantly transformed into a Super Saiyan, dodging the energy waves from Bergueimo's attack.

Rumble! Rumble! Rumble!!

The energy wave fell on the competition table around Sun Wukong, and the thick smoke generated by the explosion instantly covered Sun Wukong's figure.

Bergueimo suddenly stopped the attack of the energy wave.

A golden figure suddenly rushed out of the thick smoke, this person was Sun Wukong.

Bergueimo sneered, and his body was as fast as lightning.

However, in the blink of an eye, the two came to each other at the same time, their fists and feet were as fast as lightning, and they hit each other hard.


Bergueimo shouted, and his right fist went forward with all his strength, striking Sun Wukong's chest.

Sun Wukong screamed loudly, his body was like a ray, and he flew backwards.

Sun Wukong squeezed his hands hard and stopped at the edge of the competition table.

Bergueimo shouted, and his hands condensed a large amount of energy waves, attacking towards Sun Wukong.

Sun Wukong jumped with both feet and immediately flew into the air.

Bergueimo snorted coldly, immediately stopped the energy wave attack, and flew towards the sky.

Seeing this, Sun Wukong clenched his fists hard, and his whole body exuded an incomparably amazing aura, which quickly ascended upward.


With an incomparably huge roar, the hair on Sun Wukong's head grew to his waist, the eyebrows on his eyes disappeared and were close to the eye bones, and a large amount of lightning emanated from his whole body.

Bergueimo was startled, but still rushed towards Sun Wukong.

Sun Wukong chuckled, and his body flashed like an electric light, and he circled behind Bergueimo.

Bergueimo gritted his teeth, quickly turned around, and looked at Sun Wukong.

Sun Wukong raised his right foot forward and flew towards Bergemo.


Boom! Boom!!

Because the two were not far apart, the two soon came to each other and fought together.

At the beginning, Bergueimo could still play a few moves against Sun Wukong, but with Sun Wukong's strength, his body suddenly couldn't bear it and kept retreating.


With a loud gulp, Sun Wukong's right foot kicked heavily on Bergueimo's body.

Bergueimo screamed loudly, and his body fell heavily onto the competition table like a ray.

A lot of sand and dust was immediately smashed on the stage.

"Big brother!"

A red werewolf standing on the pumice where the ninth universe was located shouted.

The red werewolf is named Basil, who is also a contestant in this power conference, and he is also the third elder of the ninth universe, known as the "dangerous trio".

There are three people in the dangerous trio, the eldest is Berguemo on the stage, the second is a werewolf standing next to Bezel, with a sturdy body and yellow skin all over, and his Lavanda is a master who is good at using poison, and he has never been related to him.

"That's awesome!"

The future king saw the huge sand and dust on the competition platform, and immediately couldn't help but exclaim.


Quan Wang nodded.

At this moment, Sun Wukong, who was standing in midair, quickly closed his hands backwards.

"Turtle ~ Pai ~ Qi ~ Gong ~ Bo!"

A dark blue qi wave immediately condensed from Sun Wukong's hands and hit the ground.

At this time, the dust on the ground also dispersed somewhat, revealing the figure of Bergueimo standing up.

Bergueimo looked at the attacking Turtle Sect Qigong, and immediately raised his hands to resist the Turtle Sect Qigong.


The turtle sent qigong to hit Bergueimo and pushed him backwards.


Bergueimo roared loudly, his hands using all their strength to resist.

But even so. His body is still constantly receding, but in the process of retreating, his body is constantly getting bigger.

In the end, he used his strength to exhaust the energy of the Turtle Sect Qigong.

Vic and they all showed surprise.

Son Gohan: "He... His body has become bigger! "

Son Gohan also came to watch this match because he happened to be free.


Vic nodded.

At this moment, the Realm King God of the Ninth Universe said to Sun Gohan with a proud face.

"Bergueimo, you can transform other people's attacks into your own power!"

"Turn the attack into your own power?"

"That's right, so this game, our ninth universe won!"


Son Gohan looked at the competition table.

"Don't worry, Gohan, your dad will definitely not lose to this kind of guy!"

Vic said as soon as he put his right hand on Son Gohan's shoulder.

Son Gohan nodded.

On the stage.

After Bergueimo's body became bigger, he was like a giant, punching towards the Monkey King in the sky.

While dodging, Sun Wukong hit Bergueimo.

As Bergueimo grew bigger, it became easier to attack because of its huge size.

So Sun Wukong's attacks can basically hit him.


Son Goku's right foot kicked Belguemo's body, causing his body to take a few steps backwards at once.

Although it is only a few steps, his body is huge now, and these few steps he has taken backwards are equivalent to dozens of steps of Sun Wukong.


Bergueimo shouted angrily, and the whole person seemed to be crazy, grabbing towards the Monkey King in the sky.

Sun Wukong didn't pay attention and was grabbed by Berguemo's hands.


Sun Gohan was taken aback.

Bergueimo laughed loudly, clenching his hands hard inward.


Sun Wukong shouted, and the bones on his body suddenly made a sound.

Seeing this, Bergueimo smiled even happier and squeezed his hands tighter.

"Is Goku going to lose?"

The future king said to the great priest on the side.

"I don't know!"


At this moment, Sun Wukong roared loudly, the hair and eyebrows on his head turned sky blue, the pupils of his eyes turned dark blue, and an incomparably powerful divine aura immediately emanated from his body, allowing him to break free from Bergueimo's hands.

After the gods saw this scene, they all looked at Sun Wukong in surprise.

"A mortal can actually cultivate to the level!"

Among the gods, I don't know who said it.

When the other gods heard this, they all agreed.

With the display of Sun Wukong's strength, many gods have taken Sun Wukong as their cosmic rival.

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