"Goten, tell me honestly, how did you cultivate into the Super Saiyan God?"

"No... I'm just serious about cultivating, maybe I'm a genius!


Trunks snorted coldly.

"Wutian, don't be too proud, I will also cultivate into a Super Saiyan God in the future to catch up with you!"


After Sun Wutian heard this, he smiled faintly.

Trunks' current strength is only one super, three realms behind him.

When he cultivates into the Super Saiyan God, his strength is estimated to reach super six or super seven.


Difu, Yan Demon Temple.

At this time, the Demon King was very busy looking at the ghost information, looking at whether to sentence him to hell or go to heaven.

"Go to heaven!"

"To hell!"

"To hell!"


Just when the Yan Demon King was very busy, a little devil took a new little ghost and walked in front of the Yan Demon King and said.

"Lord Yan Devil, this is a new little ghost, how do you see his work arranged?"

The Yan Demon King casually glanced at the little ghost.

"Let him be in charge of the soul washing machine!"

"Yes, Lord Hades!"

The little ghost said, and took the new little ghost to the place where the soul cleaning machine was.

Souls condemned to hell in the underworld must all be cleansed by soul cleaning machines before they can be taken to hell.

"This is the soul cleaning machine, your main job is to replace those jars that are about to fill up in time!"

The imp said to the new imp.

At this time, the new imp was listening to the song with headphones on, and did not hear what the little ghost said.

"Hear no!"

The little ghost took off the earphones of the new little ghost and said loudly.

"Listen... Heard it!

The little devil snorted coldly.

"And that jar of qi is almost full, you will remember to change it later!"

The new imp nodded.

"And don't be lazy for me when I go to work, otherwise I will report it to Lord Yan Demon King and let him deduct your salary!"

The new imp was silent.

After the little ghost finished speaking, he turned around and walked towards the steps above.

Seeing this, the new imp immediately stuck out his tongue at him.

At this time, the little ghost's body suddenly turned around and reminded the new little ghost again.

"Don't forget to change that jar!"


The new imp nodded.

Seeing this, the little ghost continued to walk up.

Seeing the little ghost leave, the new little ghost continued to put on the headphones and listen to the song.

While listening to the song, the new imp jumped to the song, and he had completely forgotten about changing the jar in his heart.

Just as the imp was immersed in dancing, the jar of the soul cleaning machine was full of gas, and the jar began to expand outward.


With a loud explosion, the canister exploded and a large amount of gas appeared.

After those gases encountered the explosion open flame, they immediately set the soul cleaning machine on fire, causing the soul cleaning machine to explode as well.

The little ghost, who was still listening to the song, heard the explosion and immediately took off his headphones and saw that he was surrounded by a large amount of gas.

"End... It's over, the salary is gone! The

new imp said, picking up the fire extinguisher set aside and trying to extinguish the fire and make up for his mistake as much as possible.

At this time, the little ghost who had just arranged work for him hurriedly ran in, saw gas everywhere, and said angrily in his heart.

"You little devil, I just kept telling you to change the jar, but you took my words for a deaf ear!"

After hearing this, the new imp also regretted it in his heart.

Because he not only can't get his salary now, but also has to lose a lot of money to the local government.


Just as the newcomer was thinking, there was a sudden explosion next to him, and a large amount of gas was blown up on the newcomer.

The body of the newly arrived imp was soon covered with a large amount of gas.

Then, under the influence of gas, the new imp turns into a huge and chubby yellow monster.

The yellow monster has protruding short horns on both sides of its head, pointed ears, short hands and feet, arms slightly longer than legs, a light purple pants on its body, light purple bracers on both hands, and a large, thick tail behind it.

"Little... The imp has transformed! The

little devil was shocked and quickly ran forward.

"Evil Thought Wave!"

At this moment, the yellow monster raised its hands forward, and an enchantment appeared, spreading towards the entire prefecture.


On Earth.

Sun Wutian and Trunks were fighting at this time.

Suddenly, the two felt a lot of powerful qi appear on the earth.

"Goten, do you feel it? It seems that many strong qi suddenly appeared on the earth! "


Sun Wutian nodded.

"How about we take a look?"


After the two finished speaking, they immediately flew towards the western capital.



Son Gohan, who was studying at Orange Star High School, immediately left the classroom after feeling the breath of Frisha, and saw a large number of dead people flying in the sky with halos on their heads.

These dead people, some of them are the people of Friesha's army, and there are also the enemies that Sun Wukong once destroyed.

Although Son Gohan doesn't know what happened, they are all bad people and a great threat to the city.

So he chose to eliminate them.


The Dragon Ball Z warriors who were on Earth also felt the anger of Frisha, and rushed to the west to help.

Klin: "Goku, what the hell is going on?" How could so many ghosts appear on Earth?

"I don't know about this, let me ask Lord Realm King!"

Sun Wukong said, and then used the telepathic communication to contact the King of the Northern Realm.

"Lord Realm King, what the hell is going on? Why did Frieza their ghosts appear on Earth?

"The reason for this matter is mainly because the little ghost in charge of the soul cleaning machine failed to replace the jar for cleaning the soul machine in time, so that the jar exploded, and the little ghost also became a monster evil thought wave because of the gas stained!"

"Evil Thought Wave?"

"Yes, the ghosts that appeared on the earth were summoned by him, and now the Yan Demon King is trapped by the enchantment laid by the evil thought wave!"

"In this case, Lord King of the Realm, is there any way you can make these ghosts disappear?"

"I'm also powerless in this, I think you can only defeat them now!"

"I see, Naklin, let's all destroy these ghosts!"


Klin nodded.


Above a building in the Western Capital.

Son Gokuten and Trunks run into Frieza and Frisha's Kinuit team.

"Who are you? How do you look so similar to Monkey King?

After seeing Sun Wutian's appearance, Frieza was shocked.

"He is my father, my name is Sun Wutian!"

"Sun Wutian!"

After hearing this, Frieza looked at Trunks and found that he looked like the future Trunks who had chopped his body into several pieces.

"Who are you again?"

Frieza asked Trunks.

"My name is Trunks!"

"So who is your dad?"


"Vegeta turned out to be that traitor!"

"You know my dad?"

"Of course, your father was still my subordinate!"


Trunks looked puzzled.

Frieza smiled.

"Didn't your dad mention me to you? My name is Friesha!

"Oh, so you're the Frishane scoundrel!"

Vegeta didn't really mention Frieza to Trunks, it was Boomer who told him about Frieza.

After all...... Vegeta's work under Frieza was not glorious.


Frieza snorted coldly.

"Team Kinut, solve them for me!"

"It's King Friesha!"

When Guise heard this, he immediately rushed towards the two.


Trunks gulped, and his body quickly rushed to Guise's body, punching his body through with a punch.


Because Guise is now in a soul state, after Trunks' punch into his body, Guise's body immediately dispersed like smoke.

Gudu was startled, but still attacked Trunks.

Trunks flashed to the side, punching or kicking them out.


Frieza gritted his teeth and rushed towards Trunks.

At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared and kicked his body into two pieces.

This person is none other than Sun Wutian.

Frieza saw his body being kicked in two, his face changed drastically, and then he, like Guise, dispersed like smoke.

Seeing this, Friesha's army behind Frieza fled backwards.

"Don't run!"

After Trunks saw it, he immediately chased after him.

Seeing this, Sun Wutian also chased after him.


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