Just as the artificial man No. 21 was thinking, her brain suddenly had a sharp pain, and a thought of wanting to destroy was born from her brain.


Artificial Man No. 21 screamed loudly, and a black aura flew out of his body, transforming into a woman with pink skin all over her body, long messy hair on her head, two gold bracelets on her hands, red pupils in her eyes, and black outside her pupils.

The woman wears a black shroud on her upper body, white trousers on her lower body, a gold belt around her waist, and a long tail behind her.

This woman is the evil idea of Artificial Man 21.

And her current appearance is the state after the artificial man No. 21 transformed into a demon.

"Who are you?"

"I am you!"

Evil Artificial Man 21 licked his tongue and said.

"You are me?"

"Yes, in other words, I am your innermost thoughts!"


"Aren't you trying to create the strongest artificial human and rule the world?"

"Rule the world!"

After hearing this, the artificial man No. 21 seemed to have thought of something.

"Are you an evil thought in my heart?"

The evil android 21 laughed.

"I just said, I am the deepest thought, as long as you and I join forces, this world is ours!"

"No, I'm not joining forces with you!"

After hearing this, the evil android No. 21's face suddenly turned cold.

"Then in that case, I can only eliminate you!"

After hearing this, the android 21 immediately turned around and fled out.

Seeing this, the evil android No. 21 immediately chased after him.

Soon, the two left the institute, flew to the sea beyond the island, and stopped.


The evil android No. 21 looked at the android No. 21, and a sneer came out of his mouth.

Cyborg No. 21 gritted his teeth angrily and clenched his fists hard.


With a loud roar, Cyborg 21 transforms into the same Majin state as the evil Cyborg No. 21.

It's just that her breath is much weaker than the evil android No. 21.


The evil android No. 21 saw the transformation of android No. 21 and immediately rushed towards android No. 21.

The artificial man No. 21 was shocked and hurriedly went up to fight.


With a violent sound, the knee of the right foot of the evil android No. 21 pressed the abdomen of the oncoming android No. 21.

Artificial Man No. 21 screamed loudly, and his body was suddenly flown thousands of meters away.

Cyborg No. 21 covered her abdomen with her right hand, and in the next second, the figure of the evil Cyborg No. 21 instantly appeared in front of her.

Without waiting for the reaction of Artificial Man 21, the evil Artificial Man No. 21 punched towards Artificial Man No. 21's face and body like a storm.

Bang bang!!

Under the attack of the evil android No. 21, the android No. 21's body kept retreating and let out one scream after another.


Suddenly, the evil android No. 21 kicked forward and kicked heavily on the android No. 21, causing her body to fly backwards all of a sudden.

The evil android No. 21 raised his right hand, and a pink energy wave was emitted from his hand, hitting the android 21.


With a huge explosion, the energy wave hit Cyborg 21 and exploded above the sea.

Soon a huge thick cloud of smoke appeared above the sea.

"Poof..." Artificial

Man 21 borrowed the smoke to let his body fall into the sea.

The evil android 21 heard the sound of falling water, and his hands immediately fired energy waves into the sea.

Boom! Boom! Boom!!

With the sound of huge explosions, the sea was blown out of huge waves.

Cyborg 21 was hit by an energy wave from the attack of the evil Cyborg No. 21, but she has the super recovery ability of Majin Buu, so the injuries on her body quickly recover.


Just as the evil android 21 also fell into the sea, his body was as fast as lightning, moving towards the android 21.

Cyborg No. 21 shook his hands hard, and also rushed towards the evil Cyborg No. 21.


Soon, the two came to each other at the same time, fist-to-fist, foot-to-foot fighting together.

The surrounding sea water appeared huge whirlpools because of the fierce battle between the two.

These whirlpools also brought a lot of resistance to the battle between the two.


Cyborg No. 21's right fist hit Cyborg No. 21 hard in the face, causing her body to fly out upside down and hit a boulder behind her.

The boulder cracked in the upper part because of the impact of Artificial Man 21 and fell towards Artificial Man 21.

Cyborg No. 21 moved forward and dodged.



The Dragon Ball Z warriors who are on Earth all feel the qi of the evil android 21 and android 21.

Sidu, Klin's household.

After feeling the anger of the evil android No. 21, Klin looked at Lazili on the side and said.

"Such a powerful qi, can it be said that there are some powerful enemies on the earth again?"

"I don't know, but those two are very strong, and it's definitely not something you can deal with!"


Cyborg 21 here.


Boom! Boom!!

At this time, the evil android 21 and the android 21 have come out of the sea and come to the sky to fight.

Just when the two were fighting fiercely, a figure suddenly appeared, this person was Sun Wutian.

"Sun Wutian!"

When the artificial man No. 21 saw Sun Wutian, he immediately looked at Sun Wutian like a savior.

"You know me?"

"Know, this person is my evil thoughts, can you help me eliminate her?"

"Of course, as long as you call me brother!"


the android No. 21 heard this, his heart was speechless.

She was older than Sun Wukong, and she actually let herself call him brother.

Just when Artificial Man 21 hesitated, the evil Artificial Man No. 21 kicked her right foot heavily on Artificial Man 21, causing her body to fly backwards all of a sudden.


In the upside down flight, the artificial man 21 no longer hesitated to shout at Sun Wutian.

Sun Wutian's figure flashed, blinked behind the artificial man No. 21, and pressed her waist with his right hand to make her body stop.

Evil Artificial Man No. 21 snorted coldly.

"Sun Wutian, since you want to be nosy, then I will destroy you together!"

Sun Wutian smiled.

"If I don't save her, you won't destroy me?"

"Of course wipe it out!"

After the evil android No. 21 finished speaking, he immediately rushed towards Sun Wutian.

Soon, the evil artificial man No. 21 came to Sun Wutian, his fists and feet were like light, and he attacked Sun Wutian.

Sun Wutian shook his hands hard and also attacked the evil android No. 21.

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