It's not that Mu Chuan is cold-blooded, but the earth has been riddled with holes for a long time, and the ancient books are useless. On the contrary, if there is a slight mistake, he may be killed.

Even if the earth is cracked and exploded, as long as there are dragon balls, it can be restored!

And restore the lost people at the same time.


The two fought more and more fiercely, and the speed was getting faster and faster, so fast that everyone could not see clearly, and only saw two lights colliding violently.

A golden light, a red light!

"Too strong, too strong!"

"These two guys are simply inhuman!!"

Dr. Gero and Dr. Miao really felt the power, and when they looked around, most of the androids had been destroyed.

But there are still strong ones...

The two took advantage of the fact that no one else was paying attention, and quickly gathered all the androids, all of whom were their team.

At this time, they not only gathered all the androids, but also sorted out the androids that were not destroyed.

Their actions were more obscure.

It was not discovered by others. Everyone's eyes were only on the two extreme lights, and they didn't pay attention to others at all.

This also gave them two opportunities!

"It's time to show the trump card. If we continue to lose like this, our super hell android will not be able to be released!"

Dr. Gro said softly.

Dr. Miao nodded slightly.

Then they saw the two of them began to order the rest of the androids to devour and merge, one after another, and the size of the body did not change.

However, there were very significant changes in appearance, and the face and body had different degrees of changes, but the biggest change was strength.

Every time a android was merged, the combat power doubled!

This is not 1+1=2!

While controlling the fusion of the androids, they paid attention to everything in the sky. After all, if the two monsters paid attention to all their actions, they might fail.

They dared not be careless.


Mu Chuan was bearing the five times Kaio-ken's fighting power, but even so, he was only a little stronger than Frieza.

This kind of power was limited!

This made his body unable to withstand it. The fighting power increased too much, and the adaptability was not that high.


Frieza gradually improved in the battle, and the golden light on his body gradually began to cover him. The more injured he was, the stronger his fighting power became.

And he didn't need to recover...

This terrifying growth rate made Mu Chuan's pupils shrink. He really didn't expect Frieza to be so terrifying.

Originally, he thought it was just like that.

After all, even in the original book, it was just a boss-like existence, not a real big devil!

But now when he personally felt it, he knew how terrifying Frieza was!

"No, if this goes on, my body will not be able to bear it at all. On the contrary, the opponent may use this battle to achieve a complete form!"

Mu Chuan's mind turned rapidly, because his was only a temporary increase, which could not last long, and his fighting power was not as strong as the opponent's.

Even if he has the ultimate talent, his recovery will be improved after a battle, but the improvement is limited!

This is the problem he is worried about!


He can't think of any way to improve. In his cognition, if he wants to improve, he must enter the realm of God.

But the realm of God he knows needs the help of other Saiyans, or he can feel the realm of God.

But no matter which one, for him now, it is invisible and intangible!

He immediately fell into a deadlock.

"I can't care so much. At worst, I can use the other party as a scapegoat. I don't believe he wants to go back to hell again!"

There is no other way, so one life for another!

Mu Chuan's eyes became more determined. He grabbed Frieza's tail with one hand and threw it into the air fiercely, and he followed closely.

One after another, Qigong waves bombarded.

The two fought more and more terrifyingly, and the cracks on the ground became more and more obvious.

Then, the two stood directly in the air.

He even hit the universe and fought in the vacuum of the universe!

There was no sound at all when fighting in the vacuum, and only the extremely bright light was seen, which stunned everyone on Earth.

He was completely dumbfounded!

He directly hit the universe?

Is he really that strong? !

You should know that ordinary people can't breathe in the vacuum of the universe. It is understood that only Frieza can breathe in the vacuum of the universe.


Why can Mu Chuan do it too?

"What?""Saiyans can actually survive in the vacuum of the universe? What's going on?"

Dr. Gero and others who just discovered the matter were extremely shocked at this moment. For them, the universe is a more dangerous place.

For every doctor, all kinds of theoretical knowledge have long been clear in their minds. For most people, the universe is very mysterious and terrifying.

And he knew that Saiyans simply could not exist in the vacuum of the universe. If there were no planets, then the Saiyans' means of fighting would be limited.

But what is the situation now?

This shocked them extremely, and they also felt that their information was a little behind. They didn't even know that Mu Chuan could still fight in the vacuum of the universe.

This made them wake up instantly!

They failed once, and if they failed again, then the problem would be big!

Except for Dr. Gero and Dr. Miao.

The rest of the Saiyans and Hell Warriors were also shocked by what they saw at this time.

Although they are strong in combat, they cannot stay in outer space. This is not because of their strength, but because of their racial characteristics and life level.

I never thought that the two guys would fight in the universe!

Because the battle between Mu Chuan and Frieza was too intense, the battles of the others had already gradually subsided.

They were seriously affected, and there was no point in fighting any more.

Outer space.

The battle between the two became more and more intense, and it was still very terrifying. At their level, every minute and every second would cause very severe damage.

Both of them had different degrees of injuries!

But they exchanged injuries for injuries and lives for lives!

It was so cruel that people looked at it sideways.

King Kai of the North saw this scene very clearly, and his heart was even more entangled. If he continued to fight, it would not only be the earth.

Even the Milky Way would suffer!

Isn't this too exaggerated?

"Is there still a chance?"

"Don't lose!!"

King Kai of the North didn't know what to do. Now in the entire Milky Way, it is estimated that only Mu Chuan can defeat the other party.

On a higher level.

There are also several pairs of eyes watching this battle.

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