"Ahsina's speed has slowed down, and her reaction has become sluggish. She seemed to pause deliberately several times..."

"What's going on?"

"Is the opponent too strong?"

Everyone watched Ahsina's strong performance at the beginning and her frequent mistakes now, which made everyone present feel confused.


When everyone was confused.

Mu Chuan looked ahead expressionlessly and said disdainfully: "Ahsina, be careful of the opponent's arm, he is cheating..."

His voice was not loud, but everyone present heard it clearly. It was true that he did not restrain his voice.

He had known that Frost would use such despicable means, but he did not deliberately remind him. Sometimes only by letting them experience it personally can they remember it.

No matter who you are facing...

Strong or weak, you must be vigilant!

After all, the enemy will not pay attention to any positive means.

Mu Chuan's words made everyone present feel numb, and they felt a little blurry in front of their eyes.

Beerus and Whis also looked over fiercely.


"How did you find out?"

"When the opponent attacked, I had already observed it. After all, every opponent should not be underestimated."

Mu Chuan's reply was also remarkable, and there was no flaw, but Beerus still felt a little doubtful.

Ah Xianna heard the words of her boss, and immediately avoided the opponent's attack intentionally or unintentionally, and did not have any physical contact with the opponent.

Although she still felt a little dazzled at this time, and sometimes she felt that her consciousness was not clear, she knew that it was because of the fight with the opponent that this situation occurred.

It is very likely that the opponent used very shameless means!

"Despicable and shameless person!"

"I didn't expect to meet a guy like you on this kind of ring. It's simply shameful!" Ah Xianna was already extremely angry when she saw the face in front of her, and now the anger was unbearable.

Frost smiled coldly: "What do you know? As long as you can win, who cares what means you use?"

"People will only remember the winner, and the loser will always disappear from everyone's sight. As long as I can win, who will remember how I won? They will only know that the winner is me, Frost!"

His remarks are very extreme, but sometimes it is indeed the case.

And Ahena didn't listen to him at all. At present, in her opinion... this kind of despicable and shameless guy must not be allowed to have an easy time!

Ahena gritted her teeth and burst out again, and her combat power directly broke through 3.5 billion, which was a little stronger than before.

Frost's combat power is only about 2 billion. Even if he is now the strongest form, he is not Frieza after all.

Frieza not only has talent, but also perseverance. From some aspects, he has a unique personal charm and will never do such a despicable thing.

On the contrary.

Frost would do anything to achieve his goal!

"Don't struggle. Although your fighting power is not weak now, the toxins I injected into you will also make you slower and slower."

"If it weren't for you taking the initiative, you would have fallen down long ago with your strength. You should be thankful..."

"Thank goodness you took the initiative!"

Looking at the other person's face, Ahena couldn't hide the disgust on her face. It was because of disgust that she couldn't fall down.

Even though her eyes were blurred...

But as long as she heard that disgusting voice, Ahena's heart was filled with a trace of anger, which seemed to offset all the toxins.

Faster speed!

Whoosh~ Whoosh~

After dodging the opponent's attack twice in a row, he suddenly punched out and hit the opponent.


Frost was shocked.

He had never thought that even after being injected with so many toxins, he could still fight back, and at such a fast speed.

Even he didn't react!

Before he could react, he saw a huge fist covering his eyes, followed by another fierce attack.

Ah Xianna's gnashing voice resounded throughout the ring.

"The despicable guy should go to hell!!"

As soon as she finished speaking, a wave of Qigong fell rapidly like rain. Because his vision was blurred, he had no way to aim.

So he just fired a map cannon...

The whole ring was washed away, and FrostHe couldn't dodge at all, and was hit by many Qigong cannons in succession, and he screamed every time.

Ah Xianna locked his position in an instant, teleported to the other party, raised her hands forward, and a terrifying Qigong wave condensed in her hands.

"Goodbye! Go to hell and repent!"

Before she finished her words, the terrifying shock wave had penetrated Frost's body, and he didn't even have any reaction at all.

The next second.

Frost fell down with a face full of shock, and he couldn't resist, because this scene happened too suddenly. Even the God of Destruction present didn't expect such an ending.

Frost was dead.

Everyone couldn't help but take a breath.

After all, he had just entered a disadvantage, and his movements were slow and sluggish. The game that should have been lost was inexplicably reversed, and the opponent was killed.

This is the first time such a situation has occurred!

Although the first match had already been decided, it was not the case that the opponent was killed directly.

Everyone was stunned...

Because after all, they were just contestants, and the ones who could really speak were the God of Destruction and the Angel.

Everyone looked at Xiangpa with trepidation.

Xiangpa was indeed stunned. He never expected that Frost would die on the spot. He dared not even think about it.

But he did not have any emotions. First of all, Frost used despicable means to win, which itself violated the rules of the fighting competition.

Even contempt for him!

How could he stand up for Frost?

But he had lost two games in a row...

This made him very unhappy.


"Why is this happening? You are such a powerful warrior, but you still lost. If you lose again, there will be no fun."

Pa vented his anger, and it looked like a child who lost.

This scene shocked everyone.

The image of the God of Destruction was like a broken mirror, which made everyone present feel a little weird, and the supreme God of Destruction they imagined was not as majestic as they imagined.

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