The distant frontier of the universe.

On a huge spaceship, a member of the Frozen Demon Clan who looked like Frieza heard the news from his subordinates.

For the first time, a trace of anger appeared on his expressionless face.

This is Cooler!

The genius of the Frozen Demon Clan!

Frieza's brother!

"Good! Very good!"

"Stupid Frieza, you dare to send a message to warn me. In this case, I will kill all your people!"

"I will teach you a lesson in person again, so that you can clearly know that as your brother, you cannot disobey me!"

Cooler was truly oblivious to Frieza's warning. After all, the mecha teams under his command were extremely powerful.

Any one of them was stronger than the captain of the Ginyu Force in Frieza's hands!

Wouldn't it be easy to sweep across?

As for Cooler himself, his strength was even more terrifying, and he had one more transformation than Frieza.

This is simply a crushing victory.

With a clear geographical location and coordinates, Gula directly dispatched the mecha team, and all members went there!

And he set off in the direction of Frieza.

Frieza didn't know that his actions directly attracted Gula, and at the same time he would be greeted with a loving education!


Mu Chuan didn't know the turn of events.

Instead, he kept practicing. As he performed the giant ape transformation countless times a day, he had truly mastered the giant ape transformation.

He could transform in a thought!

At the same time, it would last for a very long time. Even if he was exhausted, his combat effectiveness would not quickly drop to the freezing point.

Of course, his combat effectiveness was also continuously improving.

Not only his combat effectiveness was continuously improving, but the strength of other Saiyans was also improving, but the improvement was relatively slow.

Because of the efforts of this group of Saiyans, two Saiyans have truly mastered the power of the giant ape, but it may be because they are inferior warriors. Even if they have mastered the giant ape transformation, they still appear to be particularly violent after the transformation.

There is a lingering edge of losing control.

But fortunately, they can barely control themselves, but once a very fierce battle is carried out, they may really lose their minds while fighting.

This is indeed unavoidable!

Mu Chuan has no way, this can only rely on them to practice more and get used to it!

On this day, they practiced as usual.

However, at this time, there were three circular spaceships that directly smashed on this desolate planet.

This immediately attracted the attention of all of them!

"This... Is this the spaceship of Frieza's army?"

"No way? How could Frieza come here at this time, and... coming to this desolate planet at this time, then the target is not us?"

This planet is so desolate, if there is a targeted purpose, then it can only be them!

When they were extremely confused.

Mu Chuan came to their side in an instant. Just now, he also felt a strange breath approaching, but because he could not control the breath, he could not make an accurate judgment.

But he felt that the newcomer was quite powerful!

They were all watching the three spaceships from a distance.

A whistle sounded.

The hatch of the spaceship opened.

The first person to come out was an alien wearing a combat suit, all blue, and with yellow hair.

Following closely was an alien in a khaki suit, and then a guy with a green body.

These three people were definitely aliens.

When the other Saiyans saw these three people appear, they immediately felt that if they were not sent by Frieza, then they were related to Frieza!

The combat suits and detectors...

Only Frieza's army had them!

However, Mu Chuan was slightly stunned when he saw these three people appear, because he had recognized these three guys.

Isn't this the mecha team?

Captain Xaviza, team members Nez and Dre.

This is a powerful team in Gura's hands.

Even stronger than the Ginyu Force.

Because the captain of the Ginyu Force, Ginyu, once competed for the captain of the Mecha Team, but because he was defeated by Xaviza, he had to settle for the second best and chose the Frieza Army.

Finally, the Ginyu Force was established!

In the final analysis, the Ginyu Force is actually a level weaker than the Mecha Team.

Seeing the appearance of the Mecha Team, Mu Chuan didn't know why he came to them, but he felt that these guys came just in time!

Just in time to let these Saiyans see blood.

"Mecha Team?"

"It seems that I can't practice with peace of mind anymore,This place has been discovered by Gula. "

Mu Chuan said calmly, and what he said was just to tell the Saiyans present the identity of this group of guys.

When the Saiyans heard the identity of these people, they immediately became alert. After all, that was the ace team in the hands of Frieza's brother!

This must not be underestimated!

What's more, they also knew clearly that Frieza had an ace team in his hands!

That group of guys is very terrifying!

The combat power is the best in the entire Vegeta planet, even King Vegeta is not a match in front of them.

Even if their strength has become very strong at this time, facing such a terrifying existence, they dare not be 100% sure that they can win.

When Shaviza walked down, looking at the group of Saiyans with tails opposite, a disdainful smile appeared on his face.

"You are the ones sent by King Frieza to deal with us, right?"

"I didn't expect King Frieza to be so stupid that he would send such a group of monkeys over, which means he trusts you very much! "

"It's a pity... Although King Frieza is very strong and can be compared with King Cool, he really underestimated me!"

"We are the trump card in King Cool's hand, the Mecha Team!"

As they talked, the three guys began to dance in a weird way, and when they were introduced again, they even posed!

The scene seemed to fall into silence.

But the three members of the Mecha Team didn't think so. Shaviza shook his hair and gently pressed the detector in his hand.


"It's interesting. I didn't expect that you monkeys could have such a high combat power. All of them have reached tens of thousands!"

"It's a pity. If you met other teams, you might have a very strong dominance."

"But you are unlucky to meet us! "

Drey laughed recklessly. It can be said that in the entire mecha team, his fighting power is the most terrifying!

However, he was not the captain, and he did not value the position of captain.

The captain must not only have strong strength, but also have a smart mind. Among the three of them, it is Shaviza who has a certain brain.

As the captain, the candidate is naturally well-deserved.

Facing the unscrupulous ridicule of the mecha team, the Saiyans present frowned, and a burst of anger suddenly gushed out.

Speaking of monkeys all the time, this is simply an insult!

No one can stand it, but before Mu Chuan spoke, they did not act rashly.

Directly ignored the ridicule of the mecha team.

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