Mu Chuan glanced at Dr. Bellabe.

It seems that a lot of things have happened during this period. Logically speaking, scientists like Dr. Bellabe should pay more attention to the research of science and technology.

Rarely pay attention to other things.

Even other doctors, without a common language, will not pay too much attention.

But Dr. Bellabe suddenly asked about Dr. Gro at this time, which must be something that Dr. Gro did to attract his attention.

"Dr. Gro is a rare talent, but he is quite ambitious. It is estimated that he is not so easy to satisfy."

Mu Chuan did not hide it. He made an objective evaluation based on his memory of the original work and his senses after contact with the Grob tribe.

Dr. Bellabe nodded silently.

"Dr. Gro is indeed a talent. His ideas can be described as fantastic and have a lot of reference."

"But he is too ambitious. Maybe one day his ambition will backfire on you."

Dr. Bellabe said this very seriously, without any joking intention.

Mu Chuan looked at him and then smiled.

Let's not talk about what Dr. Gro will do, but Dr. Bellabe's performance is enough for him to be entrusted with an important task, at least he is not an ambitious careerist.

"Why are you laughing? This is a very serious matter." Dr. Bellabe looked puzzled.

Mu Chuan did shake his head: "It's not that I don't take it seriously, but your words let me know that you are a trustworthy person."

"Then I'll be frank, I know Dr. Gro is an ambitious careerist, but I need an ambitious person like him, because only with ambition can we develop more powerful artificial people."

"And whether he will bite back at me, as long as my strength is always stronger than his, then he will not pose any threat to me."

"I have always believed that my progress is greater than anyone else!"

At this moment.

Mu Chuan seemed extremely confident.

In a short period of time, he increased his combat effectiveness to more than 10 billion, this is his confidence!

Moreover, relying on his memory of the original book, he still progresses faster than most people, and his blood also gives him great potential.

This is his confidence!

Suddenly, Dr. Bellabei was stunned.

Logically speaking, he is a very rational person and will not choose to trust others easily, but Mu Chuan's speech and confident performance.

It seems to have convinced him.

Dr. Bellabei was silent for a while, and then said: "It's up to you, after all, you are the real boss!"

"I will do my best to assist you, and I will also keep an eye on Dr. Gro. No matter what you think, I need to fulfill my responsibilities."

"I won't let him do evil. If it will cause harm to the earth, I will definitely be the first to take action, whether you stop it or not."

Although Dr. Bellabei is a kind person, and even his research and development direction is basically auxiliary products, he is not weak!

The various products he developed are also epoch-making, and he does have a certain ability to contain Dr. Gro.

That's why he dared to say this.

Mu Chuan did not refute, but silently informed Dr. Bellabe of the progress of the artificial human that he had learned from Dr. Gero's laboratory.

At the same time, he handed over the artificial human obtained from Dr. Gero to Dr. Bellabe.

Then, Mu Chuan left Dr. Bellabe's laboratory.


With two doctors with different divisions of labor jointly developing, their rear base can be said to be extremely stable. Whether it is logistics or equipment facilities, they are basically at the forefront of the universe.

Moreover, because of the Saiyans.

Popo and the gods have intervened in the development of the earth many times.

So that the martial artists on the earth have made great progress, and their strength has doubled on the original basis.

Although there is a big difference compared with the cosmic people, this is just a beginning, especially the well-known martial artists, one by one, it seems to be enlightened.

Of course, this is not just the intervention of the gods and Popo, there are also some valuable things obtained from the cosmic people.

Otherwise, relying on the gods and Bobo, there is really no way to make the entire earth enter a stage of rapid development.

Their abilities are limited after all.

Facing the changes on the earth, Mu Chuan will not deliberately intervene, especially in his opinion, the stronger the martial artists on the earth become, the stronger Sun Wukong may also become.

Maybe he will take a different path...

He is still looking forward to it.

When Mu Chuan walked out of the laboratory.

Ah XiannaAs well as Popo and others, they have been waiting here for a long time.

Ah Xianna took the lead and said: "Boss, what is your combat power now?"

Mu Chuan wanted to fool around. After all, although he wanted the Saiyans to clearly know the cruelty of the universe, he also didn't want to hit the Saiyans too hard.

If it was not necessary, he would not rashly show his true combat power.

But when he wanted to speak, he saw Ah Xianna's serious expression.

This made him put away his thoughts immediately.

He looked at Ah Xianna formally.

"Really want to know?"

Ahsina nodded: "It has always been you, the boss, who has been carrying everything for us. Whether it was against Frieza or the monster before, you were the first to take action."

"Originally, we should have fought side by side, but I don't know since when, we can't help from the side."

"We are all Saiyans!!"

"Even if you, the boss, have told us the real way to use the power of blood, but we still can't use it because of our talent."

"This is our reason, but we also want to know clearly the gap between us and you!"

"What level do we have to reach to really help you."

For every Saiyan, they are very proud in their hearts, even the lower-level warriors.


Although the time is not long, they have been hit by various experiences one after another, and their combat effectiveness has reached tens of millions.

But when they really face the enemy, they can only shrink behind and have no way to help. This is what they can't stand!

Among them, Ahena has mastered the mimicry of Super Saiyan, but even so, in the contest between Muchuan and Baby.

She felt powerless.

Not to mention assisting from the side, even getting a little closer felt extremely difficult.

This is why Ahena took the lead in making such a request after seeing Muchuan walk out of the laboratory. She wanted to face the oppression of the most powerful fighting force.

Only by facing fear can you oppress your potential!

The Saiyans nodded seriously and agreed with Ahena.

Muchuan looked around and saw everyone's serious expressions. He knew that he couldn't get away with it, so he said helplessly.

"Since you want to feel my true strength, let you face the powerful power of the Super Saiyan!"

"This is the power of the Saiyan!"

(The painter got married, haha~ Because it is a major event in life, it is really too busy, so I stopped updating for a few days. I am very sorry. I will slowly make up for it in the next few days. Thank you for your continued support. Thank you!)

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