Dragon Ball: Escape from Planet Vegeta

Chapter 23 Departure to Planet Aoyun! My era

Time flies.

In the blink of an eye, two days have passed.

It seems very short, but in fact, it is also very long for Talot and Jine, who even did not sleep well in these two days.

In contrast, Salari was resting and was not affected at all.

Yes, after all, she knew nothing and would not have any worries in this regard.

Gathering from home, Talot, Salari and Jine boarded the spaceship with Bardock's farewell.

Because the time point chosen was early in the morning before it was bright, not many people noticed it.

"Remember! Unless I contact you actively, never answer!"

This was Bardock's last request, letting Talot and the other two know that even if they left Planet Vegeta, it did not mean absolute safety.

Saying goodbye to Bardock for the last time, Talot did not tell Bardock about his plan.

Since this choice has been made, there can be no hesitation to avoid any accidents. First, take Salari and Jine to get rid of the threats here, and then consider other things.

The spaceship broke through the air and left Planet Vegeta and entered the universe. For Talot, his time has finally come.

He can no longer be threatened or suppressed, and no longer need to hide himself, thereby suppressing his strength and being afraid all the time.

In a simple sentence: The sky is high and the birds fly freely, and the sea is wide and the fish jump freely!

From now on, he can do whatever he wants. The most important thing is that after leaving Planet Vegeta, he has no less than ten ways to make himself stronger.

Of course, for now, he will not tell Jine and Salari.

First of all, Planet Vegeta has not been destroyed by Frieza now. When that day comes, it will be the time for a real showdown.

Standing up from the driver's seat, Talot stretched his waist and looked very tired.

I have to say that he was very nervous before leaving, fearing that something would go wrong at the critical moment.

Now at least he has left safely, so the tense spirit of the past few days has also relaxed.

Of course, it is too early to say that it is really safe now, so he can't rest yet.

Looking back at the huge Vegeta planet from the universe, this scene is not comparable to watching cartoons and reading comics in the previous life, even the scenes created in science fiction movies are far from comparable.

"I haven't been out of Vegeta planet for seven or eight years, and it's still as beautiful as ever." After not seeing such a scene for many years and not entering the universe for many years, Jinai's originally calm heart suddenly felt uneasy.

So much so that when she said the word beautiful at the end, there was a clear tremor in her voice, trying to hide her emotional fluctuations.

Maybe Jinai really hasn't been in space travel for too long. After getting used to the peaceful and comfortable life, she suddenly has to drift in the universe again, and she doesn't have that down-to-earth feeling.

In fact, no one knows, only Jinai herself knows that it's not just because of this reason that makes her feel empty in her heart.

But it seems that there is an inexplicable feeling in her heart.

It makes her feel that the farewell to Bardock just now will be the last time they meet.

"Aunt Jine can completely regard this mission as a space trip. You have worked hard for so many years. Just take it as a holiday for yourself." Talot changed the subject and joked.

Since he came to this world, as far as he knew, Jine seemed to be doing only logistics work, which was very simple, but in fact she was always very busy.

Every day, she had to share the tasks and take care of them.

To put it simply, it was a year-round work.

Maybe this is normal for Saiyans, but in fact, such a life will have a great negative psychology for intelligent life.

After listening to Talot's words, Jine smiled: "Then Aunt Jine is lucky to have you, little Talot. I hope that the data on the Aoyun planet is consistent with the information. It is also a very beautiful planet."

"The more beautiful the planet is, the more likely it will be invaded by outsiders!" Talot couldn't help saying.

The Aoyun planet that was invaded this time is more than twice as large as the Vegeta planet, but the gravity of the planet is almost the same as that of the Vegeta planet.

The natives above have not developed technological civilization, but under the survival pressure of primitive civilization, they have very strong combat power.

In simple terms, without the support of technology, everything has to be done with the help of their own physical strength, so in order to survive and reproduce, the people of Aoyun are not only huge in size, but also have an average combat power of between 100 and 300 points.

Besides, other life forms on the planet Aoyun are also extremely large species.

When he first learned about the situation of the planet Aoyun, Talot's first thought was to judge based on his previous life cognition that this planet was in the prehistoric era, or even older than the prehistoric era, so the planet itself can breed many huge species.

It's like the Earth in Talot's previous life, which had an era dominated by huge creatures, such as dinosaurs.

Of course, dinosaurs are very common in this world.

Not to mention that there are on Earth, there are also on Planet Vegeta.

It's just that the Saiyans call them Devil Beasts and regard them as food.

"Brother Talot, how long will it take us to travel in space to reach the planet Aoyun?" Salari spoke at this time.

Before, she was attracted by the beauty of Planet Vegeta.

Now that Planet Vegeta has also become a star, where can we still see it?

Space travel is actually boring, that is, there will be a sense of anticipation and freshness at the beginning.

"According to the speed of a medium-sized spaceship, it will arrive in about two months." After answering Salari's words, Talot returned to the operating table.

Skillfully operating the spaceship, the holographic projection displays all the data in front of him.

Planet Aoyun is not far from Planet Vegeta.

Of course, this not far is when there is a spaceship with this technology as a means of transportation.

However, compared with Planet Lamp, which Raditz and others need to invade, the distance is indeed twice as far.

So Talot's idea is that maybe when they arrive at Planet Aoyun, Vegeta, Raditz and others will have completed their invasion mission.

Combined with the plot of the original work, the completion of their invasion mission means that Planet Vegeta was destroyed by Frieza and was faked as a planet being hit and exploded by a huge meteorite.

[I just don't know if the plot will be different? After all, the things that happened in the two timelines are completely mixed together... Forget it! Why think so much? Now I am no longer bound by anything! Once the overdrive mode is turned on, the monitoring modules will be destroyed in a few days. The spacecraft system also needs to be flashed to completely cut off the communication function...]

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