Dragon Ball: Escape from Planet Vegeta

Chapter 51 Gravity Training Room

Tallot, Ji Nei, and Salari didn't speak any more.

The existence of the Dragon Balls and Shenlong's ability to make wishes made them all think carefully.

Of course, even if he knew that the Dragon Balls were special and precious, he would not snatch them away.

The main reason is that Talot has had such a great impact on them.

Unknowingly, both Ji Nei and Salari became the kind of people who would not argue with others casually, let alone fight for other people's property at every turn.

A long time passed.

At this moment, a voice sounded, attracting the attention of the three people again.

There is no doubt that the person coming is Brive.

Tallot recognized him at a glance. Although he was much younger than during the original plot, his appearance and clothing were almost exactly the same.

"Are you the guests that my daughter said? I heard that you need my help in making something special." Briev walked in, followed by Tais naturally.

The two people continued to look at the Talot trio. Because of their daughter's reminder, Briv knew that the boy was the one who came to him for help.

"Hello, Dr. Brive! I heard that you are the creator of the universal capsule and the most talented scientist on the planet today, so I would like to ask you to help me create something." When greeting each other face to face, Tallot showed a very close attitude. people.

The so-called "wearing everything but flattering" may not mean much to Brive, but almost everyone in this world likes to hear good things.

"There are many famous scientists on earth. I'm just outstanding in some aspects." Briev answered tactfully.

Then I saw him sitting down, and Taiz also sat on the sofa, and proactively asked: "Dad is here now, so if you want any help, just ask."

With the intervention of her words, Tallot started to speak smoothly: "In that case, I won't waste time dilly-dallying. In fact, I need Dr. Breve to help me create a device that can control gravity. ”

"A device to control gravity?" Briev and Taisi were stunned at the same time, surprised.

"It may be difficult for you to understand what I say. Then let's put it another way. I hope you can help me create a room that can control the size of gravity and has a huge space!" Talot said.

Hearing this, Briv and Tais were stunned.

"I'm curious, what do you need a room like this for?" Briev couldn't help but light a cigarette for himself.

Maybe you have this habit when you use your brain.

At the same time, Ji Nei and Salari became curious. They didn't know what Talot was going to do.

Faced with the inquiry, Talot did not hide anything and said directly: "Practice!"

"Practice? So you are a martial artist?" Taisi asked in surprise.

Tallot knew what the martial artist meant, and even though Ji Nei and Salari were present at this time, he did not hesitate and replied: "You can put it this way, in short, you need gravity to cooperate with practice to make yourself stronger. "

Taisi was even more surprised when she heard this.

Although she is not very proficient in this aspect, she also knows that relying on gravity to practice is simply crazy.

The most important thing is that Talot is obviously much smaller than her.

"Although I am surprised by your mind, I still have to tell you that controlling gravity is no joke. I think you are only eleven or twelve years old at most. At such a young age, you may withstand stress several times greater than that of the earth. Gravity will put your life in danger," Brive said.

His reminder is for ordinary people.

"You can rest assured that my strength is far beyond your imagination. For example..." As he said that, Talot walked to the side and directly reached out to grab the seemingly heavy giant tea table. He raised his hand and raised it parallel to his head.

Proving his strength shocked Briev and Taïs.

Tallot didn't pause, and while putting down the heavy tea table, he continued: "If I don't have enough confidence, I won't do anything! Moreover, we have survived in places with a gravity exceeding ten times that of the earth, so even if we breathe It can withstand dozens of times the Earth’s gravity! So, as the Earth’s leading scientist, you should be able to create it, right?”

Hearing Talot's words, Briff was shocked. After thinking for a moment, he put out the cigarette butt in his hand: "It's okay to create it, but you can't control it casually and unlimitedly. Even if you create it, you can't control it without any restrictions." The controllable range of such a room is not very large. In addition, the cost is not low. "

"Money doesn't matter. For the time being, a hundred times the Earth's gravity is enough." Talot didn't care.

"I'm not talking about money. Some materials and things are difficult to obtain, so even if it can be made, it will take a long time. Do you have to wait?" Briff replied.

Also, what is money or not is just a number to him.

"You can tell me what materials you need. As long as they are available on earth, I can get them. Even if they are things from outside the earth, I can do it." Talot did not hesitate.

Although he didn't make it too clear, he still expressed his decision.

The gravity training room is too important. If you cannot master the artifacts in the early stage, you will have a treasure mountain without digging.

Seemingly shaken by Talot's sincerity, Brief raised his hand and pinched his chin, thinking for a long time, and then said: "Let me study it for a while before I can draw a conclusion. It just so happens that I also want to try to explore and discover new fields. This time should not be too long. Ten days or half a month will give you an accurate answer."

"Okay!" Talot smiled and nodded.

Just like that, this matter was settled.

Tais, Jine, and Salari on the side were still in a state of confusion.

I just felt a cloud of fog.

Time, nearly an hour passed in a flash.

Chatting, plus some discussions on concepts.

Although Talot didn't understand anything, as a time traveler, all kinds of bold guesses and many things he knew in his past and present lives gave Brief a lot of inspiration.

In short, in such a short time, the two established a good relationship.


Before leaving, Brief kindly invited Talot and the other two to stay for dinner.

"No, we have something else to do. We'll come back to bother you in a few days. Maybe we'll have to stay here for a while." Talot didn't accept it.

After almost two days, they not only eased their emotions, but also indirectly finished some things. Next time, they would go back to the Temple of the Gods.

Before leaving, Talot took out a transparent crystal stone that was shining with blue light and gave it to Brief.

Brief's eyes were immediately attracted by the blue crystal stone.

Although he didn't do much research on minerals such as crystal stones, his years of experience told him that this blue crystal stone didn't seem to be a known crystal stone.

"This is a small gift. Next time we meet, I'll give you a big gift. I may need your help then."

After leaving Brief's house, Talot took Jine and Salari to fly away.

Brief and Tais were shocked again that Talot and the other two could fly.

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