The next morning, the old man who was sitting on the bed recovering from his injuries heard a series of "bang! bang!" banging sounds on the door.

"Who is it? Do you have any sense of public morality? You're going to pay for it if it's broken?!" The interrupted old man got out of bed angrily, and cursed without even looking at who it was.

As a result, when he opened the door, he saw Shengze wearing a training suit, and his hands were still banging on the door.

"Smelly boy, why are you banging on my door so early in the morning instead of practicing?

Are you going to introduce me to a partner? Hehe" The old man who was angry just now suddenly laughed evilly.

"Introduce your uncle!" Shengze slapped the old man's bald head.

"Hey, you little brat, you dare to hit me? Today I will teach you what it means to respect teachers!" The old man rubbed his head, rolled up his sleeves and pretended to fight with Sheng Ze.

"Okay, put away your magical powers. I'm not here to fight with you today"

"What do you do?" The old man looked at Sheng Ze in confusion, and suddenly thought of something and quickly stepped back, crossing his arms, "Old man, I don't sell myself!"

"I say, old man, can you put some normal things in your head at your age?" Sheng Ze was completely speechless to the old man in front of him.

"Then tell me what you want to do?"

"I remembered a good place and I'm going to take you there"

"Good place?" The old man's eyes turned around, "What are you waiting for? Let's go!" As he said that, he pushed Sheng Ze to signal him to leave quickly.

"Why didn't you say it earlier? If you go too late and it's gone, it will be a big loss," the old man whispered.

"What are you mumbling about, old man?"

"Nothing, nothing, let's go, time waits for no one!"


"Where the hell are you coming from? Is this still China?" The old man was dumbfounded as he looked at the vast expanse of whiteness around him, with nothing but nothing.

"No, this is the Spirit Time House, um... an independent space"

"Is this the good place you mentioned?"

"Well, the flow of time here is not synchronized with the outside world. One day in the outside world equals three months here. But the disadvantage is that you can only stay for a maximum of three months at a time, and a person can only come in three times in his lifetime."

"It's really a good place," the old man exclaimed after listening to Sheng Ze's narration.

"This is my second time here. The first time, I broke through to Super Saiyan 2 with my son. This time, I plan to break through to Super Saiyan 3 here."

"Oh... What? You have a son?! And he can become Super Saiyan 2?!!"

"Tsk, what a fuss. I tell you, my son is stronger than me, and his talent is even more terrifying!"

"Then why don't you bring him here to practice? This way, we will have a better chance of winning in the future war."

"Because this time is different from the past, it's too dangerous, not to mention that he is so young, I can't let him take this risk."

"I understand, this is the responsibility and responsibility of being a father!"

"That's right. By the way, old man."


"I suddenly remembered a question. Since you can travel back through time, why don't you travel to an earlier time? Wouldn't there be enough time?"

"Do you think this is a joke? Time itself is dangerous, and traveling through time is a taboo."

"Of course I know this is not a joke. What I mean is that since you have decided to travel through time, why not go to an earlier time?"

"Because being able to travel back three years ago is already the limit"

"I have another question"

"You said"

"Even if we win in the end, only a new timeline will be created, and your original future world will not change! In this case, why do we have to go to so much trouble to send you back?"

"Under normal circumstances, this is true, but now, all timelines have been disrupted and destroyed, which means that no matter what we do, there is only one timeline. For example, a tree branch will have many branches, but when the main branch is damaged, the remaining branches will be destroyed so that there are more nutrients to repair the main branch. Until the main branch is repaired, other branches will be extended again"

"Is this also man-made?"

"No, this is the common will of multiple parallel universes. Even my ability to return here is partly due to them. All of this is to maintain the original balance between them."

"But didn't you fail in that war?"

"Who told you that we failed?"

"Ah?" Sheng Ze became more and more confused.


The war almost destroyed the entire future world. Fortunately, at the critical moment, multiple parallel universes merged into one, and the timeline was severely damaged, destroying the section that included the entire war. Everyone returned to the eve of the war, and time was frozen.

What we have to do is to become stronger, welcome the war again, and then win the victory to separate all parallel universes and restore the balance between them. "

"Why can we go back to the past if time is frozen?"

"The real strong can go back to the past even if time is frozen, but they need to pay some price and cannot overly affect the lives of people in the past."

"No wonder, no wonder they didn't kill me the first time they came back. It turns out that it's not just because they said they didn't want to kill me, but more because they couldn't kill me." Sheng Ze thought of this and suddenly realized it.

"But your return has already had a serious impact?"

"I said, part of the reason is the will of the universe. Do you understand? ”

“I understand a little bit”


“Alright, most of it is useless, because the most important thing right now is to improve our strength and prevent the tragedy from happening again”

“I understand, old man. Since the mysterious man said that I am the only one who can prevent the disaster from happening, then I must stop him and protect the people I love and the things I care about!”

“Very good! I am very satisfied that you have such awareness. Next, I will tell you how to transform into Super Saiyan 3”

“Oh? Tell me quickly!”

“Super Saiyans transform because of extreme anger, and this kind of anger can even transform into Super Saiyan 2, and the combat power is also twice that of Super Saiyan 1; but Super Saiyan 3 does not need anger, but happiness”


“That’s right. Using happiness as a medium and releasing a lot of energy from the body at the same time, you can reach Super Saiyan 3.

However, although the combat power of Super Saiyan 3 is four times that of Super Saiyan 2, its consumption is also extremely huge. "

Sheng Ze knew the latter point. He thought that since he knew the transformation method, he would not be far from successfully transforming, after all, he had already reached the full power of Super Saiyan 2.

"I know. Old man, just keep an eye on me! I am the chosen one! And the only one!"

In the following days, Sheng Ze continued to practice hard and find the true happiness in his heart.

The old man recovered from his injuries in the house. During this period, whenever he fell asleep late at night, he always dreamed of Xiaozhe dying in front of him, which made the old man miserable. At the same time, it also made the old man feel that the power of the giant ape in his body was becoming more and more violent, but he could not guide it out, which made the old man puzzled.

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