The clear waters of the lake float gently in the breeze.


Schools of fish are merrily spitting bubbles underwater.

The sun completely set, the sky gradually shrouded in darkness, and countless mischievous stars twinkled and played hide-and-seek.

Along the way, Rowe didn't find anyone to stay overnight.

In the end, the RV was only able to park by a lake.

Cosy and bright in a motorhome.

The clashing of chopsticks and bowls makes a crisp sound, and the table full of dishes feels like a war.

"Ah! Full, full!

On the sofa, Luo Wei puffed out his belly that had been stretched out for a circle, as if he was half lying down like an uncle, and patted his stomach with a look of unfinished thought, as if he was still recalling the deliciousness of the meal just now.

The first day of crossing, except for a meal at the tavern owner in the morning.

Until the evening, for seven or eight hours, Rowe had been driving and not entering.

"Lanqi, the food you made is so delicious!"

Facing Lan Qi, who was cleaning up the dishes, he gave a thumbs up to praise.

"No, it's just some simple home-cooked food!"

On the way, the two had already known each other's names, and Rowe had also extended an invitation to Lanqi.

Invite her to go to Bun Mountain with herself.

And Lan Qi, who has nowhere to go at this time.

In order to repay his life-saving grace, he agreed without hesitation.

Responsible for taking care of Rowe's diet.

Lan Qi's movements are fast and skillful.

Pleasant ballads are sung softly in his mouth, and his graceful figure seems to dance softly among flowers.

In just ten minutes, she had everything in order.

With a quiet smile on his face, he took off the apron that wrapped around his body and stretched out a long stretch.

The palm-sized suspender on the upper body is lifted upwards, revealing a smooth abdomen.


This beautiful scenery made Luo Wei, who was lying on the sofa, couldn't help but blush and cough a few times, and at the same time silently sat up.

"Huh? What's wrong, Avi? "


Hearing Luo Wei cough, Lan Qi quickly touched his forehead and asked with a concerned look.

The innocent aqua-blue eyes were like a clear spring, making him unable to give birth to a trace of evil heart.

"It's okay, it's okay!"

Hurriedly waved his hand to hide his embarrassment.

"By the way, it's not early, there is a bathroom in the RV, go wash it!"

"I'll go to the lake first to fetch water, and at the same time practice martial arts, you can wash slowly."

Saying that, Rowe stood up sharply.

Stepped over the table and lifted the two buckets in the corner and flushed out.





After running nearly 100 meters in one breath, Luo Wei was completely relieved.

"Really, why can't you control your eyes!"

He patted himself on the head and took a picture of himself from the beautiful scenery just now.

Rowe really can't be blamed for this!

He was just relaxing on the couch, who knew Lan Qi would suddenly stretch?

And there are so few on the body, the clothes are not even as big as their own slap.

Looking from below......


Thinking of this, Luo Wei suddenly couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

Contribute to global warming!

"No, no, can't think anymore, calm down!"

Take a few deep breaths and try to calm your mind.

"Girls should take a bath slowly, wait outside for half an hour before going back!"

"Just take advantage of this time to master the Hungry Wolf's Flowing Water Rock Crushing Fist!"

At most, you will be able to reach Bun Mountain at noon tomorrow and meet the protagonist of Dragon Ball, Sun Wukong!

According to the instinct of the Monkey King as a Saiyan, the characteristics of the battle freak.

In order to get the relic he inherited from his grandfather Sun Gohan, the four planets, tomorrow must be a big war!

Of course, this is not to say that Luo Wei wants to snatch the Dragon Balls from Sun Wukong's hands.

You must know that the power of the hungry wolf inherited by Luo Wei, although he is known as a hero hunter, but also has his own standard of conduct!

Let him ignore the indiscriminate door-to-door robbery, at this time, a relic of Grandpa Sun Wukong, who has a naked heart, how is this possible?

A big war only because of Monkey King as a favorite character of his childhood.

For a long time, Luo Wei has dreamed in his heart that one day he can fight a fist-to-flesh battle with Sun Wukong!

Now that there is a real opportunity, how can you make Rowe not excited?

As for the four planets?

It's better to take Sun Wukong on the road with you just like the original!

Slowly walking into the lake, the cool water flooded Rowe's calf.

[Name]: Luo Wei

[Gender]: Male

[Age]: 17 years old

[Template 1]: Hero Hunter - Hungry Wolf (first appearance)

[Combat power]: 29 points

[Skill]: Flowing Water Rock Broken Fist [Flowing Water Rock Broken Fist

] It is a martial art created by the third hero of the S-class in the One-Punch Man world, Silver Fangs Bungu.

Pay attention to dissolving and resisting the enemy's attack like gurgling water, and then surging like a waterfall to deliver a fatal blow!

"Flowing water array!"

Reach your palms into the water, your wrists gently turn like waves, and the calm lake seems to set off a raging wave.

"As we all know,

water has no shape!"

Placed in a cup is the shape of a water cup.

Put it in the box is what the box looks like

, etc....

But in Rowe's hands, the water is like a sticky ball of dough.

With the continuous wave of the palm, the water converges.

A round ball of water appeared in Rowe's palms.

Gently lifted upwards, the water balloon seems to break through the limits of gravity and break away from the surface of the lake.

He was firmly grasped between his palms.


the water balloon, turbulent.

Like a typhoon, a turbulent whirlpool appears, and the strong adsorption force closes the water balloon, keeping it spherical.


With a soft drink, he pushed his palms forward.

The water ball whizzed away from Rowe's palm.


In the next instant, the fixed balance is disrupted.

The smooth spherical surface showed turbulence, protruding countless sharp bumps like mace.

"Instantaneous Skill!"

Blue light flashed in the dark eyes.

With a gentle tap of the toes, the water surface with weak support seems to condense and press down slightly.

There was a force on Luo Wei's body, causing his body to rush out in an instant, like a cluster of arrows.

In the blink of an eye, he came to the side of the water balloon.

Five fingers together, like a hooked crane's beak.

"Tooth Finger !!"

With a bang, it exploded into a cloud of water mist.

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